Chapter 286: Overcome.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 286: Overcome.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

The new novel: JJK Hourglass starts the 15th of march, if you wanna read ahead, ten chapters so far, go to my sexy patreoon.

[Kisuke Urahara. POV]

The training of the guild had started, leaving only one thing to deal with, Adam. Out of everyone he was our greatest war potential, but for us to succeed we needed him to be at his best. I made my way to Adam's office, knowing very well that the time for preparations was running out. The looming threat of the Quincy King demanded swift and decisive action.

I couldn't let us be caught unprepared. Because even while prepared, our chances of winning weren't certain.

As I entered Adam's office, I found him engrossed in a stack of papers. He looked up as I approached, and there was a weariness in his eyes, the weight of responsibility that came with everything he had set out to do.

The Guild.

His friends.

His family.

And now... us, a world he shouldn't care about, but decided to protect.

"Urahara, what brings you here?" Adam asked, a yawn escaping him. "I'm kind of busy, so unless it is urgent, please... make it twenty words or less."

I took a seat across from him, my hat casting a shadow over my face. "Adam, we're running out of time. Yhwach poses a threat unlike any we've faced before. To stand a chance, you need to fully realize the extent of your power."

Adam leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well... I've been doing what I can, Urahara. Training the guild, stabilizing their souls. Heck, I'm training everyday with my Zanpakuto, so what more can I do?"

I was as selfish as they came. And for that, I would fight, not to protect the world, to protect what's mine, and mine alone.

"Now, or never."

Taking a deep calming breath, I closed my eyes and focused my spiritual energy into the key, feeling it hum with life, creating a warm sensation that spread through my body and into my very soul. Immediately, the world around me began to distort, edges blurring as if melting into ink. The air grew thick, charged with a power that seemed to tug at the very core of my being. And then, with a pulse that resonated with my Zanpakuto, I was no longer in my room.

The place where I arrived was quite the contrast to my room. It was a vast, desolate landscape, where ashen grounds met a swirling maelstrom of a sky. Pillars of jagged rock erupted from the barren ground like the jagged teeth of some indescribable leviathan. The sky, a tempest of souls and spirits, twirled in an eternal dance of agony, occasionally spewing forth bolts of spiritual lightning that scorched the already ravaged land.

I blinked.

When he said my own personal hell.. I didn't expect it to be... so... hell-like.

"So, now what?" I hummed, looking around for any kind of clue as to what I needed to do. I mean, outside total devastation, some rocks, and the occasional lightning; there was nothing, I couldn't feel any presence other than Zanryuzuki, which made sense seeing I was inside my own soul... so I honestly had no idea what to do.

Suddenly, as if answering my question, a distant roar echoed through the barren expanse, capturing my attention. I turned towards the source of the sound, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of Zanryuzuki. The roar intensified, vibrating through the air, creating cracks that expanded around the area.

"I guess I have to fight, neat," I muttered calmly. By this point I was desensitized to monsters, or situations like this. I would honestly worry when things didn't end like this, fighting a monster or something.

Out of the swirling tempest of souls high above the key, a monstrous figure emerged. A colossal creature, its form obscured by the ethereal mist that clung to it. As it descended, the mist dissipated, revealing a grotesque amalgamation of jagged blades and spectral energy. The creature's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, fixating on me with an unsettling amount of hate.

"Let me guess, you are a part of me that hates me for... repressing you?" I asked, tilting my head. "Let's be honest buddy, you are one ugly bastard, so I feel I did us a favor if I repressed your ass into the deepest corners of my soul."

The monster roared, its jagged blades pulsating with an eerie glow as the air crackled with the malevolent energy it exuded.

I tightened my grip on Zanryuzuki. Come to think of it, I had never felt such... level of malice before, this was concerning seeing it came from... me. "Come at me."

The creature took a step forward, and made another guttural sound, a distorted echo of a roar that sent tremors through the ashen ground.

I guess he wasn't the talkative type. So much for inner insight...

Taking a stance, I locked eyes with the creature. Insight or not, this ought to be fun.