Chapter 298:

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 298:

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Star Wars Galactic System has 7 chapters so far.

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Adam C. POV.]

Killing Askin had been... easier than I had thought, seeing he gave me cockroach vibes, hard to kill and all, but a part of me suspected he was the weakest link of his group in terms of mortality, that and the fact... my All-Seeing eyes could see him.

The others however, seemed more along the lines of immortals.



And... Lille.

Three more to go.

"So, who's next?" I turned with deliberate slowness, my eyes sweeping over the remaining contestants.

Pernida was the first to move, a twitch of its fingers betraying an eagerness, or perhaps nervousness, that belied its otherwise unreadable appearance. "I will kill you!" His nerves extended out of his body like grotesque marionette wires, aiming to entangle me in their death grip. But speed was my ally and I sidestepped with a dancer's grace, feeling the air shift where I had just stood.

The silence that followed was short, a mere precursor to the tumultuous deafening roar that erupted from the space before me as reality seemed to warp, bending and twisting as if unable to bear the weight of the power I unleashed, creating an all consuming explosion that consumed Pernidas and everything else in its immediate vicinity.

It was a cataclysmic event in miniature, a focused singularity of destructive force that left no chance for adaptation or regeneration.

"That's two out of four," I said, as the explosion died down, the battlefield enveloped in a cloud of dust and debris. "Who wants to be next?"

The other two had moved out of the range before the explosion could engulf them, because they knew, that had they been hit by it alongside their friend, they would've died.

"Lille!" Gerard grinned, excitedly.

"I know," Lille acknowledged.

"Let's hurry this up," I said, starting to walk towards them. "I have a King to kill, and a girl to kiss."

"Vollstndig!" Both Gerard and Lille shouted in unison, their voices slicing through the dusty air with a divine authority that immediately altered the dynamics of the battlefield. Light flared from their bodies, enveloping them in blinding radiance that bespoke their true power. Wings sprouted from their backs, each a manifestation of their transcendent abilities.

I might have to use that skill again. "Bring it on."

"I'm not done yet," Lille hissed, opening his tattoo eyed, which had remained closed until know, his power increasing once again, exponentially, as his body began to transform into something akin to a biblically accurate angel. His form elongated, his limbs stretching until he towered above me like a sentinel of judgement.

"You know, just because I killed you freak of a friend, doesn't mean you have to fill his role," I replied, a chuckle escaping my lips.

Gerard, massive and imposing, laughed at my challenge. "You speak as if you've already won."

I grinned, the grin of someone who's walked through the fires of hell and come out unscathed. "And you act as if you've never faced defeat."

Time to kill the last two, and go for the main course. Yhwach.