CH 109

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Candlelight knew he was greedy. He wanted everything, to have everything, especially for what he liked.

"You don't think he really likes you, do you?" the person who spoke clearly didn't even have eyes, but Candle Dragon could see the mockery and sneer on his face, "He likes you because he sees you as a human, if you tell him you're a Candle Dragon, how can he still like you? "

"Shut up." Wu Ruhuo squeezed two words out of his mouth, his expression twisted and frightened, " Ao Run, who are you to tell me that you are nothing but a loser."

Ao Run laughed at his words, the corners of his mouth curving in a beautiful curve, his previous mockery gone, replaced by a contempt that drove Wu Ruhuo even madder as he said, "You told me to shut up because you already knew the answer and because there are so many humans who would accept a monster like you. They accept you only because of your deception."

With a roaring roar, Wu Ruhuo charged at Ao Run, who was no match for Wu Ruhuo, but could easily dodge his attack. Red flames danced between the two, like a dragon that had taken form.

"You're angry." Ao Run kept that smile that Wu Ruhuo found most distasteful, "Did I say something?"

Wu Ruhuo no longer speaks to Ao Run, his moves are deadly and he has no regard for himself, already hating Ao Run.

Ao Run was very happy to see Wu Ruhuo in this state, he had suffered some wounds, but it did not matter, the fight became more and more intense and soon attracted Zhu Rong's men, Candle Dragon wanted to leave Ao Run behind, but he escaped.

Having no choice but to leave, the candle dragon had no choice but to leave as well.

Ao Run did not actively attack Candle Dragon, and thus there were no major wounds on him, and he returned home and waited quietly.

After winter, it gets dark extraordinarily early, and around late afternoon it starts to snow again outside. Before going home, Wu Xiaohang went to the supermarket and bought a lot of fruit and meat, planning to cook a delicious meal for the children tomorrow weekend. Wu Ruhuo is still growing up and can't always eat too badly. He wrapped his thin winter coat around him and quietly calculated that he wanted to save some money to buy Wu Ruhuo a more expensive down jacket as the New Year was coming soon.

Wu Xiaohang carried his large bag of things and walked under the door of his house. He saw the light on in the house as he wished and his heart warmed slightly, then he went upstairs, took out his key and opened the door.

Wu Ruhuo is sitting in the room with his back to him.

Wu Xiaohang called out, "Ruhuo."

Wu Ruhuo did not move.

"Wu Xiaohang noticed the difference in Wu Ruhuo's body and his first thought was that Wu Ruhuo had been bullied by his family again. He felt nothing but pity for this skinny child.

"Your family is here again." Wu Xiaohang put his things away and came up behind Wu Ruhuo, his tone was careful and he tried to choose gentle words, "Do they know where we live now? where they can't find us."

Wu Ruhuo did not move or speak, like a statue frozen in time.

Wu Xiaohang was even more worried when he said, "Ruhuo," and as soon as the words left his mouth, the young man in front of him suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist with a heavy grip.

Wu Xiaohang was shocked, Wu Ruhuo's grip on him was so strong that he even felt a pain in his wrist, he hugged Wu Ruhuo gently with his other hand to make him feel better, "It's okay, it's okay, I will protect you, I won't let them hurt you anymore." He still remembered the horrific wounds on Wu Ruhuo's body and wondered what kind of parents would do such a terrible thing to such a lovely child.

"Protect me," Wu Ruhuo's tone was a little strange, "you're going to protect me."

Wu Xiaohang gave a heavy muffled sound, his voice full of determination.

"You are but a weak human being, what can you do to protect me." Wu Ruhuo said, "Besides, no matter what I am, will you accept it?"

"Will do." Wu Xiaohang speaks with certainty.

"Even if I'm not human," says Wu Ruhuo.

Wu Xiaohang was a little confused at his words, he didn't quite understand what Wu Ruhuo meant by not being human, but his mouth still responded reflexively, saying yes, whatever you are, he will accept it himself.

"Really," Wu Ruhuo confirms again.

"Really." Wu Xiaohang said.

Wu Ruhuo slowly turned his head, and when Wu Xiaohang saw Wu Ruhuo's face, his eyes dilated instantly, revealing a look of horror. Wu Ruhuo's face had changed completely, his pupils were red and there were even flames leaping in them, his cheeks were covered with scales and there were black horns on his forehead, he looked horrible.

"Wu Xiaohang let out a cry of fear and turned to run away, but Wu Ruhuo had a firm grip on his arm, preventing him from moving at all.

"Liar." Wu Ruhuo's voice was low, no longer the clear, childish voice of a child, and he saw Wu Xiaohang's display of retreat and said fiercely, "You wretched liar."

"Wu Xiaohang screamed uncontrollably as he felt the scent of death for the first time, and the strong killing intent emanating from Wu Ruhuo's body told him that he really wanted to kill himself. Wu Xiaohang kept trying to break free from Wu Ruhuo's grip, but his strength was no match for Wu Ruhuo's. Wu Ruhuo's slender hands became unbreakable chains that held Wu Xiaohang in a tight grip, leaving him with nowhere to go.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be afraid of me" Wu Ruhuo was furious, he didn't expect Ao Run's words to come true, Wu Xiaohang simply couldn't accept that he wasn't human, "Why did you lie to me"

Wu Xiaohang collapsed to the ground in fear, unable to speak, just staring blankly at the man in front of him, on the verge of fainting from fear.

Wu Ruhuo let go of his hand and Wu Xiaohang didn't move. They looked at each other for a moment, but Wu Xiaohang was sobbing lowly, and what he said next made Wu Ruhuo's heart dip into ice water, he said, "The strange monster hurry up and give Ruhuo back to me, give him back to me."

Monster He calls himself Monster Wu Ruhuo The expression has a momentary freeze.

Wu Xiaohang was crying so hard that he grabbed the hem of Wu Ruhuo's coat and shouted, "Give me back Ruhuo, give me back!"

Who is Ruhuo? His name is not Ruhuo, and as red flames begin to surround Candle Dragon, he suddenly realizes that Wu Ruhuo was never his name in the first place, and that the person Wu Xiaohang was trying to protect was never him. His name was Ao Ruo, and he had been sent to the human world by the Candle Dragon to destroy it all

"Ahh" Wu Xiaohang was burned by the flames from Ao Biao's body and he was forced to let go, a large red blister appeared on his hand, yet he was still crying, calling Wu Ruhuo's name out of his mouth.

"How pitiful." Ao Biao looked at him compassionately, the last bit of black in his eyes, was replaced by red, he lifted Wu Xiaohang's face and looked at it, watching his tears rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably, and then disappearing into the air as if they didn't exist under the baking heat, "Since it's so pitiful, let me help you end all this pain. "

"Like Fire Like Fire" Wu Xiaohang is on the verge of passing out from crying.

Ao Biao stopped talking as he reached out and stroked Wu Xiaohang's head, just as Wu Xiaohang had stroked him in the beginning, he lowered his head slightly and dropped a soothing kiss on Wu Xiaohang's forehead, "Don't worry, it won't hurt very much, I'll end this for you soon."

As the flames began to spread, Wu Xiaohang looked up blankly and saw a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth.

Zhu Rong By the time they arrived, the candle had already left.

The building, which should have been destroyed in flames, shows no signs of destruction, but on the contrary the site is well preserved, as if the candle dragon, which should have been heartless and heartless, still has a fondness for the place.

Zhu Rong's face was very hard as he found several drops of blood at the scene, indicating that the Candle Dragon had eaten people here.

Candle dragons do eat humans, but in accordance with their picky and tyrannical nature, they usually only eat the most tender parts of the human body. Those humans killed by the candle dragons before were picked from the most tender internal organs, and they did not even bother to touch the torso or the head.

But the man in front of him was eaten whole by the candle dragon, the implications of which gave Zhu Rong an extremely unpleasant feeling.

Bai Yuehu's words, in turn, confirm Zhu Rong's suspicion that "he ate his breeder."

Zhu Rong swears.

Bai Yuehu sniffed the air: "It's not far, chase"

Zhu Rong sighed long and hard, "Surely a beast is a beast." They are able to control their desires, but not the Candle Dragon. The Candle Dragon fought Ao Run earlier and, not knowing what Ao Run had done, the Candle Dragon came back and ate his keeper.

Candle dragons are very picky about their keepers, and usually after eating their first keeper they will be hard pressed to find a second.

This is both good and bad for them, good because the candle dragons will be easier to reveal without their keepers, and bad because the candle dragons will become more powerful after consuming their keepers, and a new victim will emerge as a result.

Bai Yuehu rushed out of the door, followed by Zhu Rong, who chased after him in the direction in which Candle Dragon had disappeared.

With great difficulty, Yin Xun dragged the completely frozen Lu Qingjiu back into the house, where he was as hard as an ice sculpture, and was afraid that if he accidentally knocked Lu Qingjiu, he would knock off some parts.

"Sobbing helplessly, Yin Xun finally put Lu Qingjiu to bed and added coals to the charcoal pot and under the kang in the room, trying to warm Lu Qingjiu's body.

"You'll be fine, you'll be fine." Piling clothes and blankets onto Lu Qingjiu's body, Yin Xun thrashed around the house in a panic as he tried once again to call Bai Yuehu, but there was still no signal.

Unable to do anything but try his own method again, Yin Xun started boiling hot water and tried to give Lu Qingjiu a bath with it.

Lu Qingjiu, however, was a little tired from the tossing and turning, and his eyes slowly tried to close, but Yin Xun, who saw this scene, was taken aback.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep," Yin Xun shouted, having seen too many examples of people dying from the cold, trying to wake Lu Qingjiu up, "Lu Qingjiu, don't sleep, don't sleep!

If you sleep, you're done."

Lu Qingjiu could hear Yin Xun speaking, but was unable to express himself. In fact, he was not as bad as Yin Xun thought he was, the cold sensation only existed at the very beginning when he entered his body, after that he did not feel cold, except that his body became stiff.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep." Yin Xun was so dumbfounded that he raised his hand and slapped Lu Qingjiu twice, which instantly woke him up, and he looked at Yin Xun with wide eyes, wondering if he had done it on purpose.

When Yin Xun saw that the slap was working, he was happy and said, "Friend, I really didn't mean to do it, but I can't do anything about it, I fell asleep and I lost it, we must hold on until Bai Yuehu comes back.

Lu Qingjiu would have cursed if he could speak at this moment.

Yin Xun noticed the anger in Lu Qingjiu's eyes, but he giggled and said, "I'm smart, aren't I? Don't worry, I won't let you fall asleep." With that, he pinched Lu Qingjiu's arm.

Lu Qingjiu's eyes were hurting and he was so angry that he almost passed out. The most horrible thing was that Yin Xun seemed to be addicted to pinching, and he would do it twice, regardless of whether he was asleep or not, saying that it was to prevent Lu Qingjiu's sleepiness in advance. He was so excited that he even studied the pattern, saying, "Don't worry, I'll pinch a chicken for you.

Lu Qingjiu: "" Yin Xun, you wait for me.

On this day, Lu Qingjiu had never been more eager to see Bai Yuehu return

It was dark and light when Yin Xun kept an eye on his phone until the snow lightened in the middle of the night, when it suddenly got two bars of signal and he hastily pulled it out and called Bai Yuehu.

When Yin Xun thought Bai Yuehu wouldn't answer the phone, Bai Yuehu's voice suddenly came from the other end, he probably saw Yin Xun's number and knew something must have happened at home, his voice was a bit heavy: "What happened to the sake?"

"You come back soon Wine is frozen by that bastard grandfather of his." Yin Xun was afraid that the mobile phone would lose its signal again, so he hurried to tell Bai Yuehu the most important thing.

After hearing this, Bai Yuehu said that he would be right back and asked Yin Xun not to be nervous and not to leave the courtyard. Yin Xun hurriedly said yes.

Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu, whose eyes were open, and felt that he had never waited so long before, until the sound of footsteps on the snow outside the house.

"Bai Yuehu, Bai Yuehu, you are finally back" Yin Xun saw Bai Yuehu entering the courtyard through the window and hastily opened the door for him, saying, "I was so anxious."

Bai Yuehu's head and body were covered in snow, and he didn't care, patting it with his hand and turning his head to ask, "Where is the sake?"

"He's in bed," Yin Xun says, "and not in a good way."

Bai Yuehu rushed over to the bed and saw Lu Qingjiu, who was still stiff. He reached out and touched Lu Qingjiu's face, his already serious expression becoming even more serious as he said, "His face is so red all the time."

Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu's face, and after a moment of silence, he whispered, "No, it seems that it was white just now."

Bai Yuehu: "So how did it turn red."

Yin Xun: "I played it to keep Lu Qingjiu awake."

Bai Yuehu :""

Lu Qingjiu glared at him with hatred, although he could not move his body, his eyes could still kill.

Bai Yuehu, with a helpless look on his face, reached out and took Lu Qingjiu into his arms. After a quick check of Lu Qingjiu's condition, he asked Yin Xun to bring over a cup of hot water.

Yin Xun rushed to bring hot water and handed it to Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu held Lu Qingjiu's body and fed the hot water into his mouth. Lu Qingjiu swallowed hard and felt the hot water enter his body and then slide down his throat and into his stomach, his whole body soon warmed up and a soft sigh of comfort escaped his lips before he realised that he could actually speak.

"Wine," Bai Yuehu called out at the sound of his voice.

Lu Qingjiu drank another glass and felt himself come to life, although his body was still a bit stiff, but at least he had no problem talking. "

Yin Xun retorted that I didn't I didn't, I clearly did hit your arm too, believe it or not.

Lu Qingjiu looked down and saw that his arm was also red, and that the red marks were in the shape of a chicken, and he laughed at Yin Xun.

Bai Yuehu also saw what was going on and advised Lu Qingjiu not to get too angry.

"What's my situation now." Lu Qingjiu told Bai Yuehu about his meeting with Ao Run.

Bai Yuehu's brow furrowed as he listened and said, "Why on earth would he do that?"

Lu Qingjiu: "I'm dying"

Bai Yuehu shook his head, "A normal person would have died for sure, but you have a quarter of dragon blood, it will take some time to recover but it won't hurt your life."

Lu Qingjiu was relieved, he had felt that his grandfather had no ill will towards him when he met Ao Run, but he couldn't figure out why he would do this and freeze himself, could it be for some special reason

Bai Yuehu then told Lu Qingjiu what had happened to the Candle Dragon. It seems that Ao Run had a fight with the candle dragon and used some kind of method to provoke it, and it exploded and ate its breeder.

Lu Qingjiu always felt that things were interlocking, as if something big was about to happen, and before Ao Run left, he said that there was no more time, and he still doesn't understand what it means that there is no more time.

"I'm going to take you out of town." Bai Yuehu spoke suddenly.

"Leave why do you want to leave" Lu Qingjiu is bewildered.

"Although you have recovered now, the cold energy in your body will still be constantly stimulated, and if the temperature around you is too low, it will also affect your body." Bai Yuehu said, "Leave Shuifu Village for now and I'll take you somewhere warmer to get through the winter."

Lu Qingjiu said, "So where are you taking me?"

Bai Yuehu thought for a moment, "Do you want to stay in the human world or go to the non-human world."

Lu Qingjiu said frankly: "I don't want to go anywhere."

Bai Yuehu: "No."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Seriously, can we not go, I always have a bad feeling."

Bai Yuehu silently refused Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu watched Bai Yuehu's expression, but had a bad guess in his mind. Yuehu to send him away with his own hands

Lu Qingjiu thought of this and looked up at Bai Yuehu: "If you send me away, won't that suit Ao Run's wishes?"

Bai Yuehu was silent and quiet for a while before he said, "So what if it's to his liking?"

This confirmed Lu Qingjiu's suspicions that Ao Run had frozen him on purpose not to kill him but to get Lu Qingjiu out of here, but Lu Qingjiu couldn't figure out why Ao Run was so obsessed with getting him out.

" Ao Run said something was going to happen." Lu Qingjiu asked tentatively, "Do you know what it is?"

Bai Yuehu shakes his head.

Lu Qingjiu said suspiciously, "You really don't know"

Bai Yuehu sighed as he reached out and touched Lu Qingjiu's cheek, feeling it grow cold without its usual warmth: "I really don't know, Qingjiu, just listen, I can't lose you."

I know", says Lu Qingjiu, who inexplicably feels a strong sense of sadness in Bai Yuehu, a sadness whose origin is unknown, but so strong.

Bai Yuehu reached out and embraced Lu Qingjiu, kissing his eyelashes.

Lu Qingjiu was about to say something when Bai Yuehu's face changed as he sensed something and said, "No!"

Lu Qingjiu was busy asking what was going on.

Bai Yuehu said, "There's something going on in Zhu Rong."

Lu Qingjiu then remembered that Bai Yuehu was chasing the Candle Dragon with Zhu Rong, and now Bai Yuehu had to return, leaving Zhu Rong to deal with the Candle Dragon alone.

"You should go." Lu Qingjiu said, "I have nothing to do here, so take me out of here when you've finished with Zhu Rong."

Bai Yuehu has a complicated look on his face, but does not speak.

Lu Qingjiu knew what he was worried about and hastened to assure Bai Yuehu that he would leave Shuifu Village for warmer climes as soon as he had finished with the matter.

"Go now, is there something wrong at Zhu Rong, what if things get messy after a while?" Lu Qingjiu persuaded, "I've warmed up, I'm really fine, go now."

After Lu Qingjiu's constant urging, Bai Yuehu finally relented and told Lu Qingjiu not to wander off and to come back and take him away as soon as he had taken care of things.

Lu Qingjiu nodded obediently and watched Bai Yuehu walk away again.

"Are you really all right?" Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu with concern.

"It's okay." Lu Qingjiu exhaled a mouthful of white mist and rubbed his hands together, " Zhu Rong can't have anything happen to him."

The author has something to say: Bai Yuehu: Love you oh, than a peach heart.

Yin Xun: Love you oh, pinch a chick.

Lu Qingjiu.