Chapter 129: Quick End.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 129: Quick End.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

If we reach top 3 I'll post another chapter.


[Adam C. POV]

"His curse has blinded you long enough, master, so let me be your eyes..."

As those words left my familiar, I felt a sudden change in his energy, his energy colliding with mine in a chaotic display, and then... nothing, nothing but the darkness itself embracing me, giving me sight.

It was strange.

One moment, I was blind to what was happening, and the next, I could see it all, from thousands of perspectives.

That's the only way I could describe what I had felt the moment my familiar arrived. Memories I didn't recall having, now felt as if they had always been there.

Yet, despite this new feeling of understanding, I still felt... incomplete, at least in a sense.

My memories felt as if they were constantly changing, and vanishing, only for a backup to stop me from forgetting, it was an odd sensation.

"Forget ME!"

I blinked, with my only working eye at the moment, staring at the pale man, who now simply had a frightened expression on his face.

He was afraid of me. The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.


He was afraid of the change in me.

"Stay aWay!"

He took a step back, his knife trembling in his hands as he tried to will himself to take another step, then another, only for his feet to remain rooted in the same spot.

The darkness of my familiar that had enveloped me moments earlier had been replaced with an almost ethereal light, one that seemed to vibrate with my own power.

I wasn't any stronger than I was before.

I was simply... unaffected by his ability now, at least to a degree and that was more than enough.

My smile widened, as I tilted my head to the side, feeling the warmth of my blood draining down my face from the eye he had stabbed with a piece of glass.

"Leave me ALONE!" The pale man screeched, stumbling back.

I snorted, "Fuck off," and with a single flash step, viciously pulled my blade across his neck in a single movement. Then, as I sheathed my blade behind him, there was an echoing thud as his head rolled off his shoulders and tumbled to the ground, leaving behind a fountain of blood that spilled from his corpse.

"Good riddance," I sighed, wondering how I would explain my injuries to Cana, it would take me... weeks, maybe more to heal my eye back.

Suddenly, a guttural, cacophonous voice echoed throughout the area, bouncing off the trees, a voice that was both simultaneously a whisper and a deafening roar.

"His death...was too...quick."

Hm, that might actually be of help.

"Sure, knock yourself out," I nodded.

As I settled onto a stool my familiar pushed close to me, Lilia went to the back of her medical supplies and returned with a tray full of various stuff.

As she walked towards me, the smell of antiseptic and lavender began to fill the air.

"Let's see what we're dealing with here," Lilia said in a fully focused tone, though despite that, I could still detect a hint of concern.

Nodding, I removed my clothes down to my underwear, revealing the cuts and stab wounds that littered my arms, legs, and torso.

Lilia gasped. "How in the world are you so calm with wounds like these?"

I shrugged. "You know better than most that I've had worse."

I wasn't exaggerating.

I had been in my fair share of fights and scraps, but so far, nothing I couldn't handle. These wounds were painful, sure, but they didn't bother as much as others might imagine.

Lilia, however, despite having seen me in worse states, looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

She carefully began cleaning the wounds with a wet cloth, and every now and then, I'd catch her shaking her head or muttering under her breath. I tried to make light of the situation to ease her concern.

"Remember Deliora?" I asked with a chuckle.

"How could I not?" Lilia replied with a dejected tone, as she continued with her work.

I sighed.

"It will take a hell of a lot more than this to take me down, Lilia," I said, winking at her with my eye.

"Don't do that," Lilia muttered.

"Do what?" I replied, with a hint of a frown.

"Pretend this is okay," Lilia said, as she placed a bandage on one of my cuts. "Because it's not, no matter how strong you are, it's not. It will never be."

"I understand your concern, but it's honestly not a big deal," I said, trying to soothe her worries.

"It is a big deal!" Lilia exclaimed, her eyes flashing with anger. "You can't be this damn casual and calm about getting stabbed and having your blood all over the place! You're missing an eye!"

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

"You're too calm about this whole situation, and that scares me. Why? Why are you so calm?" Lilia muttered, her eyes piercing mine.

"Because I have to be," I replied.

It wasn't that I didn't care about my wounds.

It was that I cared more about avoiding them in the future, than whatever it was I was going through at the moment.

Perhaps she was right though, and I was simply wrong by not worrying about this kind of stuff, who knows?