Chapter 5

"Tanks are armored vehicles, and cannons are a type of offensive weapon."

It seemed that Qin Yuchuan must be living in ancient times, and apparently in a dynasty that did not exist in history.

"Are tanks and cannons very powerful?"

"They are exceptionally powerful!" No, why did she start talking about weapons with him?

Qin Yuchuan wanted to hear Feng Qingyi introduce more about their weapons, but unexpectedly, she stopped talking. So he took the initiative to speak.

"Can you get me a tank then?"

Feng Qingyi was very grateful that she didn't drink water just now, or else she would have choked herself.

This guy actually wanted her to get him a tank!

Not to mention that purchasing weapons privately is illegal, where could she even buy one? She couldn't possibly steal it from the military!

That would land her in a prison cell for three to five years, and she might as well have been finished by then!

Seeing that Feng Qingyi didn't respond again, Qin Yuchuan asked, "Is that not possible?"

"Dude, are you trying to get me locked up? Trading weapons is illegal and a crime. The most I could get you is a model."

Qin Yuchuan felt some regret. Although he really wanted to experience the weapons of Feng Qingyi's world, he couldn't let a young lady go to jail.

"Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the rules of your world."

"No worries, ignorance is not a crime." As long as you don't blurt out any more strange things in the future.ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

Neither of them spoke again, and an awkward silence fell between them.

Feng Qingyi truly didn't know what to talk about with him, while Qin Yuchuan had many questions he wanted to ask but didn't know how to start.

"Do you... have anything else?"

Although her voice was indeed pleasant, wasn't it a waste of her time if they didn't talk for so long?

"No, I don't. Will we be able to continue talking through this phone later?"

Qin Yuchuan had lived for so many years, but this was the first time he had encountered such a novel thing as a phone.

He was also the first to learn about another world from Feng Qingyi's words, so he was full of interest in all of this.

Feng Qingyi thought about the items from the Mysterious Shop, and she still needed to earn credits from him!

Feng Qingci's gaze lingered on the phone Feng Qingyi had placed on the table.

Feng Qingyi glared at him. "Let me tell you, don't even think about it. Don't you have your own?"

"My phone lags like hell, and games keep crashing on it. Since you go to sleep early every night anyway, it won't hurt to let me borrow it."

"Why don't you just buy a new one yourself?"

Her new phone was still at the repair shop, and he was already thinking of taking this one too? No way.

Feng Qingci continued, "If I had money, I would have bought one already. The problem is, I don't! Why don't you lend me some of the money you've saved up? Not much, three thousand would be enough."

"Heh, go out and work if you want to buy a phone. Don't keep trying to mooch off me."

There was no one in this world who knew her brother better than she did. Always crying poor.

He tried to take everything from her, even toothpaste and shampoo, claiming he was just borrowing them, but she had never seen him return anything.

When it came to spending money on games and skins, she had never heard him say he was poor. She was already immune to it.

Borrowing money was impossible, not in this lifetime.

Feng Qingci probably knew this trick wouldn't work on Feng Qingyi anymore. "But this phone was the one I bought for you. Why don't you just give me back the twenty bucks I paid for it?"

"...You actually want that twenty bucks back? The watermelon you ate this afternoon cost more than twenty, not to mention the groceries were paid with my money too. I'm done eating, you can take your time."

After putting her bowl and chopsticks in the kitchen sink, Feng Qingyi returned to her bedroom.

It was currently summer vacation, with twenty days remaining until the official start of the semester. Feng Qingyi felt a sense of reflection as she looked at the stack of materials on her desk.

So much for the promised freedom after entering university - she still had assignments, and these were no simple tasks to breeze through.

The professors would review them seriously, and the grades would be recorded as part of the overall course score. Exams included thirty percent from regular assignments, so she couldn't afford to not take them seriously.

Resigned, Feng Qingyi opened the materials and began reading them carefully. After reading, she would need to write essays and analyses.

At that moment, the phone beside her suddenly made a sound.

Feng Qingyi opened and glanced at it, and it turned out there was a new side quest.

Side Quest Issued: As a qualified student, you should prioritize studying and arm yourself with knowledge. Please achieve first place in your major during the midterm exam. Task completion will grant 1000 points.

1000 points, they're being quite generous this time. It hasn't started yet, and there's still a long time before the midterm exam. With some effort, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Try to earn these 1000 points. Perhaps that will unlock some items later on.