Chapter 88: Jose Porla.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 88: Jose Porla.

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Remember, the higher we rank in the top 3, the more chaps you next week. With Love Corn.


[Adam C. POV]

I had gotten a call from Laxus telling me the Guild was under attack, facing Phantom Lord.

It seemed I had miscalculated how far in the timeline I was, by a few months give it or take, not that it mattered anyways.

"You seem pretty calm, all things considered..." Mavis commented, studying my expression.

I shrugged nonchalantly, blurring out of sight with each step I took, making haste toward Magnolia. "You know better than I do, that the guild won't fall to this, so there isn't much to worry about."

It wasn't like I didn't care. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

I did.

I was actually... angry, surprisingly, even though I already knew this would happen, but while I was angry, I wasn't worried, I knew my family had the power to fight back.

Mavis let out a soft chuckle, her eyes scanning the horizon. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she nodded in agreement. "No matter what, Fairy Tail will always find its way to prevail."


That being said, Phantom Lord would pay dearly for their mistake, canon or not, there was a price to pay for baring their fangs at my family.

An eye for an eye.


[Third Person POV.]

[Magnolia Town.]

In the streets of Magnolia, the setting was as chaotic as a battlefield could possibly be. The Fairy Tail Guild was under heavy assault from another guild, Phantom Lord.

"I'm fine," Erza nodded a smile on her face, her eyes never leaving mine.

I smiled back, turning my attention back to Jose. "Oh, Jose, Jose, Jose. Have you considered a change of scene, I don't know... A career in children's party entertainment perhaps? Your shadow puppet show would be a hit."

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, child," Jose's face contorted with rage, as he glared at me.

"Oh, I know exactly who I'm dealing with," I replied, unsheathing my sword. "A washed-up old man who can't keep up with the times."

Jose growled, his body starting to emit a dark aura. "It seems that old bastard didn't teach any of his mutts how to behave in the face of his superior, no matter, you'll pay for your insolence!"

"Erza, I'll deal with him, I leave the rest to you guys," I gave Erza a curt nod and then disappeared in an instant, slamming my hand against Porla's face, dragging him outside the town before he could fully react.

"Did... did you just... Slapped me?!" Jose Porla shouted, his face twisted with anger as blood dripped down his nose.

I replied, twirling my sword around. "Someone had to."

"Very well, child, if you wish to suffer so badly at my hands, I will oblige," Jose snarled before he was engulfed in a dark sinister aura, growing larger and more imposing.

"So, who's first?" I asked, glancing behind me, sensing someone trying to sneak on me.


As if answering my question, the one that had been sneaking up behind me revealed himself, before immediately placing his hands forward, enveloping me in a vacuum, which from what I could feel, was meant to completely drain my Magic from me in an instant, or, in other words, makes me "void".

However, unbeknownst to Aria, his little spell hadn't worked.

Perhaps it had been a bit... irresponsible to test Dispel against his spell, but it wasn't like he could actually drain my magic, seeing mine operated much differently than others.

"It is done, Master Jose," Aria announced, bowing to Jose with a smirk on his face.

"Ah, a volunteer," I said, my lips curved up in a smile as I moved my right hand quickly towards Aria, grabbing him by the neck before he had a chance to react. "Aria, master of air, was it? Blowing hot air doesn't make you powerful, it just makes you... well, full of it."

At this, Aria tried to turn invisible, summoning multiple vacuums of air around me in order to create multiple explosions.

"Ah, the power of invisibility, how delightful. It must be comforting to know that when you inevitably fail, no one will see it happen," I said, before slamming Aria into the ground with enough force to create a small earthquake, knocking the air mage out.

"Not bad," Jose clapped slowly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I hope you don't think that by defeating Aria you stand a chance against me."

"Tell me, how does it feel to be the master of a second-rate guild? In fact, do you guys have a motto? 'Always the runner-up, never the winner' perhaps?" I chuckled, cracking my neck from side to side. "Always trying to make a name for yourselves, always coming second. I have to say, I do admire your spirit, you guys just don't know when to quit. But don't worry, your prayers have been answered old man, when I'm finished, you'll all be famous as the guild that couldn't stand against me."

Time to test the fruits of my training, and what better target to do so than one of the Wizard Saints?