Chapter 46

[Qingyi: I was getting along pretty well with the Club President before, but I have no idea what happened.]

[Qingyi: Her attitude towards me has changed drastically, and I can't figure it out.]

[Yuechuan: The human heart is the most difficult to fathom. Some people are not worth getting close to, it's best to cut your losses.]

[Qingyi: I know.]

[Yuechuan: Don't be nervous, I believe in you.]

[Qingyi: Thank you, I'll keep trying.]

After chatting with Qin Yuchuan, Qingyi found that she had received a message from a stranger on WeChat.

[Song Jingyuan: If you're having any trouble, you can tell me.]

Qingyi checked the Moments of this friend named "Song Jingyuan", but couldn't find anything.

[Qingyi: ?]

[Song Jingyuan: I just saw you having a dispute with two other students in the back office, is there any problem?]

The person who just came was Song Jingyuan, she seemed to have added him on WeChat when school started.

However, after adding him, she had forgotten about this person and hadn't chatted with him for many days.

Why was he suddenly concerned about her?

[Qingyi: No problem, just a minor dispute, I can resolve it.]

[Song Jingyuan: Okay, good luck with tonight's performance!]

[Qingyi: Thank you, I will.]

Qingyi figured that Song Jingyuan was probably just checking on the situation, since he was the Student Union President, so she didn't think too much about it.

Her performance was scheduled fifth, which was relatively early, so she could finish early and get back to the dorm to rest.

When it was Qingyi's turn to perform, she went on stage with her guqin, took a deep breath when she saw the crowded audience.

She was bound to be nervous, but remembering what Qin Yuchuan had said to her, she quickly calmed herself down.

During the actual performance, Qingyi was fully immersed, and although it only lasted a few minutes, she won everyone's applause.

After all, not all of the audience members understood music or the guqin. After finishing, Qingyi quickly got off the stage holding her guqin.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly today, and there were no accidents. She even felt that she played better than during practice.

[Qingyi: To thank you, I'll go buy you some snacks tomorrow. Tell me if there's anything you want, as long as I can buy it.]

[Yuechuan: Didn't you say before that you wouldn't spend money recklessly?]

[Qingyi: Buying snacks doesn't count as spending recklessly, and they're not expensive items either. Do you know how much a mansion costs in the capital? Tens of millions or even over a hundred million.]

[Qingyi: You helped me get a mansion, which is like saving me several million. Me buying you some snacks for a few hundred is nothing in comparison.]

[Yuechuan: Suit yourself, then.]

[Qingyi: Alright, it's decided. I'll go shopping tomorrow and check out what the mansion I bought from the Mystery Store looks like.]

Come to think of it, she was really looking forward to seeing what this 2000-point mansion would be like. She would place the order now!

[Yuechuan: Alright, you've worked hard today, get some rest early.]

[Qingyi: Okay, you too.]

Qingyi had been chatting with Qin Yuchuan for so long that she knew his daily routine.

He went to bed punctually at 9 PM and got up at 4 AM, his discipline was something she could never match.

Of course, it was also possible that in ancient times there wasn't much entertainment, so once it got dark at night, there was nothing to do but go to bed early.

Although Qin Yuchuan had a phone, it seemed like he could only use it to communicate with her.

After ending the chat with Qin Yuchuan, Qingyi opened the Mystery Store.

Seeing her 2380 points, she was excited for a moment, these were the most points she had ever saved up.

However, buying the mansion would drain her points again.

Fortunately, with Qin Yuchuan actively helping her earn points now, it wouldn't be a big problem.

So Qingyi bought the only mansion available in the second-tier store.

After spending 2000 points, Qingyi clicked on the mansion she had purchased, and it clearly displayed the address.

Qingyi checked the map and found that the mansion was very close to the school, just a 10-minute walk away.

It must be said that this mysterious store is still very human-friendly, after all, Qingyi still has to attend classes, so it's not convenient if it's too far away.

With the mansion acquired, there's no need to rush for these courses that follow. She can learn at a leisurely pace and will eventually master them.

Tomorrow, she'll first go take a look at the mansion, then go shopping to buy things for Qin Yuchuan, and if possible, treat him to a meal across the distance.

Although they are now friends, she still feels uneasy about always freeloading off him.