Chapter 144: Overwhelming Strength.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 144: Overwhelming Strength.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

If we reach top 4, I'll post another chap.


[Third Person. POV]

Selene cocked her head to the side before a smirk twitched at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were sharp and condescending, forcing a line to carve itself out between Gildarts' eyebrows. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

At once, the distance between them closed. With incredible speed, right and left palms came flying toward Adam's throat and solar plexus simultaneously.

Adam's instincts kicked in as he dodged Selene's attack with a quick step to the side. He felt her energy pass by him like a gust of wind. The smirk on her face widened, and Adam knew he was in for a tough fight.

Selene lunged forward with a series of lightning-fast punches and kicks, her movements fluid and precise. Adam barely had time to react, his muscles straining as he blocked and dodged her attacks.

Despite the fury of her assault, Selene's movements were measured and controlled.

"Crush!" Gildarts shouted as he charged forward, his body glowing with a faint blue aura. His fists glowed with an eerie blue light as he swung at Selene with all his might.

Selene blocked the attack with ease, her hand glowing with a bright light as she countered with a powerful punch of her own. Gildarts was sent flying back, crashing against the hard ground with a loud thud.

Taking the window of opportunity, Adam swung his blade in Selene's direction, aiming for her neck, however, before the blade could reach her, she sidestepped out of harm's way with ease, her movements graceful as she smirked at him, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity.

"Not bad, you have improved since last time," Selene taunted, her voice laced with arrogance.

Adam gritted his teeth, blurring out of sight with a single step, as Gildarts, who had just recovered from Selene's attack, was already moving towards her.

"All Crush!" Gildarts shouted, unleashed a wave of magic that shattered everything on its path.

With a flick of her wrist, Selene sent Gildarts hurtling through the air, the force of her attack sending him crashing into a nearby mountain with a loud crash.

Adam took advantage of the distraction and launched himself towards Selene, cutting the space between them with a single swing of his blade. However, Selene's reaction was fast and on time, sidestepping his attack and delivering a powerful kick to his side that sent him flying.

Adam grunted in pain as he crashed onto the ground, the wind knocked out of him.

"You managed to cut me again," Selene said, looking down at the new cut on her arm. "I didn't even see the attack this time, good job."

Adam chuckled, slowly getting back on his feet. "I aim to please."

Selene raised an eyebrow at that, a cold smile dawning on her face. "You're dying, aren't you?"

Adam stood there unmoving.

Selene shook her head and sighed, "That's a pity. Your own power is killing you from the inside out, breaking your body apart little by little."

Adam simply shrugged in response, "Are you done?"

Selene's lip curved in a smirk, and she stepped closer to Adam faster than he could react, her eyes glowing with an inner light. Her hands shimmered as silver scales appeared on them and slowly meandered up her arms until half of her body was transformed into the powerful draconic form she held beneath the surface. With outstretched claws, she pointed at him and declared coldly, "Not quite."

And then, before Adam could react, her arm was piercing him right through him, the tips of her silver scales now glinting in the scarlet color of his blood.

"If you could use your full power, you could've dodged that," Selene said, pulling her arm out of his stomach. "This should be enough to figure out what you truly are."

Adam laughed softly, reaching down to pick up his sword. "You really think this will stop me?"

Selene chuckled at that as she took a step closer to Adam, the two of them now standing face to face. "Until next time, Adam." Having said those words, Selene inched forward, her lips meeting Adam's in a soft kiss.

"Next time, I will kill you," Adam replied, as Selene stepped back, disappearing into the woods, leaving him standing alone, bleeding. The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.