His hair was completely bound up in a golden crown, which would have looked out of place if not for his handsome face.

Xuanyuan Sheng's features were chiseled, exuding a regal aura. His gaze was cold, making it difficult for others to look at him directly.

When Feng Qingyi stole a glance at him, she was caught in the act. Xuanyuan Sheng stared at her for a long while before averting his eyes.

Feng Qingyi felt unnerved by his gaze; she had merely looked at him out of curiosity.

"Let the feast begin! Bring on the song and dance!"

At Xuanyuan Sheng's command, a group of dancers gracefully entered, beginning their performance in the great hall.

Despite the harsh winter, they wore only a single layer of gauzy clothing. Feng Qingyi felt cold just looking at them.

Palace maids brought various dishes to the table before her. Feng Qingyi looked at the beautifully presented food and picked up her chopsticks.

"What's this?" Feng Qingyi asked softly.

Qin Yuchuan glanced at the dish Feng Qingyi was pointing to. "Steamed bear paw. It's quite delicious, you should try it."

"...What? Bear paw!"

Feng Qingyi's initial intention to taste it vanished.

This was a nationally protected species. If this happened in modern times, wouldn't they be arrested?

Qin Yuchuan was puzzled by Feng Qingyi's reaction. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I won't eat it. You go ahead!"

"Bear paw is delicious and very nourishing. You should try some."

Feng Qingyi shook her head vigorously, "No, no. I can't knowingly break the law. Bears are a nationally protected species. Eating them would lead to imprisonment."

"...Imprisonment?" Was this a rule from her world?

Feng Qingyi looked at another dish nearby. "And what's this?"

"This is venison. The meat is tender and delicious. You should try it."

After Qin Yuchuan's explanation, Feng Qingyi deflated. It seemed that one dish after another was off-limits.

Rejecting wild game, she decided to stick to vegetables.

Seeing Feng Qingyi's demeanor, Qin Yuchuan asked, "Would eating venison also lead to imprisonment?"

Feng Qingyi nodded, "Yes. I think the vegetables here are quite good. I'll eat these."

As she ate her vegetables, she listened to the court music and watched the beautiful dancers. Ancient people really knew how to enjoy life.

She had just completed beginner-level courses in playing the zither, but a young lady had already demonstrated exceptional skill with the instrument earlier. If Feng Qingyi were to play now, the comparison would be unfavorable.

As for dancing, without the right music, the atmosphere wouldn't be right.

Her strongest skill was painting, but that was a time-consuming activity.

Considering the current situation, she would have to make do. It seemed she might end up spending the rest of the banquet painting.

"Is Miss Mu ready?" Xuanyuan Sheng was quite eager to see her talents.

He was very curious about what skills this woman, who had caught Qin Yuchuan's attention, possessed.

Feng Qingyi stood up, "In response to Your Majesty, I would like to create a painting. May I trouble you to prepare some tools? I'll need some colored paints."

"Very well. Qi Tan, send someone to prepare the materials."

Soon, the prepared items were presented. Feng Qingyi noticed everyone staring at her.

Without an easel, Feng Qingyi had to spread the paper on the table.

"Your Majesty, there are still some ladies who haven't had the chance to perform. Painting takes time. Perhaps they could continue while I work?"

Being watched by everyone while painting made her feel uncomfortable and a bit nervous.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Sheng agreed, "Then let them continue."

The banquet became lively again, with toasts exchanged and entertainment resuming.

As Feng Qingyi painted, she suddenly missed the unfinished dishes on the table. She looked up towards Qin Yuchuan.

Qin Yuchuan gave her an encouraging look, which Feng Qingyi acknowledged before lowering her head to continue painting.

Although they had indeed found some colored paints for her, these paints couldn't be mixed. Feng Qingyi felt quite frustrated.

She wasn't skilled in ink painting, and she also felt she wasn't qualified to attempt ink painting in front of so many people from ancient times.

If a master of traditional Chinese painting suddenly appeared, she would surely embarrass herself.

Her specialty was oil painting, but due to the limitations of these paints, that was impossible. She would have to find another approach.

After a long while, just before the banquet came to an end, Feng Qingyi finally finished her painting.

Everyone was extremely curious about the artwork she had created.

When the palace maid displayed Feng Qingyi's painting for all to see, the audience was utterly stunned.

They had never before laid eyes on such a painting; the figures within were nearly identical to their real-life counterparts, as if they had been perfectly replicated.

What she had painted was a corner of the banquet, and the people in the painting were those present at the event. Even the tables, chairs, and dinnerware were reproduced with exquisite precision.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)biin.co/m