Chapter 143: The Moon, and The Sword.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 143: The Moon, and The Sword.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

If we reach top 4, I'll post another chap.


[Adam C. POV.] This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

The crackling energy of the small village festival engulfed me.

The air was alive with the scent of roasting meats and fresh-baked bread. Children danced through the streets to the beat of drums and the strum of lyres.

I had only intended to pass through this village, but the festivities had drawn me in, that and the fact the mayor had decided to dedicate the festival to me, because he had recognized me as the newest Wizard Saint.

A welcome change from the usual of being attacked, I thought.

In one corner, an old woman with wisps of silver hair sold trinkets that she claimed could ward off evil spirits. On the other side, a burly blacksmith was drawing an eager crowd with his display of meticulously crafted swords and shields.

So, seeing the rest of the group needed a rest, and Gildarts wanted to exploit my popularity to get some free booze, I decided to enjoy myself, taking a sip of the local brew, letting the lively atmosphere that had been dedicated to sweep me away.

Unfortunately, without much of a warning, something changed in the air, something... dangerous, something very dangerous.

The party continued unabated, but to me, it felt muted, distant. I could sense something. No, someone. Actually, two someones. Their presence was faint, like a whisper.

The feeling was so subtle that I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the souls of those hiding their presence.

They were trying to cloak themselves, but the sheer magnitude of their souls penetrated through their veils. Smiling, I continued bobbing my head to the music, but my thoughts raced.

Fighting them wasn't an option.

Whoever those two were, I had no doubts that together they would simply be too much for me to handle. Perhaps separately, but together, I had very little chance.

Confrontation was simply not an option.

I needed a plan. One that didn't involve fighting.

Gildarts was the only one here that could help me if push came to shove, and even there I wasn't sure of how well we would do.

It wasn't often I found myself face to face with these situations.

One of them especially felt so fucking strong that I might even have to use my Bankai if I find myself without another option.

But considering things, this was the best option we had. Besides, if I wanted to go all out, I needed some space, so real space between me, and anybody besides Gildarts.


[Third Person. POV.]

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a dim, ghostly light over the dense forest surrounding the small village of Florencia. The wind whispered through the trees and the rustle of leaves felt like hushed secrets being shared among the age-old spirits.

An eerie mist seemed to caress the shadows, and a chill lingered in the air.

As Adam ventured deeper into the forest with Gildarts, both keeping their senses on high alert, the sensation of being watched increased as they neared the location. With each step they took, Adam could feel an aura of immense magical energy pulsating.

It was a familiar sensation, but one he couldn't put his finger on.

Eventually, as they approached a clearing, they saw her. Selene, The Moon Dragon, sitting gracefully on a simple rock, surrounded by ethereal light. Her blonde hair flowed like a river of silver in the breeze, and her eyes glinted with a mix of malice and amusement.

"Gildarts, run," Adam ordered, getting into position. He knew the woman well, he had faced her before, and because of that, he knew how dangerous this woman was.

"Like hell I will," Gildarts responded, standing his ground beside Adam. "I ain't leaving you alone, kid."

"Long time, no see, Adam," Selene sang mockingly, her voice echoing in the woods.

Adam's eyes narrowed, and the air grew heavy with tension. His voice was firm, "What are you doing here?"

Selene smiled at his reaction. "Just wanted to say hi."

"You just did, now be on your way," Adam responded, his hand crackling with energy as he prepared for a fight.

Selene chuckled, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "So rude, is that a way to treat a lady?"

"Who the fuck are you, lady?" Gildarts interjected with a growl, his expression stern. "And what do you want?"

Selene turned her attention to Gildarts, a coy smile on her lips. "Right, my apologies, it seems I have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Selene. And as for what I want, well, I was hoping to have some fun with your young friend here."

"Over my dead body," Gildarts growled, his fists clenched at his sides as his power erupted around him.

Selene's smile widened. "That can be easily arranged."

"You won't find this fight as easy as the last," Adam

warned, his voice deep with power.

At this, Selene stood up from the smooth, moss-covered boulder she had been sitting on. Her eyes glinted in the moonlight as her lips curled in a twisted smile. "Is that so?" she responded; her voice heavy with finality. "Good."