Chapter 299:

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 299:

If you want to give a look to my new novel, go ahead and check my /cornbringer

Star Wars Galactic System has 7 chapters so far.

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[Adam C. POV.]

Two down, two more to go.

The two most difficult ones. There was something about them that... didn't sit well with me. Just like with Pernidas. The difference was I hadn't given Pernidas a chance to become difficult to deal with, had I let the fight go on, he would've probably become a nightmare to deal with.

Regardless of that, the point still stood. Both Lille Barro and Gerard Valkyrie were going to be a bit harder to handle than the last two.

Before that, however, I need to get rid of Askin's poison, just in case.

With a twisted grin on my face, I raised my blade to my wrists and sliced through them, releasing the toxic blood that had been coursing through my veins until now. For a moment, I watched as it spilled onto the ground, before turning my gaze to them. "How kind of you to wait."

Lille Barro's eyes blazed with fury as he raised his wings, firing a barrage of rapid shots at me. His expression twisted into one of mocking piety. "You would desecrate your own flesh in the presence of God's own messenger? You are beyond salvation, fool."

I snorted, dodging his shots. As easy as it was to dodge his attacks, I had to give it to him, his power was quite deadly.

"Don't forget about me!" Gerard laughed, moving behind me as he swung his sword, cleaving through the air with a force that threatened to split the spirit world itself.

I leaped back, avoiding the swing by a hair's breadth, my feet churning the earth as I put some distance between us.

Their power had increased a lot.

Healing my wrists, I lunged towards Gerard with a single flash step, avoiding his sharp sword swing as I ducked and rolled, before pivoting on the ground, bringing my sword down, slicing through his torso, separating him in two pieces once again. Blood gushed from the wound and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"The... fuck is that?" I muttered, my eyes widening in disbelief as I stared at a tiny, silver cross gleaming in the center of Gerard's wound.

I moved back, dodging one of Lille Barro's shots that tore through the space where I had been a moment earlier.

"Comet," I whispered again, the luminous glow enveloping my Zanpakuto once more. But this time, I swung in a broad arc, creating a sweeping crescent of radiant energy that raced towards Lille, going right through him.

"Your attacks are meaningless," Lille spat, his voice a mixture of derision and perhaps, a hint of desperation. "You cannot harm that which has transcended the very concept of mortality, for I am His Messenger."

Ignoring his usual rants, I focused on what I had learned with my last attack. Comet had been as ineffective as any other attack I had thrown his way so far, but, unlike my other attacks, Comet had given me a little bit insight.

Comet was designed to cut existence itself, to cut anything that existed between me, and my blade. Yet, Lille Barro hadn't been hurt by my attack, meaning... he was either truly intangible... or his existence was linked to a plane beyond this one.

In short.

I had no way of defeating him, unless I used... my Bankai.

I laughed, the sound cutting through the air, heavy with irony. I really wanted to kill them all without my Bankai. "A messenger who cannot be touched," I chuckled, glancing at my Zanpakuto, as if sharing a private joke with it. "Let's deliver a message of our own, shall we?"

Lille's eyes narrowed, catching the subtle change in my stance. The air around us tensed as I lifted my Zanpakuto high, the hum of my power charging the atmosphere with an electric anticipation.

"Bankai," I whispered, a word heavy with finality. The world seemed to hold its breath; the very fabric of reality tensed as if bracing for the impact of my declaration. In an instant, the skies darkened, the stars above blinking out one by one until we stood under a canopy of impossible darkness. "Muryokusho."

"What did you do?!" Lille demanded.

I smiled, cracking my neck as my blade dissipated into the void. Thanks to my training in hell... I was now able to summon forth Abyssal Void upon the release of my Bankai, making things easier to deal with.

So... this darkness around us was not merely the absence of light, or an effect of my power altering the climate... no, it was the absence of space, of life, of power, of everything, a void where existence itself came to die. And at the center of this expanse of nothingness stood Lille, his form now tangibly visible as if he was the only thing remaining in a universe swallowed by oblivion.

"It seems," I said, my voice eerily resonant within the vacuum, "Your transcendence has limits after all."

Lille's eyes widened as he finally understood the gravity of his situation. His self-assured aura, once untouchable, now quivered.

"Normally, I would go on a speech about nothing survives in this Void..." I chuckled, snapping my fingers, ordering the Void to consume Lille. "Sadly, I'm on a tight schedule."

The abyss responded to my command with a hunger that was palpable even in the absence of everything. It surged forward, tendrils of nothingness reaching for Lille with a silent voracity. Lille, the self-proclaimed messenger of God, now looked more like a cornered animal than an emissary of the divine.

"No, this can't be! I am his messenger, his executioner! I can't fail!" Lille stammered, his voice betraying the fear that had taken root deep within him. He thrashed against the void, firing blasts of shimmering light from his weapon in a futile attempt to ward off the encroaching darkness. But light, like everything else... cannot exist within the abyss, and his futile efforts disintegrated into the void, just like him.

Now... all that was left, was Yhwach.nove(l)bi(n.)com