Chapter 130: Mission complete, now money!

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 130: Mission complete, now money!

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

If we reach top 3 I'll post another chapter.


[Adam C. POV]

I returned to the capital, my missing eye bandaged. A single tear of sweat trickled down my cheek as I made my way through the gates, surrounded by the bustling crowds of the city.

As I walked, I was greeted with stares of curiosity and wariness; my covered eye and the bandages that wrapped around my body left most with the fear of the unknown.

One would think they would be used to such sights. Perhaps I was the weird one in the situation.

I made my way through the winding streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the great city. Everywhere I turned, I was met with vibrant scenes of merchants peddling their wares, artisans crafting their works, and children laughing and playing.

Yet, I paid the sights no heed, my eyes fixated on one destination: the palace at the top of the hill.

I had some money to collect.

Making my way up the hill, I was met with a wall of guards, the guards were wary of me, understandably so, I mean, the bandages around my body didn't make me look friendly at a first glance.

And seeing the civilians had been agitated with my presence, well, it was understandable they were too.

After some small questioning, the guards eventually let me through, granting me access to the palace grounds.

Stepping through the gates, I was met with the palace, its golden spires reaching for the sky. As I made my way closer, I was met with palace guards every few yards, the sight of them standing at attention, saluting me as I walked past them, making chuckle.

Finally, I made my way to the entrance, where I was met with yet more guards. Where, after giving my name and stating my rank, I was allowed to enter the palace.

From top to bottom, right to left, everywhere I looked, there were servants and guards rushing around, conducting their business in a flurry of activity. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

I blinked.

I had forgotten to ask where the King was.

I couldn't help but chuckle dryly at the King's reaction. "I apologize, your highness. It's just proof that I completed the mission."

The King shook his head. "No need to apologize. You've done well. Just don't... bring that kind of proof again, please..."

"So, about my payment?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the gory subject.

The King nodded, composing himself. "Of course. You will receive your payment in full, as promised. But first, let us tend to your wounds."

"Wait, there's no need, she will only get angrier if I let other doctors treat me," I replied, however, before I could add anything else, several healers rushed into the room, taking me away to treat my injuries.

The old hag would not like this at all.


[Porlyusica POV.]


I feel someone I know did something incredibly infuriating and stupid.

"Adam," I clenched my teeth as I said the brat's name, my fist tight around the worn, wooden handle of my trusty broom, before the end of it snapped with a sharp crack under the pressure of my grip. "I will beat him senseless if he did anything stupid that I have to deal with!"


After escaping the hordes of healers that the King had sent after me, I made my way to the train station, where Lilia had been waiting for me to board the train back to Magnolia.

"Why do you have... eight thermometers in your mouth, Adam-sama?" Lilia asked, blinking in complete bewilderment.

"Because I didn't want eight thermometers in my ass, any more questions?" I shot back.

Lilia shook her head.

"That's what I thought," I said, nodding to myself, before calling out to the conductor as I hurled Lilia inside the train like a Javelin. "Let's get this rolling!"

Normally I wasn't one to push things, but I had a horde of nurses that were... wayyyy too interested in taking my temperature.

"Anything for a wizard saint!" The conductor replied, starting the train.