CH 108

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Wu Xiaohang doesn't like winter.

Winter means spending more money on food and warm clothes, and more money on heating, which may be a change of season for ordinary people, but for him, who is not financially well off, it is a heavy burden. In the past, he would have been able to get by on his own, but now he has a child at home, and although the child says he is not afraid of the cold, he cannot bear to leave the child in an unheated house for the winter.

Wu Xiaohang was relieved when he was able to pay the heating bill and keep his home warm.

Wu Xiaohang brings him delicious food in every possible way, just in case he doesn't even have his last hobby, and becomes completely unwilling to move.

The child had been living in his home for almost six months and Wu Xiaohang had become accustomed to his presence. He had thought about calling the police to find a family for the child, but after finding out that the child's home did not seem to be in good condition, Wu Xiaohang gave up on the idea. Situation

He looked at the city's search information every day and found no one looking for the child, which confirmed the child's story that his family did not love him and did not even try to find him when they found out he was missing.

Wu Xiaohang was relieved to feel sad and at the same time relieved of the guilt he felt inside.

In the autumn, the boy was injured again, so badly that he came home unconscious. Wu Xiaohang was so shocked by this that he immediately picked him up and tried to run to the hospital, but halfway there Wu Ruhuo woke up and refused to go.

"I'll be fine, don't go to the hospital." Wu Ruhuo insisted, "Just sleep for a few days and you'll be fine."

"Who hit you? Who the hell hit you?" Wu Xiaohang gritted his teeth. Wu Xiaohang gritted his teeth, eager to help Wu Ruhuo get back on his feet, "Such a little kid with such a mean hand. He couldn't resist swearing, but then hastened to stop, as he was carrying a child on his back, and it would not be good for him to learn to swear.

Wu Ruhuo naturally rubbed his cheek against Wu Xiaohang's with a touch of petulance as he said, "Yeah, he's a real piece of work, let's go back, I really don't want to go to the hospital, it's just a superficial wound, it'll heal in a few days."

"No, how can this be a superficial injury." Wu Xiaohang is still reluctant.

Wu Ruhuo refused to go to the hospital, so Wu Xiaohang had no choice but to take the child home. When he got home, he asked Wu Ruhuo why he didn't want to go, and after a moment's silence, Wu Ruhuo said something that made Wu Xiaohang's heart ache.

He said, "Hospitals are very expensive and our family doesn't have the money."

After hearing this, Wu Xiaohang hugged him with all his might, thinking that he could never let a child suffer like this again, nor let anyone else hurt him.

The boy's promise to Wu Xiaohang is not denied, and he leans on Wu Xiaohang's shoulder, but his eyes are not as pitiful as before, and become as calm as stagnant water.

Although he was badly injured in the autumn, he has become much quieter since winter and does not like to go out. While Wu Xiaohang was worried, he was also relieved that Wu Ruhuo didn't go out, which meant that the others had no chance of harming him.

On this day Wu Xiaohang got paid and bought Wu Ruhuo's favourite cake from the bakery and carried it home happily. But before he could enter the house, he heard a violent argument from inside, as if Wu Ruhuo was arguing with someone. His first thought was that Wu Ruhuo's parents were at the door, but after listening carefully through the walls, Wu Xiaohang realised that Wu Ruhuo's voice was the only one coming from the house.

"I won't do it, just shut up" Wu Ruhuo huffed, "he's different at least not to me."

The person on the other end didn't know what to say and Wu Ruhuo got even angrier, even smashing something down: "I'll let him know, it's just not the time yet, wait for some more days."

Wu Xiaohang was trying to let him know what was going on when the sound of voices in the house dropped, followed by the sound of the door opening, and Wu Ruhuo, standing at the door, had spotted him returning.

He saw a look in Wu Ruhuo's eyes that he had never seen before, a look that was cold and cruel, as if he was looking at an ant that could be crushed to death with his bare hands. Wu Xiaohang's heart shook and he took a step back reflexively. When he looked again, Wu Ruhuo had returned to his usual gentle appearance and looked at him with a smile, saying, "Brother, you're back.

"I'm back." Looking at Wu Ruhuo in front of him, the awful sense of disconnection he had just felt was quickly put behind him as Wu Xiaohang said, "I brought you your favourite cake, it'll be frozen hard if you don't eat it again, come and try it."

Wu Ruhuo laughed.

The two went into the house and happily shared the tiny piece of cake when Wu Ruhuo suddenly said, "Brother, if you find out I'm lying to you, will you blame me?"

Wu Xiaohang was cutting a cake with his head down when he said, "What did you lie to me about? Did your family ask you to go back?"

Wu Ruhuo shakes his head, indicating that it is not.

Wu Xiaohang said, "Everyone has their own secrets, and occasional deception is allowed if it is not a deliberate attempt to harm." He raised his hand, touched Wu Ruhuo's head and said, "Or do you want to tell me now?"

Wu Ruhuo chewed on his spoon for a moment, but rejected Wu Xiaohang's offer, saying, "No, I don't want to tell you yet, it's not time yet."

Wu Xiaohang laughs: "What do you mean by "not in time", what is it?"

Wu Ruhuo said, "It's important, but I don't want to talk about it right now." He watched Wu Xiaohang's expression and thought again of the step Wu Xiaohang had taken earlier at the door when he had stepped back involuntarily.

Wu Xiaohang didn't take Wu Ruhuo's words seriously; Wu Ruhuo was only a teenager now, and a teenager couldn't have any particularly important secrets.

Wu Ruhuo smiled with satisfaction and said, "You are very kind, brother.

Wu Xiaohang pats him on the shoulder, gesturing for him to come over and eat the cake. The orange light in the room gives both of them a warm colour, and this winter doesn't seem to be as hard as Wu Xiaohang thought it would be.

This evening's food, a roast lamb stew with cabbage stored in the cellar and a dish of home-made dip, was very appetising. In fact, Lu Qingjiu likes to boil some peas when he eats lamb, but unfortunately the snow came too early this year and they didn't have any at home, so they had to give up. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were both bewildered and wondered if there was something else going on in the city when Bai Yuehu returned with a handful of crisp peas. "You guys eat first, I'll go and wash up."

Lu Qingjiu couldn't help but smile and nod, he didn't say he wanted fresh vegetables, but he didn't expect Bai Yuehu to see it at first glance.

The peas were washed and put into a boiling pot of soup, where they were slightly watered over and ready to be eaten, with their rich aroma and tender leaves and stalks. Lu Qingjiu said, "Where did you pick these?"

Bai Yuehu said, "I bought them at the supermarket."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's delicious."

Bai Yuehu nodded with satisfaction. Although Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun couldn't go out, he could, so they weren't too isolated when they thought about it.

Lu Qingjiu felt much better after eating the pea shoots and ended up drinking several bowls of soup, which warmed up her body. After eating, Yin Xun volunteered to do the dishes while Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu sat on the bed and continued knitting. I have to say, knitting jumpers is a real addiction, once you start, you just want to keep on knitting and you can't stop. Lu Qingjiu is only about a third of the way through the ear cuffs he planned to knit for Bai Yuehu, and is still far from finished, and Lu Qingjiu doesn't even understand what Bai Yuehu is knitting.

After winter, the snow had no intention of stopping, it was like a hole had been poked in the sky, and overnight, the snow was as high as a man's thigh, and it was almost impossible to open the door.

To prevent the house from being blocked, the first thing they do every morning is to sweep the snow. He wanted to do it, but Bai Yuehu firmly refused, saying that Lu Qingjiu's body was already cold and that he had to rely on Zhu Rong's ginger soup to warm it up, and that too much contact with snow was not a good thing. Lu Qingjiu was unable to argue, so he had to give up and stood watching Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun sweep.

After days of being cooped up in the house, Lu Qingjiu finally came across a sunny day and went out for a while to get some sun. After the heavy snowfall, it was so white outside that the sunlight fell on the snow in a dazzling manner, and Yin Xun sniffled and asked Lu Qingjiu what we were going to eat tonight.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's see what you and Bai Yuehu want to eat, why do you have a runny nose."

Yin Xun says: "I seem to have a cold"

Lu Qingjiu: "Even a mountain god can catch a cold" Yin Xun This mountain god is a little too fragile.

Yin Xun says: "The cold virus is terrible, who can't catch a cold, even the dragons can catch a cold"

Lu Qingjiu: "" He didn't know what to say.

Although it was a sunny day, Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to go far, so he took a few turns around the yard to move his muscles. The yard was empty at this point, and the chickens and rabbits had all been moved indoors by Lu Qingjiu before the snow fell. Cow did not go indoors, Bai Yuehu said he was very good at resisting the cold, and as long as the grass was kept on, the meat would be better if left outside for the winter.

Lu Qingjiu has also put all the bees and Qin Yuan in the backyard in a special storage room, and has placed sugar for the bees to eat over the winter, so the whole house is now ready for winter.

In December, Su Yan, the fox's father, came to pick up his cub, Su Xi, who, after last year, had preserved his shiny fur so well that he no longer had to worry about being identified as a poodle. Su Yan was so touched by the sight that he took Lu Qingjiu's hand and shook it a few times to thank him, before he finally fled under Bai Yuehu's unkind gaze. He saw the jumpers in Bai Yuehu's and Lu Qingjiu's hands and obviously thought of something awful, so he grabbed his son and ran away.

Lu Qingjiu was bewildered and said what was wrong with Su Yan, why did she look so panicked and being whisked away on her ass?

Bai Yuehu said, "Look at the colour of the wool on your hand, does it look like smooth fox fur."

Lu Qingjiu :""

Bai Yuehu said, "He's a fast runner."

Lu Qingjiu was in tears, he had initially bought the wool from the town, but after working day and night they soon ran out of it, of course, Bai Yuehu would not allow his gift giving to be interrupted, so he soon brought back a ball of very good quality wool, Lu Qingjiu did not think much of it, thinking that Bai Yuehu had gone somewhere to gather the wool. Lu Qingjiu didn't think much of it, thinking that Bai Yuehu had gotten the wool from somewhere, but when he saw Su Yan's damned expression, he guessed where Bai Yuehu had gotten the wool from!

It must be said that this group of nine-tailed foxes were really miserable when they met Bai Yuehu, not only did they lose their tails, but they also lost a lot of their fur.

After Su Xi's departure, the family was quiet. This year, the New Year ended very early, almost in the middle of January. Lu Qingjiu thought that they would wait for the New Year in peace, but at the end of December, there was a big event in the city, and the Candle Dragon, whose activities had become low-key, rioted.

It was still snowing that day when Lu Qingjiu woke up in a daze and saw Bai Yuehu dressing next to him and asked, "Where are you going?"

Bai Yuehu said, "I'll go to the city." He turned around and dropped a tender kiss on Lu Qingjiu's forehead, "Stay at home and don't go out into the courtyard, it's too cold outside."

Lu Qingjiu said yes.

Bai Yuehu got up and left, his back slightly rushed, and it seemed that things were not going very well, Lu Qingjiu stayed in bed for a while and then got up too. It was past ten in the morning and Yin Xun was due to come over, so Lu Qingjiu sat on the edge of his bed and noticed a strange red hue in the sky. The red haze was familiar to him, it was clearly a symbol of fire, and it seemed to be the work of Candle Dragon again.

Lu Qingjiu was sitting at the window when he heard a knock at the door. His first thought was that Yin Xun had arrived, but after the knock, no one came in.

Every time Bai Yuehu leaves something happens, and Lu Qingjiu has a feeling in his heart that he won't move, even though he hears another knock at the door.

Lu Qingjiu, slightly puzzled, looked out through the cat's eye, but was surprised to see a familiar figure standing outside the door in the wind and snow, staring silently at the black door in front of him.

Lu Qingjiu was surprised and a little worried when his grandfather suddenly came to the door, so he opened it and said, "Grandpa, what are you doing here?"

Ao Run looked slightly tired as he slowly reached out and gently grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm, writing in his hand: "Sake, I have something to tell you.

Lu Qingjiu said, "What is it?"

Ao Run writes: about Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu went to the door and pulled it open to see Ao Run standing outside, but his appearance scared Lu Qingjiu, as he was covered in wounds and had burn marks on his cheeks, as if he had escaped from a fire.

"Are you all right, Grandpa?" Lu Qingjiu's heart fluttered.

Nothing Ao Run shook his head to say he was fine: he had just had a fight with the head brute.

When Lu Qingjiu heard the name beast, he immediately remembered something: "You fought with the Candle Dragon"

Ao Run nods slightly.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Come in first, I'll help you with the wounds." The wounds were so hideous that not only was the skin burnt black, but even the red flesh inside was exposed, which made people tremble. Lu Qingjiu looked at his grandfather in this state and thought of how distressed she would be if she saw him.

Ao Run walked into the courtyard, but instead of going inside, he found a random stone bench in the snow and sat down.

Lu Qingjiu rushed into the house to get some alcohol and gauze to treat Ao Run.

The alcohol on the wound should have hurt, but Ao Run didn't change his face, and the more Lu Qingjiu cleaned it, the more upset he felt, whispering, "This won't work, we need to go to the hospital for stitches."

Ao Run, however, refused, saying he wasn't that serious.

"Why is it not serious?" Lu Qingjiu said. Lu Qingjiu said, "You can see the bones" he couldn't bear it and did his best to ease his hand, but it was a drop in the bucket to the severity of the wound, "What happened, why did you fight with Candle Dragon, weren't you two working together? "

Grandpa doesn't answer, he just sighs softly and he writes slowly: You're not quite like Grandma.

Lu Qingjiu gave an audible cry.

Your grandmother was not talkative and had a good but stubborn temper, and if she saw me like this she would have gone off to sulk again. Grandma wrote that she was very wise, so she seldom persuaded me either. Wise people seldom say anything unnecessary. She knew she couldn't persuade her lover, so she simply didn't do it either.

Lu Qingjiu listens quietly.

You're a good boy. Ao Run suddenly wrote this, you shouldn't have gotten involved in all this.

Lu Qingjiu said, "But I'm already involved."

Ao Run

Write: No, you still have a chance. He looked up slightly, his eyes closed towards Lu Qingjiu, and then looked a little confused: why don't you leave Shuifu Village?

Lu Qingjiu stopped what he was doing and took a deep breath, his tone serious and earnest: "Because here are the people I love and everything I want to protect."

Ao Run: But you're just a fragile human being, who are you trying to protect?

Lu Qingjiu said, "The humans are the guardians, and the dragons are just tenants."

Ao Run was dumbfounded and let out another sigh as he looked as if there was nothing he could do about Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu continued to help him with his wounds, and a faint worry rose in his heart as he felt Ao Run's breath weaken.

Lu Qingjiu asked Ao Run if he wanted to come inside to warm up for a while, but Ao Run refused.

I have to go. Ao Run writes, but before I go, there are some things to finish.

Lu Qingjiu asks, "What"

Ao Run says: You really don't leave Shuifu Village

Lu Qingjiu, who had been bent over, straightened up when he heard Ao Run's question, slightly confused as to why Ao Run was so insistent that he leave the area.

"I won't leave." Lu Qingjiu spoke with certainty, "No matter what happens, I won't leave." He couldn't imagine leaving Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun here, they couldn't even cook properly, what would happen to the whole family if he left.

Ao Run says: But you'll die here.

Lu Qingjiu froze for a moment at his words.

You will die here, like your parents did. Ao Run went so far as to write this sentence.

Lu Qingjiu is silent for a moment and gives Ao Run his final answer: "People die, everyone does, death is the ultimate destination for human beings, and it's not so terrible to be with the people you love."

After listening to Lu Qingjiu's reply, an indescribable melancholy rose to his brow, and his expression looked as if he was crying or laughing, which, together with the hideous wounds on his face, looked extraordinarily bizarre.

Lu Qingjiu was about to ask what was wrong when he saw Ao Run suddenly stand up and put his empty hand on his shoulder, he wrote: "I'm sorry, sake, I don't want to do this, but if I don't do this, you will surely die". His whole body was instantly frozen, and he froze in place like an ice sculpture. Lu Qingjiu heard Ao Run's heavy sigh as he wrote: "It's about to start, it's too late.

Then a fierce roar came from the doorway, but it was Yin Xun, who should have been here long ago but had only just arrived, who, seeing this scene, lunged towards Ao Run like a madman: "Let go of Lu Qingjiu, you bastard!"

Naturally, Yin Xun was no match for Ao Run, and before he could get to his side, he was swung by Ao Run and knocked straight into the wall.

Lu Qingjiu looked horrified, not understanding why Ao Run was doing this, but knowing that Ao Run would not kill him, unlike Yin Xun, who was a mere mountain god to Ao Run.

Luckily, Ao Run didn't make any unnecessary moves, he let go of Lu Qingjiu's shoulder once he was completely frozen and reached out to touch Lu Qingjiu's cheek gently, his fingers trembling slightly: I'm sorry.

Lu Qingjiu could not speak and could only look at Ao Run.

I didn't want it to be like this. Ao Run wrote the last sentence: But I couldn't help it. He hung his head, and although I couldn't see his expression, Lu Qingjiu felt that he must have been in a state of deep sorrow.

With these words, Ao Run slowly turned around and left in the snow and wind. Lu Qingjiu stood in the courtyard like a lifeless ice sculpture. Yin Xun, who had been knocked off his feet, staggered over and, after confirming that Lu Qingjiu was still alive, cried and took out his mobile phone to call Bai Yuehu, but the signal was long gone. It's okay, it's okay, you're going to be okay, we're going into the house, it's warm in here."