Chapter 4

Feng Qingci honestly explained, "It's on the next street over, next to where you buy stationery every time. The owner said your phone repair needs a week."

Feng Qingyi nodded, "I understand, I'll pick it up myself when the time comes."

Why would the owner of the phone repair shop halve the repair fee and also sell this phone?

Would he know the secret of this phone?

It seems she might be able to go to that owner and find out the situation.

Feng Qingyi took the phone and went out again.

Feng Qingci called out from behind: "Where are you going again?"

"Out for a stroll." With Feng Qingyi's voice, the door closed with a bang.

Coming to the phone repair shop that Feng Qingci mentioned, Feng Qingyi saw an old man with white hair sitting inside, arranging a pile of broken phones.

Feng Qingyi walked over to him, "Hello! Are you the owner of this shop?"

The owner looked up, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I came to ask, do you know about this phone?" Feng Qingyi took out the phone.

The owner took the phone from Feng Qingyi's hand, "Are you here to change the screen? Wait a moment, I'll change it for you right away."

"No, I'm not here to change the screen, I'm here to ask if you've seen this phone before?"

"You're here to change the screen, I understand, I'll do it right away."

"No, can you please listen to me carefully?"

"Okay, change the screen, now."

"..." She really wasn't here to change the screen, she just wanted to find out about the situation.

The owner had already started moving, his movements were very quick, and before Feng Qingyi could see clearly, he had already handed the phone back to her.

"Screen changed, you can leave now."

Feng Qingyi looked carefully at the phone, there were no changes at all.

"Owner, I want to ask, have you seen this phone before?"

The owner lowered his head and started tidying the counter, not paying any attention to Feng Qingyi.

Feng Qingyi asked again: "Owner, how much for the screen change?"

"Change the screen? What screen change? Your phone looks fine, doesn't it?" The owner looked at Feng Qingyi in confusion.

Feng Qingyi was helpless, "You just changed the screen for me, how much?"


Although it was only one words, Feng Qingyi felt that this voice was really too pleasant, even more melodious than her favorite male bass voice.

Just for this voice, she decided to chat with him for a bit longer.

"...May I ask why you called me?"

"Have you finished lunch?"

"I've finished, if you have something to say, just say it directly?" It was almost dinner time now.

"Are you from Northern Qi?"

"Northern Qi? Brother, you must be joking! Northern Qi was a regional regime in the Northern Dynasties period, that was over 1,400 years ago."

Feng Qingyi's words left Qin Yuchuan silent, over 1,400 years ago, what kind of person was she?

"The Hua Country you mentioned earlier, is that your country?"

"Yes! You don't even know about Hua Country? Are you a foreigner? But your Chinese seems pretty good, no accent at all."

"I'm from the Tianqi Empire."

"...Brother, you just said Northern Qi, which at least existed in history, but this Tianqi, I've never heard of it at all, you must be tricking me!"

"I would never deceive a woman such as yourself."

"If this country you mentioned really exists, then that could only mean we're not from the same world."

This statement made Feng Qingyi herself jump in fright, her imagination was really too wild.

"I have never heard of Hua Country, and you've never heard of Tianqi, perhaps what you say is correct."

"I was just speaking casually, so how did you add me on WeChat?"


"The software you're voice calling me on right now."

"Yesterday I got a mobile phone from the war loot, and this morning I received your message."

"War loot? You're not at war, are you?"

"Indeed I am."

"...So you're a soldier?"

"A soldier? I am a general."

"So your wars use cavalry and lances, or tanks and cannons?" What era is this person living in?

"Don't all wars use cavalry and lances? What are tanks and cannons?" Feng Qingyi's words successfully piqued Qin Yuchuan's interest.