Feng Qingyi heard his words, and although she didn't fully understand, she grasped the complex situation here and softly replied, "Alright."

Before the carriage reached the General's Mansion, Feng Qingyi had already returned to her own bedroom.

Qin Yuchuan felt a sense of loss as the person in his arms suddenly disappeared. The time he could spend with her was very limited; he could only hope that the space-time transfer array would be upgraded soon. However, the upgrade required a substantial number of points and would take a long time.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the General's Mansion, and Qin Yuchuan alighted.

Yan Chi and Yan Yang had been waiting outside the carriage for a while but didn't see Feng Qingyi.

By this time, Qin Yuchuan had already entered the mansion alone.

"What's going on? The general didn't even help Miss Qingyi down!" Yan Yang was already feeling indignant on Feng Qingyi's behalf.

Yan Chi called out, "Miss Qingyi, we've arrived!"

There was no sound from inside the carriage. Yan Yang gently lifted the curtain to find it empty.

"Miss Qingyi really does come and go like a ghost! She disappeared without a sound."

It seemed the gift he had prepared wouldn't be delivered this time either. Who knew when she would come by next?

Back in her bedroom, Feng Qingyi hadn't even had time to remove her makeup when there was a knock on the door.

Opening it, she saw Nan Yin standing there.

"Qingyi, you're all dressed up so beautifully. Where did you go?"

Seeing Feng Qingyi's perfect makeup and styling, Nan Yin felt for a moment that she might have approached this the wrong way.

"Mom, when did you get back?"

Nan Yin took out a small box. "Just now. This is a gift for you. Open it and see if you like it."

"Why did you buy me another gift?"

Although Nan Yin had been bringing her gifts every time she went out for years, who would refuse a present?

Opening the box, she saw a delicate, small bracelet with twinkling stars on it.

"Thank you, Mom! I love it!"

Nan Yin patted Feng Qingyi's head. "I'm glad you like it. Since you're all dressed up so nicely, let's take some photos together. It would be a waste otherwise."

Feng Qingyi casually placed the bracelet on the dresser, then followed Nan Yin to the living room to take some glamour shots.

As for the photographer, Feng Zhixing was more than qualified.

As the husband of a big star, he had long since mastered the skill of photography.

Though he couldn't match a professional photographer, after Nan Yin's coaching, he had become quite proficient.

"Honey, remember to make us look taller," Nan Yin said, putting her arm around Feng Qingyi.

"What is it so early in the morning?"

Nan Yin looked at Feng Qingyi, still in her pajamas. "We're going shopping today. The New Year is coming soon, so we need to buy new clothes first."

"Alright, I got it. Let me freshen up first."

After getting ready, Feng Qingyi walked into the living room to find only Feng Zhixing there.

"Weren't we going clothes shopping? Where's Mom?"

Feng Zhixing pointed towards the bedroom. "She's doing her makeup!"

"Didn't she already put on makeup? Why is she doing it again?"

"Your mom said her previous makeup didn't match her clothes, so she's starting over."

"...Okay. Well, call me when we're leaving. I'll go back to my room and read for a bit."

After waiting for half an hour, the family of four finally managed to leave.

They had breakfast together outside their residential complex before heading to the mall.

The winter in Jiang City was bitterly cold, but inside the mall, it was very warm.

Shopping with Nan Yin meant the rest of them became emotionless clothes-trying machines.

Nan Yin had good taste, and the clothes she picked for everyone were quite suitable.

As a result, the three "clothes-trying machines" had no complaints, and Nan Yin thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of choosing clothes for her family.

"I think I might be able to become a stylist in the future. Qingci, try on this coat."

Feng Qingyi, sitting on a nearby chair, said, "Mom, I don't think my brother is suited for such somber clothes."

"Times have changed. He has a girlfriend now, so he needs to dress up properly. It wouldn't be good if he gets dumped later."

Nan Yin picked out clothes for everyone, and quite a lot at that.

Nan Yin and Feng Qingyi walked arm in arm in front, while the two men followed behind, carrying bags of all sizes.

Feng Qingyi suddenly felt that shopping with family was great – she didn't have to carry anything or spend money.

"Is that Nan Yin over there?"


"Across the street. She posted wedding photos before, and I think that's her husband behind her."

"I heard she had twins recently. Could those be her son and daughter?"

"Quick, take a photo! The internet is always spreading rumors about her getting divorced, but this doesn't look like a divorced couple at all."

"You can't believe anything you see online these days. I recently saw a gossip account claiming Nan Yin was having an affair with some young heartthrob actor."
