"Miss Feng has truly impressed us all with her skills today. I will have this painting collected, and reward you with a pair of jade ruyi scepters!" Xuanyuan Sheng praised.

Feng Qingyi replied, "Your Majesty flatters me. It's merely a trivial skill."

"Miss Feng, you've been hiding your talents. Where did you learn such painting techniques?" Murong Yan inquired.

Feng Qingyi met her gaze confidently, "In response to Your Highness, I just paint casually in my spare time. I have no formal training."

Murong Yan glanced at Feng Qingyi but didn't pursue the topic further.

"I saw myself in her painting. She made me look so handsome!"

"I've never seen such a painting style before. I wonder where she learned it. It's quite novel."

"No wonder General Qin has taken a liking to her. She's truly talented and beautiful!"


Feng Qingyi returned to sit beside Qin Yuchuan. Her legs were sore from standing while painting.

"You've worked hard!"

Feng Qingyi looked at Qin Yuchuan, "What did you think of my painting?"

Seeing the girl's eyes seeking praise, Qin Yuchuan said affectionately, "It was very good."

He knew she had studied painting before, but this was the first time he had seen her create art on the spot.

When she became serious, she was incredibly focused. Even with the bustling atmosphere around her, she remained undisturbed, as if immersed in her own world.

After seeing Feng Qingyi's artwork, Shangguan Yi's opinion of her improved slightly. At least she wasn't just a pretty face without substance.

"Liyan, do you think I could ask Miss Feng to paint a picture for me?" Chu Sixing was captivated by the recent painting. It was the first time he had seen someone capture a likeness so vividly.

Xu Liyan replied, "If she were to paint those wanted posters, they would probably turn out quite well."

"... I suppose Miss Feng probably wouldn't have that much free time."

Back at her seat, Feng Qingyi ate some of the newly served fruit. The banquet was drawing to a close.

After Xuanyuan Sheng raised a toast, he left with Murong Yan.

Feng Qingyi and Qin Yuchuan walked out of the great hall, heading towards the palace gates.

At that moment, someone came to summon Qin Yuchuan, saying that Xuanyuan Sheng was waiting for him in Yangxin Hall.

Qin Yuchuan, feeling uneasy about leaving Feng Qingyi alone, asked Na Muqi to escort her out.

After Qin Yuchuan left, Na Muqi curiously asked, "Miss Feng, how did you and the General come to know each other?"

"...We've known each other for a long time," Feng Qingyi could only give a vague answer. She could hardly say they met through a mobile phone!

"Why would I need to do such a thing, Your Majesty?" Qin Yuchuan didn't understand his intention today.

Xuanyuan Sheng's eyes darkened, "Indeed, why would you need to? I heard you met with the Worthy Prince some days ago. How is he faring?"

Qin Yuchuan felt that today, he couldn't quite grasp what the Emperor was trying to express.

First, he inquired about Qingyi's identity, and now he brought up Xuanyuan Yan.

Although he didn't understand the Emperor's meaning, it was always better to err on the side of caution.

"As for whether he's well or not, I wouldn't know, Your Majesty."

Xuanyuan Sheng asked, "Then who do you think is more suitable to be Emperor, me or him?"

"Your Majesty is already the ruler of Tianqi. Why compare yourself to others?" Qin Yuchuan didn't answer directly.

Xuanyuan Sheng's eyes deepened, "You may leave now."

Qin Yuchuan bowed to Xuanyuan Sheng before withdrawing.

He wasn't sure if the Emperor was drunk today or if he was trying to probe him for something.

Feng Qingyi had already reached the palace gates with the others and met up with Yan Yang and Yan Chi. She then sat in the carriage waiting for Qin Yuchuan.

In the dark carriage, Feng Qingyi was feeling drowsy and leaned against the window to rest.

When Qin Yuchuan entered the carriage, he saw Feng Qingyi sleeping with her head resting on her arm.

He reached out and pulled her into his arms. Feng Qingyi felt herself fall into a warm embrace.

"Qin Yuchuan, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. If you're tired, just sleep."

Lying in Qin Yuchuan's arms, inhaling the faint scent of pine wood emanating from him, Feng Qingyi felt her heart rate quicken.

"I'm not tired. Let me go," Feng Qingyi struggled to get up from his embrace.

But Qin Yuchuan didn't give her the chance, "It's dark, and the road is bumpy. This way you won't get hurt."

"...Alright then."

In the darkness, Feng Qingyi couldn't clearly see Qin Yuchuan's expression, but she quietly leaned against his chest.

The carriage sped along the road, with silence enveloping the outside.

His heartbeat was steady and strong, particularly distinct within the confines of the carriage, making her feel somewhat nervous.

"Qingyi, I'll come to find you from now on."

Murong Yan had likely set her sights on her, and he was unwilling to let her face danger, even though he was confident in his ability to protect her.