The winter banquet of Shengjing was held half a month before the Spring Festival.

The banquet was meant to pray for a prosperous new year with favorable weather and peace for the country and its people.

An hour before the banquet, Feng Qingyi sat in her bedroom in Qinghuan Courtyard, with Xue Cha still helping her with her makeup.

"Miss, since you're attending the banquet today, shall I style your hair in a lily bun?" Xue Cha asked.

"That's fine," Feng Qingyi replied, as she wasn't particularly knowledgeable about these things.

The bronze mirror on the dressing table wasn't very clear, making faces appear somewhat distorted.

Xue Cha's skill was as deft as always. After finishing the hairstyle, she examined Feng Qingyi's makeup.

"Miss, your makeup looks a bit plain today. Let me add a few more touches," Xue Cha suggested.

Feng Qingyi took out a small mirror from her purse and looked at herself. She had applied eyeshadow and blush, so how could it be considered plain?

"Floral hairpins are all the rage in Shengjing now, Miss. If you wear one, you'll surely be the most beautiful at the banquet," Xue Cha said, already laying out various floral hairpin designs for her to choose from.

Feng Qingyi felt overwhelmed by the choices. "Just pick one for me," she said.

"How about this flower-shaped one, Miss?" Xue Cha asked.

Feng Qingyi glanced at it. "That looks good. Let's go with that one."

After the makeup was done, it was time to change clothes.

On Xue Cha's recommendation, Feng Qingyi chose a long crimson brocade dress embroidered with golden lotus flowers.

"Miss, please wear this gossamer cape. It's windy today, and we don't want you catching a chill," Xue Cha said as she draped the cape over Feng Qingyi's shoulders.

Feng Qingyi looked over her outfit and, satisfied that everything was in order, slowly opened the bedroom door.

Qin Yuchuan, dressed in a purple robe with gold trim that accentuated his tall figure, was standing outside the door.

As the door opened, Qin Yuchuan turned to look at Feng Qingyi.

"The carriage is waiting outside the mansion. Come with me," he said.

Qin Yuchuan extended his hand to Feng Qingyi, who placed her right hand in his.

His hand was large and strong, with thick calluses on the fingertips. Though not particularly comfortable, it gave her a strong sense of security.

"Isn't Auntie attending the banquet?" Feng Qingyi asked. After all, Xuanyuan Xi was a princess, so she should have a place at such an event.

Qin Yuchuan replied, "Mother doesn't like these events, so His Majesty allowed her to rest at home."

"What are you expected to do at these banquets?" Feng Qingyi asked.

Xu Liyan had noticed Feng Qingyi from the moment they entered the hall. It was hard not to notice them walking together.

"Only Shangguan himself knows the exact reason. If it weren't for his actions, Yuchuan and this young lady wouldn't have become the talk of the town," Xu Liyan replied.

As they were discussing Shangguan Yi, he entered the hall with his father.

Feng Qingyi remained unmoved as Shangguan Yi's hostile gaze lingered on her.

She didn't know how she had offended him, but she didn't care. After all, they wouldn't have much interaction in the future, so why bother with the likes and dislikes of someone irrelevant to her life?

Feng Qingyi sat in her chair, occasionally looking at the decorations in the great hall and sometimes asking Qin Yuchuan questions.

Their whispering to each other attracted the attention of others nearby.

"It seems the rumors are true. General Qin's wedding must be approaching!"

"I wonder which family that young lady is from. She certainly is striking."

"I heard she's from the countryside. Probably just a pretty face with nothing else to offer."

"They say General Qin fought with Young Master Shangguan over her. She must not be a simple character."

"She's not even married yet and already entering his household. How could she be simple?"

Feng Qingyi could faintly hear some of the low murmurs from the crowd.

But this talk of fighting over her – when did that happen?

And when had she entered his household? This was getting ridiculous!

"Pay no attention to idle gossip. Have some tea," Qin Yuchuan said, handing Feng Qingyi a cup of tea brought by a palace maid.

"I know," she replied.

Most of the expected guests had arrived in the great hall when Xuanyuan Sheng finally made his entrance with Murong Yan.

"His Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress have arrived!" a shrill voice announced throughout the hall, and everyone rose to pay their respects.

Feng Qingyi imitated those around her, making a gesture, fortunately not needing to kneel.

"Your Majesty, greetings to the Empress!"

Xuanyuan Sheng surveyed the people in the hall, "Everyone may rise! Today is the annual Winter Feast, there's no need to stand on ceremony."

With Xuanyuan Sheng's words, everyone finally sat down on their chairs.

However, no one dared to truly take the emperor's "no need to stand on ceremony" at face value.

Feng Qingyi secretly observed Xuanyuan Sheng. He wore a bright yellow dragon robe, undoubtedly the most eye-catching figure at the banquet.