Chapter 89: Cutting The Darkness.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 89: Cutting The Darkness.

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Remember, the higher we rank in the top 3, the more chaps you next week. With Love Corn.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Adam Vs Jose Porla.]

Without a word, the battle between the two began, the raw power of Jose Porla's rippling across the desolate landscape as Adam released his Shikai, the very fabric of space distorting around its blade as he did so.

Jose studied the warrior, his dark eyes flickering with an inscrutable interest. "So that's your magic, impressive," he sneered, a grin cutting across his face. "Alas, I've defeated countless swordsmen, and sadly for you. You won't be any different."

Adam merely inclined his head, his gaze calm, but stern. His grip tightened around his Zanpakuto, a subtle shift in the air signaling the activation of his power. "Do your best, or should I say do your worst? I'll be honest, I can't tell the difference between them in this situation."

Having had enough of Adam, Jose roared, conjuring a multitude of ghostly apparitions, each one pulsating with a dark sinister energy. "Phantom Explosion!" He commanded, sending the phantoms charging toward Adam.

However, just as the phantoms were about to reach Adam, he moved his blade, manipulating the space around him, teleporting in a blink of an eye.

The phantoms passed through the spot he had just vacated, colliding with nothing but thin air, giving birth to a massive explosion, as Adam appeared behind Jose, swinging his Zanpakuto down at him, releasing a crescent arc of translucent energy that tore its way through space towards the Wizard Saint.

Shocked, Jose was forced to defend, conjuring a barrier of dark phantoms to absorb the blow. The collision between the two shattered the space around them, the impact echoing like thunder.

"It seems the little mutt has a few tricks up his paw," Jose snarled as he staggered back, his barrier barely holding after the attack.

"Is that the best you've got, Jose? I've had more painful paper cuts. Come on, show me the real 'darkness'," Adam replied, taunting him with a smirk.

Jose's eyes narrowed at the insult. "You'll regret that," he hissed, summoning a swarm of shadowy tendrils that whipped through the air, each one seeking out its target.

Adam, however, was already on the move, dodging and weaving through the tendrils, as if he was merely going through the motions. It almost seemed as if... he was not using his full power.

"It seems you throw attacks like you lead your guild, ineffectively and without any real impact," Adam taunted once again, before blurring out of sight, landing a hit on Jose's chest with enough force to push the wizard into the ground gasping for air.

Wasting no time, Jose jumped to his feet, glaring at Adam who simply remained floating high above the old wizard, smiling at him.

"You might make this interesting if you take me seriously, you know? I mean, you can't possibly be this weak," Adam mocked, twirling his blade playfully.

"You want to see my full power? Very well, mutt!" With a growl, Jose raised his arms, calling forth a torrent of dark energy from the depths of his being, causing the skies to darken and the very earth to shake. "Darkness Awakens!" Jose shouted, unleashing a powerful blast of dark energy.

Adam regarded Jose with a measured expression, assessing the damage he had inflicted upon his opponent. "It seems like I won."

"Please... have mercy..." Jose begged, his voice hoarse and barely audible.

"Phantom Lord, you pride yourselves on your strength and ruthlessness. But when faced with a real challenge, you fold quicker than a cheap suit," Adam sighed, shaking his head. "I guess not all Wizard Saints are made the same."

"I won't attack anyone, this war is over, I promise..." Jose pleaded, his face twisted in agony.

Seeing no point in continuing the fight, as there was no fun in kicking an already defeated man, Adam lowered his Zanpakuto, returning his blade to its sealed state. "Sure," he said, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Keep in mind though, if I ever see you again, I will kill you."

Having said that, Adam turned around and started to walk away.

Leaving Jose on the ground, his body battered and his magic drained, watching how he walked away in silence, seeing this a rush of fury and humiliation washed over him.

He was the master of the strongest guild, one of the wizard saints! He refused to be defeated, refused to be pitied, especially by a child!

With a sudden burst of energy, Jose forced himself to his feet, his magic flaring up as he conjured a dark spectral phantom, and with a roar, he launched it towards Adam's seemingly unsuspecting back. "Phantom Spear!"

"God, so fucking predictable it borders on the cliche," Adam sighed.

But just as the phantom was about to reach Adam, a powerful figure appeared between them. Makarov Dreyar, the guild master of Fairy Tail, stepped in, his immense magical power forming a barrier that repelled Jose's attack.

"Good to see you old man," Adam said, not turning around. After all, he had sensed the guild master's arrival before anyone else.

"Enough, Jose," Makarov spoke sternly, his gaze fixed on the Phantom Lord master. "You've lost. Accept your defeat."

Jose looked at Makarov, then at Adam, his body trembling with exhaustion and frustration. His magic was nearly depleted, and he knew he stood no chance against either of them.

So, with a bitter snarl, he let his magic die down, his power dissipating in the air.

"You know I didn't need help, right?" Adam asked, tilting his head with a smile.

"I know, but if I hadn't intervened you would've killed him," Makarov said, gazing at my blade. "And as much as he deserves it, killing a Wizard Saint could have the council on your back, also, what kind of way is that to greet your old man, huh?!"

Adam chuckled, sheathing his sword. "Fair enough. Thanks for the 'save', pops."

Makarov smiled, his wrinkles deepening. "Anytime, brat. But let's not waste any more time here. We have a guild to rebuild, and more importantly, we have a celebration to throw! We fucking won!"

Adam gasped. "Language."

"Ah, you're an adult now, deal with it," Makarov waved at him dismissively.