Feng Qingyi walked beside Nan Yin, suddenly noticing something amiss.

Before she could react, a large crowd of people started heading in their direction.

One by one, they were holding phones, with a group of people shouting "Nan Yin!"

Nan Yin had been in the entertainment industry for decades, possessing both skill and popularity. Although she always disguised herself when going out, those familiar with her could still recognize her.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving first. Take care!"

In situations like this, what else was there to do but run?

Feng Qingyi took off running before the crowd could surround them, not bothering with the others anymore.

Soon there would likely be a group asking for photos and autographs, and she didn't want to be caught up in that commotion.

Nan Yin felt a bit flustered and turned to look at Feng Zhixing. "Honey, what should we do?"

"I saw an emergency exit over there when we came up. Let's try that first."

If they got surrounded in the mall, it would be difficult to get out without some effort.

"Then let's hurry!"

Nan Yin was about to pull Feng Zhixing along quickly, but his hands were full of shopping bags.

Seeing this, Feng Zhixing shoved everything into Feng Qingci's arms. "These are yours now. Your mom and I are leaving first."

"...You guys, I don't—!"

Because there were too many items, he couldn't hold them all, and a lot fell to the ground.

By this time, Nan Yin's group of fans had arrived.

"I just saw a photo posted by a fan. They were right here. Have they already left?"

"Look, that handsome young man seems to have been with them. This must be Nan Yin's son!"


Hearing the noisy voices around him and the sound of camera flashes, Feng Qingci felt extremely irritated.

He wanted to escape the scene quickly, but there were too many things. He couldn't carry them all in his two hands, yet he couldn't just abandon them.

He had no choice but to repack all the newly bought clothes in public, stuffing as much as he could into one bag.

After a while, he finally reorganized everything and walked away quickly with the bags.

If he ever went shopping with them again, he'd be a fool. They all just knew how to take advantage of him.

Feng Qingyi browsed in an accessories store for a while. After seeing the crowd below disperse, she headed towards the parking lot.

When she reached where their car was parked, Feng Qingyi saw Feng Qingci standing nearby with a dark expression, surrounded by many shopping bags.

"What happened to you? Where are Mom and Dad?"

Feng Qingci looked at his phone and replied coldly, "Who knows!"

[Shen Hanyue: Video.mp4]

[Shen Hanyue: Have to say, Brother Ci's family status is a bit pitiful, isn't it?]

Feng Qingyi opened the video to watch and almost laughed out loud.

It showed Feng Qingci reorganizing clothes with a look of despair, with background voices instructing how to fold clothes.

[Feng Qingyi: Haha!]

[Lou Xi: ...]

"Feng Qingyi, what are you watching?" Feng Qingci felt the voice in the video sounded familiar.

Feng Qingyi said with a smile, "I sent it to you. See for yourself!"

"...Is there any way to delete this?" Doesn't he care about his reputation?

Feng Qingyi shook her head, "I'm not sure about that. Why don't you ask them when they get back?"

"But I think those who were meant to see it have already seen it. There's no point in deleting it now, and it's not like it's something embarrassing."

Feng Qingci: "That's because it's not about you!"

Although that was indeed the logic, who told her to run faster?


In Shengjing, at the Tianqi Imperial Palace.

In Changle Palace, Murong Yan sat on a soft couch covered with fox fur.

Beside her was Yan Lan, the palace maid she had recently selected.

"Your Highness, news from outside the palace reports that they haven't been able to trace the whereabouts of that Miss Mu."

Murong Yan: "Can't find her? How can a living person simply vanish into thin air?"

"According to Lord Li, that day the young lady left the palace gates with several court officials. After getting into the carriage, she was never seen coming out."

Murong Yan rubbed her temples. She hadn't found out much about this Miss Mu, but what she did know was very strange.

Her intelligence network couldn't find any trace of her existence, as if she had appeared out of nowhere.

But she was indeed Mu Yuanshan's daughter. Apart from suddenly appearing in Shengjing and getting involved with Qin Yuchuan, all other information about her was blank.

She didn't know what Qin Yuchuan had said to Xuanyuan Sheng, but he didn't seem suspicious at all.

"Yan Lan, what do you think of Miss Mu?"

Yan Lan kept her head lowered. "In response to Your Majesty, this servant does not know much about Miss Mu. However, her painting at the palace banquet was truly exceptional."

"Indeed, I have never seen such a painting style before."

What secret could be hidden between Qin Yuchuan and her? It's truly intriguing!

"Yan Lan, instruct Li He to keep an eye on the General's Mansion. If Miss Mu appears, report it immediately."