CH 87.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Editor: yuki

Although Bai Yuehu didn’t say anything, Lu Qingjiu understood his mood. He laughed and agreed to spend this week to help Bai Yuehu clean up the moss on his body. 

Yin Xun, who had been sitting beside Lu Qingjiu covering his head with his own T-shirt, surreptitiously revealed his eyes when he heard their conversation to see Bai Yuehu’s huge body. It had to be said that, as a mountain god with little worldly knowledge, there weren’t many opportunities to see the true form of the dragon race at such a close proximity. Of course, after seeing Bai Yuehu’s huge body, he also realized that Bai Yuehu’s threat to swallow him in one bite was indeed not a joke…

After having experienced  Lu Qingjiu’s tender affections for a long time, Bai Yuehu reluctantly changed back to his original form. It was already a little late at the moment. Lu Qingjiu packed up his things and led everyone back home. Before he left, he felt as if he had forgotten something, and wondered out loud: “Did I forget something?”

Yin Xun said, “What did you forget?”

Lu Qingjiu: “…I can’t remember.” 

Yin Xun said: “Don’t think too much, there’s nothing wrong. You, me, Bai Yuehu, Su Xi, Xiao Hua, Xiao Hei…”

Lu Qingjiu nodded, feeling that there was likely nothing he had forgotten. With a wave of Bai Yuehu’s hand, the black mist enveloped everyone and brought them back to the human world.

Lu Qingjiu did not give a second thought about what he had forgotten. It wasn’t until a few weeks later when he was tidying the little fox’s fur that he suddenly noticed what seemed to be missing from the little fox’s body, and said in horror, “Fuck! Did we forget to bring the rain master’s concubine back from the beach?!!”

Yin Xun: “…”

Lu Qingjiu: “We’re done for.”

By the time he told Bai Yuehu about this and asked him to bring the Rain Master’s concubine back, she had already spent more than a dozen days and nights on the beach. She was covered with algae, holding a small conch in her arms. If it weren’t for her eyeballs that could move, it was like a figure that had turned into a stone sculpture… Lu Qingjiu was very apologetic, and for a period of time afterwards, he didn’t forget to leave a portion of food for her every time he made a meal.

After the rain master’s concubine story, it was Bai Yuehu’s story.

Because he agreed to help clean up Bai Yuehu’s body, Lu Qingjiu went to town to buy a lot of cleaning supplies, such as mops, rags, and shower gels. Considering the huge size of Bai Yuehu’s body, he bought a lot of these things, which piqued the shop owner’s interest, leading him to ask if Lu Qingjiu was stocking up. Lu Qingjiu smiled but said nothing, and settled the bill. 

On the third day after returning from the beach, Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu to take him to a place where he could clean his scales. Bai Yuehu brought him to a deep lake, surrounded by big green trees. The crystalline lake water was so clear that it appeared the perfect shade of turquoise blue. One could even see the aquatic plants and fish swimming in it.

Bai Yuehu appeared in his true form by the lake, lying lazily on his stomach. Lu Qingjiu put on his gloves and started working. He let Bai Yuehu get his body wet first, then wiped the shower gel with a mop to help him clean up the debris on his body. Most of these debris were moss, and there was some fine dust and sand. Lu Qingjiu didn’t miss out on any one of his scales.

Bai Yuehu also cooperated with Lu Qingjiu’s actions, moving about from time to time, to provide Lu Qingjiu the most convenient angle. After Lu Qingjiu had scrubbed most of the moss off, he let Bai Yuehu roll in the lake to wash away the loose moss. The scales covered in water gleamed in the sunlight like dazzling gems, Lu Qingjiu looked particularly satisfied. As he had cleaned up very carefully, his progress was slower than expected. It took about seven days to clean Bai Yuehu’s back. On the eighth day, Lu Qingjiu made Bai Yuehu turn over to wash the remaining scales.

Bai Yuehu turned over obediently, revealing a belly a lighter shade than his back. Lu Qingjiu reached out and touched the scales on his belly. He was surprised to find that the scales were actually soft and the color was lighter gray. “Why are the colors different?” 

Djl Tefte aliafv tlr teuf vgjubc tfjv  ja Oe Hlcuple: “Prc’a atlr atf mjrf obg fnfgsbcf?”

Oe Hlcuple atbeuta obg j ktlif jcv ofia la kjr agef. Ktf rmjifr bo j rcjxf’r yfiis kfgf jirb ktlaf, jcv ofia wbgf vfilmjaf. Zbra jclwji’r jyvbwfcr cffvfv qgbafmalbc. Vlcmf Djl Tefte tjv rtbkc la ab tlw rb mjiwis, la kjr fnlvfcais j rluc bo agera.

“By the way, I forgot to ask, do you feel anything if I touch your scales like this?” Lu Qingjiu grew curious.

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, then hummed. 

“You do?” Lu Qingjiu asked in surprise, “Every scale?”

Bai Yuehu said, “Yes, even if the scale has fallen off. But only the dragon race has the ability to control these scales. Generally, scales that are dropped disappear.”

Lu Qingjiu remembered the fight between Bai Yuehu and other monsters. He picked up a piece of scale and kissed it. No wonder Bai Yuehu had such a strange expression at the time, and now that he thought about it… Bai Yuehu had actually felt it.

Lu Qingjiu coughed a few times before changing the topic: “Then…I’ll help you wash your belly.” 

Bai Yuehu nodded.

When washing his scales before, Bai Yuehu had never reacted, which caused Lu Qingjiu to not consider the possibility that his scales still had a sense of touch. But when Lu Qingjiu started cleaning the white scales on Bai Yuehu’s abdomen, he heard him groan lightly. At first, he thought it was hurting Bai Yuehu, so he quickly eased his movements, but Bai Yuehu said, “No need to be gentle, it doesn’t hurt.”

“It doesn’t hurt?” Lu Qingjiu said, “Why are you groaning if it doesn’t hurt? Don’t force yourself.” Although he had taken care to buy a soft cloth mop.

“Very comfortable.” Bai Yuehu said in a low voice, as if a little embarrassed, “Too gentle will make it itch.” 

Lu Qingjiu gained a sudden realisation, “Oh, okay, then I will be rougher.” He stood on Bai Yuehu’s belly and continued to work hard to clean his belly. The condition of his belly was slightly better than that of his back, with not as much debris. It’s just that when Lu Qingjiu cleaned a certain part, he suddenly discovered that one of the scales was different from the others, and it was actually growing in the reverse direction. There happened to be some moss growing on the scales. Lu Qingjiu didn’t think much about it and swept it up with a mop, but as soon as he put the mop on it, Bai Yuehu’s body under his feet instantly tensed.

“Yuehu?” Lu Qingjiu was taken aback.

Bai Yuehu said: “Continue.”

Lu Qingjiu said, “Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?” 

Bai Yuehu said: “No.”

Lu Qingjiu didn’t believe him. His black dragon had been wagging his tail just now, but the tail was drooping now; he was obviously uncomfortable. He thought for a moment, then carefully observed the position he was cleaning, and quickly understood why Bai Yuehu had such a reaction.

There was an ancient saying – dragons had reverse scales; those who touched them would die. It means that there was a reverse scale on the dragon’s body, which was its vital point. Anyone who touches it, will be killed by the dragon. The area Lu Qingjiu was currently cleaning was obviously Bai Yuehu’s reverse scales, but Bai Yuehu did not resist Lu Qingjiu’s movements. The only reaction was its happily wagging turned motionless tail.

When Lu Qingjiu thought of this, his heart melted into a puddle of water. He couldn’t help touching that reverse scale and saying warmly, “It’s okay, it will be cleaned up soon.” 

Bai Yuehu snorted softly.

Sweeping the moss off the reverse scales, and seeing it regain its beautiful luster, Lu Qingjiu’s mood improved a lot. But the most distressing thing was that after washing one-third of Bai Yuehu’s belly, the cleaning supplies he had prepared were almost used up. Lu Qingjiu had poured all the shower gel he bought into a bucket. Now that it was used up, work could only be temporarily halted. He needed to go to the town to purchase some more tomorrow.

Bai Yuehu had been dirty for so many years and was not in a hurry. He told Lu Qingjiu to rest for a few days before continuing. Lu Qingjiu didn’t refuse either. Truth to be told, washing Bai Yuehu was a big project, and it was much more tiring than cooking.

As such Lu Qingjiu didn’t work on Saturday and Sunday. Instead, he cooked a big meal at home, intending to reward himself. This period of time had flown by quickly, and it was already early June in the blink of an eye. The weather was getting hotter and hotter. All the thick bedding they used before was removed and replaced with a thin quilt. Lu Qingjiu was still wondering whether to just spread the summer sleeping mat, but Yin Xun asked, “Why are you using the mat?” 

Lu Qingjiu: “It’s a little hot at night.”

Yin Xun: “Hot? Yet you still sleep with Bai Yuehu’s tails every day?”

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Luckily, Bai Yuehu wasn’t there, otherwise he would give Yin Xun a glare again if he heard those words. 

Yin Xun, who had never been in love, obviously didn’t understand what a person in love was like. Although he also liked fur, he was not as crazy as Lu Qingjiu. If he was hot, he would wear short sleeves. But he saw Lu Qingjiu, all sweaty, when he came out of his room while holding Bai Yuehu’s tails every morning: “That tail is so furry, isn’t it hot…”

Although Lu Qingjiu didn’t want to admit it, what Yin Xun said was quite reasonable, so he said helplessly: “I’ll think about it.”

When he went to bed that night, Lu Qingjiu told Bai Yuehu about this matter. He didn’t say it bluntly but whispered to remind him that since it was summer, it would be a bit hot when two people squeezed together.

How could Bai Yuehu not understand Lu Qingjiu’s underlying words? He frowned, “Are you afraid of the heat?” 

Lu Qingjiu: “Not particularly…”

Bai Yuehu said: “I can help you cool down.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Huh?”

Before he could react, he felt his lower half go cold. Something cold wrapped around his body. Bai Yuehu’s lower body actually turned into his dragon form, his icy cold scales pressing against Lu Qingjiu’s skin. ‘Cool’ simply couldn’t be used to describe this feeling. 

Lu Qingjiu was in a daze. He reached out his hand and grabbed Bai Yuehu’s lower part that had turned into a dragon’s tail, and was dumbfounded: “You can even do this?”

Bai Yuehu: “Of course I can.” Furry ears appeared on his head again, and they twitched slightly, as if tempting Lu Qingjiu to grab them.

Lu Qingjiu, who couldn’t stand the temptation at all, felt depraved. His lower body was being wrapped around by Bai Yuehu’s tail, and he was stuck to his back. Just like this, he held onto Bai Yuehu’s furry ears and fell into a deep sleep with a sweet smile.

The next day, Yin Xun finally did not see Lu Qingjiu holding on to Bai Yuehu’s fake tails. Just as he was thinking that Lu Qingjiu had finally matured, the next moment, he saw Bai Yuehu walk out of the room —actually this really couldn’t be described as walking, because his lower body was in the shape of a dragon. 

Yin Xun’s jaw almost fell off, his eyes were wide and round: “You…you…”

Bai Yuehu glanced at him contemptuously and turned around to go wash up. He did not change back to his two legs all the way until breakfast.

Lu Qingjiu happily stood in the kitchen and fried eggs, Yin Xun asked in horror: “Why…Why did Bai Yuehu…become like that?

Lu Qingjiu said, “Isn’t it because you said that it was too hot to hold onto the fox tails? I thought about it and felt it was true. After talking to Bai Yuehu, he changed them into a dragon’s tail.” 

Yin Xun: “…”

Lu Qingjiu: “It’s so damn cool that it’s saving the air-conditioning bills.”

Yin Xun: “…” You city people really know how to go wild.

Lu Qingjiu hummed a song while he fried the eggs, saying that he would cook lunch later too, so that Yin Xun could heat it up himself at noon. He intended to clean up all of Bai Yuehu’s remaining scales today and restore his family’s dragon back to a beautiful big black dragon. 

Yin Xun nodded and told Lu Qingjiu not to worry, he can take care of this family.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

As far as Yin Xun was concerned, if he had to clean the scales of a dragon, it would be better to just cut him up into pieces.

Today’s weather was very pleasant. Although it’s a bit hot, there was a small gust blowing through the forest, which dispelled the unpleasant scorching sensation. Lu Qingjiu hummed a tune and put the mop soaked in shower gel on Bai Yuehu’s body. Bai Yuehu was lying on the soft grass with half-lidded eyes, looking like he had fallen asleep. But whenever Lu Qingjiu spoke, he would definitely respond.