CH 87.2

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Translated by yuki

Edited by xiaowu  

Lu Qingjiu made a concerted effort to clean Bai Yuehu’s scales, finally finishing up the tail area, leaving only Bai Yuehu’s huge claws to be cleaned. Observing the shiny beautiful scales of the enormous creature beside him, Lu Qingjiu couldn’t help feeling a great sense of accomplishment. An idea sparked in his mind. Taking out his handphone, he used Bai Yuehu’s scales as a background to take a few pictures as memories. Hearing the camera shutter, Bai Yuehu only snorted lightly.

“Almost done, “ Lu Qingjiu said, “Come… lift your claws.”

Bai Yuehu obeyed.

There was actually not much rubbish on the claws, so Lu Qingjiu was able to clean them up in a flash. After he finished cleaning, Lu Qingjiu was covered in sweat. He used the towel on his neck to wipe his sweat, then loudly announced, “Hu-er, I have finished cleaning you up! Go rinse yourself in the lake.” 

Bai Yuehu nodded and swam towards the lake. The lake was very deep, as such, Bai Yuehu could fully soak his body inside it. Seeing the clear lake water, Lu Qingjiu was a little tempted, saying in a low voice, “I’ll also take a quick dip.”

Bai Yuehu looked up at him.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t think too much of it, taking off all his clothes before jumping up and violently landing in the lake, creating a huge splash. Bai Yuehu was splashed right in the face, his huge black nose was covered in water droplets. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu burst into laughter and reached out to hug Bai Yuehu’s huge dragon head. In front of Bai Yuehu, he was too tiny, not even as big as one of Bai Yuehu’s eyes. However this difference in body size didn’t make Lu Qingjiu feel any fear. In fact, seeing the enormous creature in front of him, his heart was full of satisfaction that was hard to describe.

“Bai Yuehu, you are quite huge, “ Lu Qingjiu stated while standing on the sandy beach with a splendid smile.

Bai Yuehu cocked his head and stretched out his tongue to lick Lu Qingjiu. His tongue was pink, which was totally at odds with the cool black scales, making him look a little like a cute big dog.

Lu Qingjiu, who was being licked, couldn’t stand it anymore, “Stop, it’s too itchy!”

There were originally some barbs on his tongue, but Bai Yuehu was afraid of hurting Lu Qingjiu and had deliberately retracted them. Despite this, Lu Qingjiu still felt that it was really itchy when he was being licked. He patted Bai Yuehu, then reached out to rub his lower jaw, feeling like he was rearing a really huge pet.

The Bai Yuehu, who was being petted by Lu Qingjiu, narrowed his eyes in satisfaction. After cleaning the dirt on his body, Lu Qingjiu climbed atop Bai Yuehu’s body. Since the weather was rather good, Lu Qingjiu stretched out like a starfish on Bai Yuehu’s body, feeling the warm sunlight on his skin. 

“It’s really comfortable…” Lu Qingjiu mumbled, “it’s making me sleepy.”

Bai Yuehu: “Just sleep.”

Oe Hlcuple erfv tlr ojmf ab gey Djl Tefte’r rmjifr, “Lbk jybea sbe?”

Djl Tefte gfqilfv, “P’ii ojii jriffq klat sbe.” 

Oe Hlcuple rwlifv, “Zs ybvs lr ralii kfa, lo P ojii jriffq ilxf atlr, P’ii vfolclafis mjamt j mbiv.” Snfc atbeut atf afwqfgjaegf tjv glrfc gfmfcais, la kjr ralii cba rewwfg sfa. Ktf mbbilcu ygffhf atja mbeiv vgs tlw boo kbeiv jirb ajxf jkjs rbwf kjgwat.

Hearing this, Bai Yuehu turned around and stuck out his tongue, licking all the water off Lu Qingjiu’s body. His original intention was to prevent Lu Qingjiu from catching a cold, but as he continued licking, his intention changed. Lu Qingjiu’s skin was not pearly white, but a healthy wheat colour. At this moment, that wheat-coloured skin was suffused with red, his expression was slightly unnatural, vaguely calling out, “Yuehu!”

Bai Yuehu immediately understood. In the next moment, black mist started floating around his body, surrounding the two people.

Under the warm breeze and the comfortable sunlight, the two people who were in love felt content whatever they did. 

That day, Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu returned very late. Yin Xun was almost about to go home when the two appeared in the porch area.

Lu Qingjiu was being princess carried by Bai Yuehu, with his head buried in Bai Yuehu’s chest, seemingly asleep. Bai Yuehu’s face was full of satisfaction.

“Is Jiu-er fine?” Yin Xun originally thought that Lu Qingjiu was feeling sick.

“He’s fine, you can go home,” Bai Yuehu’s voice was as low and pleasing as usual. 

Yin Xun was shocked for a few seconds, before realising what had actually happened between the two. He immediately recalled the scene he had watched before on the computer and felt like blushing. He turned around to leave in a rush.

Lu Qingjiu had been ‘tortured’ by Bai Yuehu until he was all bleary. He faintly heard Yin Xun’s voice, but before he could say anything, he felt Bai Yuehu dropping a kiss on his forehead. Opening his eyes with great difficulty, he faintly asked, “Are we back home?”

Bai Yuehu answered with an “En”.

Coincidentally, Lu Qingjiu saw Yin Xun’s panicked escaping silhouette. He felt that it was slightly funny but at the same time, felt a little sorry, “Let’s go to our room…” 

Bai Yuehu nodded.

Bai Yuehu brought Lu Qingjiu into the shower before they fell asleep in each other’s embrace. This time, Bai Yuehu didn’t bring out his “tails”, and neither did he change into the dragon tail. He was just a normal person, quietly embracing Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu was too tired, falling into a deep sleep the instant his head touched the pillow.

On the third day, when he woke up, Lu Qingjiu seriously suspected that his body was about to fall apart. He slowly got up and slowly brushed his teeth. He was originally planning to make breakfast, but when he picked up the spatula, his hand started shivering. Bai Yuehu stood nearby without a change in his expression, as if not noticing this weird condition of Lu Qingjiu’s body. Lu Qingjiu helplessly shook his head saying, “Can’t you control yourself a little?” 

“What is control?”

“It means… to have limits when we do it.”

Bai Yuehu: “Do it?”

Lu Qingjiu: … 

Who in the hell taught you those words?

With no other choice, Lu Qingjiu could only simplify their breakfast menu. He asked Bai Yuehu to help him cook the noodles while he dealt with the noodle seasoning packets. After the three had finished eating their cup noodles, Lu Qingjiu said that since the Dragon Boat Festival was just around the corner, he wanted Bai Yuehu to go to town to buy some zongzi leaf wrappers and fresh pork as he was planning to start wrapping zongzi. 

Around these parts, they were used to savoury zongzi. Using soy sauce to marinate the glutinous rice, then using that rice to wrap up fresh meat, egg yolks or any type of cured meats. Such zongzi were salty and delicious, especially for carnivores like Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, it was even more attractive. Of course, apart from meat zongzi, Lu Qingjiu was also planning to wrap some sweet ones, taking out the honeyed dates he had pickled in the winter and also reminding Bai Yuehu to buy some Eight treasure rice from town.

Lu Qingjiu’s body today really couldn’t be helped. As such, he could only instruct Yin Xun, while he prepared the cotton strings and scissors. He was originally thinking to let Yin Xun marinate the glutinous rice in soy sauce. However after giving it some thought, to avoid having diarrhea after eating this pot of zongzi,  he decided to do it himself tomorrow.

The fox cub, Xiaohua and Xiaohei chased rabbits in the porch area. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun sat outside, sunning themselves while chatting.

Yin Xun asked Lu Qingjiu what it felt like being in love. 

Lu Qingjiu thought hard, then used a method that Yin Xun could understand to explain it, “It’s as if you had been starving for 3 months, but suddenly ate a pot of really tasty meat. On one hand it’s really tasty, on the other hand you’re afraid of stuffing yourself too much.”

Yin Xun sniffed, muttering that he would also like to fall in love.

Lu Qingjiu recalled all the people in the village, realising that there wasn’t a suitable-aged female. The youngest female creature was actually Xiaohei, while the only female humans in the village were aunties that were above 50 years old. To choose a pig or an aunt, both were equally sad choices.

Yin Xun was probably thinking of the same thing as Lu Qingjiu, falling into sorrow he couldn’t hide, “Why is lady luck so cruel to me. I only wanted a beautiful lady, but all I have is a pig.” 

Xiaohei and Xiahua who were playing nearby expressed their dissatisfaction, saying that Yin Xun was thinking too highly of himself. When you were thinking of the pig, did you ask whether said pig was willing?

Yin Xun retorted, “Not willing? Do you even have the right to be unwilling?” He stretched out and hugged Xiaohua tightly, not letting go even with the threat of death.

Xiaohua was almost hugged to death by Yin Xun, at last squeezing out a few words, “Even if you have my body, you’ll never get my heart…”

“Why do I want your heart for, I only want your body.” 

Xiaohua: …

He was almost angered to death by Yin Xun’s words.

His sister, Xiaohei, was weeping to the side, saying if Yin Xun was willing to let go of her brother, she would willingly go with him.

Lu Qingjiu couldn’t stop himself, and burst into laughter. 

Yin Xun: “If you keep on laughing, if you keep on doing so…. I’ll eat Xiaohua.”

Xiaohua: ???? What did this have to do with him?