Chapter 280: YOU WILL SAY YES!

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 280: YOU WILL SAY YES!

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

[Adam C. POV.]

The quiet rustle of papers fills my office, quite the contrast to the usual atmosphere in the guild hall. I'm hunched over my desk, in the Guild's Master sorting through a pile of paperwork that seems never-ending, especially now that everyone is back. I have to admit, to this day, this is a tank I never thought I'd be doing. But life, as I've come to learn, is full of surprises.

"How can sixty percent of all this paperwork already be because of Natsu?" I muttered in sheer bewilderment. It had been a month since their return, this made no sense, logistically speaking.

As I continue working on the paperwork, the door creaks open, and I don't need to look up to know who it is. "You seem to be getting along well with that paperwork," Makarov's voice, laced with amusement, floats through the room.

I can't help but sigh, setting down my pen. "I hate being buried under paperwork," I say, leaning back in my chair. "Are you sure you don't want the position back?"

"Hell no!" Makarov chuckled. "Find your own fool to take this position, like I found you. Besides, it's not that bad, the bad part is dealing with Natsu, but the paperwork it's part of the job. You're doing great, brat. Better than I ever did, I must admit."

I glance at him, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips. "I doubt that, Gramps. But I'll take your word for it."

Smiling, he moves closer, resting his hands behind his back, a knowing look in his eyes. "It's more than just paperwork, isn't it? You've been through a lot, Adam. More than most, even if you won't share exactly what you've been through we can tell."

His words hit closer to home than I expected. The truth is, I was struggling, not just with the paperwork but with everything. Mostly with my unresolved feelings for Erza, the fear of what my experiences might mean for my future. It was something that I was still trying to navigate.

A dial like tone in my head.




"P-pick me up at 8!" Erza added in a shout that sounded more like a battlecry, and before I could even muster a response, she turned on her heel, and in true Gildarts fashion, instead of using the door, she crashed right through the office wall, leaving behind a trail of dust and debris as she disappeared out of sight.

Meanwhile, I was left there, gaping at the newly created Erza-shaped hole in the wall, my brain struggling to catch up with the events. A date. With Erza. And she asked me, no, demanded it, with a sword to my throat. It's so absurd, so utterly Erza, that I can't help but start laughing. It's a laugh filled with disbelief, relief, and a strange sense of excitement.

After a few moments, I manage to compose myself, standing up from my desk and walking over to the gaping hole in the wall. I peek through it, half-expecting to see Erza still standing there, but she's long gone, probably as red-faced and flustered as she was a moment ago.

"Well, that just happened," I murmured to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. I guess this answers whether or not she has feelings for me.

Sighing, I glanced at the clock. It's already late afternoon. That meant I had a few hours to get ready for whatever this evening had in store. Knowing Erza, it could be anything from a quiet dinner to battling monsters on a whim. Then again, I better plan in case she has no plan.

I took one last look at the hole in the wall, a reminder of Erza's unique approach to... well, everything. With a small smile, I head out of my office, feeling better than I did a few moments ago.

Pick her up at 8, she said. A simple enough request. I wonder why I find it so alluring the fact she demanded a date.

I better leave that for my therapist.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.