Chapter 281: Insert Romantic Title.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 281: Insert Romantic Title.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

[Adam C. POV.]

The evening air was crisp, the last rays of the sun were casting a warm glow over Magnolia as I made my way to Erza's place. My mind was a chaotic mess of anticipation and nervousness. I'd faced down countless dangers, but this, going on a date with Erza, felt like stepping into an entirely new kind of battlefield.

It might be because I truly liked her that I was this nervous.

I reached her place and knocked on the door. It swung open, and there she was, Erza, looking... different. She wasn't in her armor, but in a simple dress, her hair falling softly around her shoulders. She was beautiful, and for a moment, I was speechless.

"A-Adam, y-you're on time," she said, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Y-yeah, I... wouldn't want to be late," I managed, offering her a small smile.

We set off, walking side by side, our footsteps in sync. And as expected, she had no plan, but I had one. My plan was simple: dinner at a small, cozy restaurant in town.

As we walked, I noticed a flicker of movement in the corner of my eye. I turned, just in time to see a flash of brown hair and a familiar hat ducking behind a corner. Cana and Urahara. And was that a glimpse of Makarov and Gildarts I saw? They were spying on us. I shook my head, amused and slightly exasperated.

I couldn't feel their magical power, or spiritual pressure for that matter. But I could see them.N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

We reached the restaurant, and the awkwardness hit full force. We were seated at a quiet corner table, and Erza seemed to be wrestling with her napkin, folding and unfolding it. We were both new to this, and had no idea how to really proceed.

"So, Erza," I started, trying to break the ice, "Do you come here often?"

Really Adam? You pick that opening line? I might as well die single.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine. "No, not really. I usually eat at the guild or... well, you know how it is."

I nodded, understanding. Our lives at Fairy Tail were anything but ordinary.

Erza obviously won the prize for the weirdest encounter.

At one point, Erza tripped slightly on a loose cobblestone, and I reached out to steady her. Our eyes locked, and for a moment, there was a spark, something electric in the air, as I realized she had done it on purpose.

She quickly regained her footing, and we continued walking.

Until eventually we found ourselves at a small park, the stars above shining brightly. We sat on a bench, shoulder to shoulder, looking up at the night sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Erza said softly, her voice filled with wonder.

"It is," I agreed, finding myself lost in the moment, in the beauty of the night and the woman beside me.

We sat there in silence, comfortable and content. It was a simple moment, but it felt significant, like a memory that would stick with me for a long time.

"Do you like me, Adam?" Erza asked, her eyes meeting mine. "Do you like-like me?"

I chuckled at the childish way of wording it out. "I do. And what about you? Do like-like me?"

Erza nodded, her face redder than her hair.

After a few minutes of silence, we started making our way back to the town and as we reached her place, Erza turned to me, a soft smile on her lips. "Thank you, Adam. I had a really nice time tonight."

"Me too, Erza. Me too," I replied, feeling a sense of contentment I hadn't felt in a long time.

She stepped forward, hesitantly at first, then gave me a quick, gentle hug. It was brief, but it sent a warmth through me that lingered long after she pulled away.

"Goodnight, Adam," she said, her eyes shining.

"Goodnight, Erza," I responded, watching as she headed inside.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel that tonight was a turning point, a step in a new direction for both of us. There was a lightness to my step, a smile on my face that I couldn't shake off.

And as for our spies, I caught a glimpse of them, huddled together, whispering and chuckling. I shook my head, amused. Fairy Tail, with all its quirks and chaos, really was a family. And yes, that included Urahara and Yoruichi.

This was a family that I was proud to be a part of, and a family that I knew would always be there, through thick and thin, awkward dates and all, even if they weren't invited.