Chapter 45

The night in the General's Mansion was exceptionally quiet.

Qin Yuchuan stood by the window, gazing at the high-hanging full moon with a pensive look.

"My lord, I have gathered some information about Imperial Noble Yan," Qin Yi suddenly appeared outside the window.

Qin Yi was the leader of Qin Yuchuan's covert forces, his power surpassing Yan Chi and Yan Yang, excelling in stealth and assassination.

"Speak," Qin Yuchuan said coldly.

"According to my investigation, Imperial Noble Yan seems to have some connection with the Southern Frontiers. The red lotus she favors comes from the Southern Frontiers, and some of her living habits are similar to those of the Southern Frontiers people."

"Moreover, the assassins who attempted to kill you also appear to have ties with the Southern Frontiers. The bows and crossbows they used were made by a renowned woodcrafter from the Southern Frontiers."

"I suspect the Southern Frontiers are planning a major move."

Upon hearing Qin Yi's words, Qin Yuchuan's expression darkened.

"First, locate the hideout of those assassins and keep them under surveillance."

Qin Yi bowed, "Yes, I will take care of it immediately!"

The Southern Frontiers had been rather restless lately, and now Shengjing had seen the presence of its people as well, suggesting they could no longer hold back.

The Southern Frontiers had always regarded Tianqi as an enemy, and border conflicts were frequent. He knew a battle was inevitable.

They seemed to be trying to make a move from Shengjing, and as a general of Tianqi, he could not afford to overlook it.

Although they had won a resounding victory against Northern Qi, a period of rest and recovery was unavoidable.

If they were to engage the Southern Frontiers, they would need at least half a year to prepare.

No one knew what might happen during those six months, so he had to remain vigilant.


Time flew by, and it was Friday. Feng Qingyi sat in the dormitory, seizing the last opportunity to practice.

"Qingyi, I think you're playing exceptionally well now," Shen Hanyue said.

Qu Jingqiu nodded in agreement, "Indeed, I feel your current level is more than adequate for the performance tonight."

Feng Qingyi stood up from the stool, "I also feel that I've practiced well these past few days. As long as nothing unexpected happens tonight, I should be able to handle it."

"What do you think I should wear tonight?" Feng Qingyi seemed perplexed.

Shen Hanyue: "You have a whole trunk of clothes there. Just pick one randomly, and you'll save money on buying new clothes."

Nan Wei looked at Feng Qingyi with dissatisfaction, "Now that you know, and judging by your appearance, you seem well-prepared. What's the point of being so confrontational here?"

"Leng Ruihuan meant well, wanting to give you a chance to show yourself. What's there to be unsatisfied about?"

Feng Qingyi had previously thought Qin Yuchuan's speculation wasn't accurate, but now it seemed this society president was aware of it, and it might have even been her idea.

After all, she was the one who submitted the final program list as the president, and it was her duty to notify the participants.

"What do you mean by giving me a chance to show myself? Do I need that?"

"Senior Nan, you're the president, and you submitted this program. Even if Leng Ruihuan didn't tell me, shouldn't you have notified me?"

As Nan Wei was about to respond, Song Jingyuan suddenly approached them.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

Leng Ruihuan spoke softly, "Senior, it's nothing. We're just chatting casually."

"This is the backstage area. Don't make a ruckus."

"Sorry, we didn't mean to."

Song Jingyuan gave Feng Qingyi a deep look before leaving.

Nan Wei and Leng Ruihuan also left, leaving Feng Qingyi alone in the corner.

Feng Qingyi took out her phone, intending to chat with Qin Yuchuan.

[Qingyi: Are you there?]

[Yuchuan: Yes.]

[Qingyi: Our evening gala is about to start. I'm a little nervous.]

[Yuchuan: Don't be afraid. You're amazing.]

[Qingyi: I just ran into my club president and classmates, and had a bit of an argument with them.]

[Yuchuan: Then what happened?]

[Qingyi: Then nothing, the student council president came and told us not to make a fuss here.]

[Qingyi: I was planning to reason with them further!]

[Yuchuan: You can find them again after the performance is over.]

[Qingyi: I think you're too amazing, this incident is definitely related to the president.]