Chapter 287: Inner Hell.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 287: Inner Hell.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

The new novel: JJK Hourglass starts the 15th of march, if you wanna read ahead, TEN chapters so far, go to my sexy patreoon

[My Inner Demons]

The monstrous creature lunged at Adam, its jagged blades slashing through the air with a malevolence that seemed to consume the very essence of the desolate landscape. Adam swiftly sidestepped, his movements fluid and precise, easily dodging the onslaught.

"Well, aren't you an ugly one," Adam taunted, a smirk spreading across his face. "But I have to say, repressing you into the depths of my soul was definitely a good call."

The creature let out another distorted roar, its blades crackling with energy as it closed in for another attack. Adam tightened his grip on Zanryuzuki, his knuckles white with determination.

As the creature swung its blades towards him, Adam countered with a swift slash of his own. The clash of metal reverberated through the desolate landscape, echoing like thunder in the swirling tempest above. Sparks flew as their blades collided, each strike carrying an incredible force.

Their banter continued amidst the intense battle. "You can't beat me, you're just a twisted fragment of my own subconscious," Adam smirked, kicking the beast back. "I'm stronger than this!"

The creature roared in defiance, its spectral energy surging as it unleashed a barrage of strikes. Adam deftly parried each attack, his movements a blur of precision and skill. With each clash of their swords, he could feel the raw power coursing through him.

He could taste the metallic tang of adrenaline in his mouth as he spun away from a particularly vicious strike, that hadn't he dodged would've killed him. The acrid scent of burnt lightning filled his nostrils as he countered with a powerful swing that sent shockwaves through the air, cracking the ground around them.

Their fight continued, as they moved, blurring in and out of sight in a dance of blades and fury. The ground beneath their feet trembled with each thunderous collision as the maelstrom above churned with an intensity that seemed to mirror the turmoil within Adam's soul.

"This feels... too easy you know!" Adam shouted, his voice laced with doubt, this couldn't be his trial, right?.

The creature roared in response, its eyes burning with an unfathomable hatred. It lunged at Adam once more, its blades slicing through the air with a ferocity that threatened to tear him apart.

But Adam stood his ground, smiling. His muscles strained against the weight of the creature's assault, his every fiber filled with a resolute defiance. He could feel his own power surging within him, a blazing fire that refused to be extinguished.

A fire born for those that enjoyed the thrill of battle.

With a grin, Adam unleashed a devastating strike, his Zanpakuto cutting through the air. The force of the blow shattered the creature's blades, sending shards of energy scattering across the barren landscape.

Yoruichi's eyes bore into mine. "Shinigami have extraordinarily long lives, Erza. The stronger a Shinigami is, the longer they live... Adam's lifespan is beyond what you can fathom. Have you thought about what that means for your relationship with him?"

The weight of Yoruichi's words settled over me. I hadn't truly considered the longevity of a shinigami's life. "I... I haven't thought about it in those terms. Adam and I, we've faced challenges together, and I want to be with him. But, I will die, eventually, leaving him alone..."

Yoruichi nodded knowingly. "Yeah, you will. A shinigami's life spans centuries, and even millennia. It's a reality that often leads to heartbreak for the mortals who love them. Have you prepared yourself for the possibility of seeing Adam live through ages while you age as a mortal?"

The gravity of Yoruichi's question sank in, and a wave of uncertainty washed over me. Love had always been a driving force in my life, love for my guild, for my friends, for my convictions, for... Adam.

"I... I love him, Yoruichi, and it might be selfish to say it, but as long as I live, I want to be by his side," I admitted.

Yoruichi's smile deepened, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "That's good to hear, because if your love for Adam is as unwavering as you make it sound, there is a way for you two to be together beyond the limits of a human life."

There was a way for us not to suffer? "What do you mean, Yoruichi?"

I had to know, if there was a way to spare Adam of the suffering of watching me die, I would take it.

Yoruichi replied. "To bridge the gap between a mortal and a shinigami, you must abandon your humanity and become a shinigami yourself. Because only as a Shinigami, you will belong at his side."

To.. become a Shinigami?

I never thought such a thing would be possible.

"How... how would I do such a thing?" I asked, looking at her.

Yoruichi's expression softened as she explained, "Becoming a shinigami involves a transformative process that aligns your soul with the spiritual realm. It grants you the longevity and abilities of a shinigami, allowing you to share an existence with Adam that transcends the normal boundaries of time. However, this choice is irreversible. Once you abandon your humanity, you embrace a new existence. It's a commitment that goes beyond... just love."

If I took this path. I would have the chance to spend eternity with Adam. But in doing so, I would see everyone I had ever loved, die.

This wasn't a choice between becoming a Shinigami or not, it was a choice between love. The love of my family, and the love of... Adam.

"So, what do you say, Titania, do you love him enough to leave everything behind," Yoruichi asked, staring at me.

I loved everyone in the guild enough to leave everything behind, including my life if necessary. But when it came to Adam... I loved him enough to set myself into a path that would undoubtedly shatter my heart.

But as long as we had each other.... I had no doubt my heart would heal.

"I do," I replied.