CH 110

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
After Bai Yuehu's departure, Zhu Rong did not give up his pursuit of the rampaging candle dragon. Although they are easier to find without their keepers, they are also more dangerous as seen before. They are in a state of mental confusion, attacking living creatures on sight and losing almost all sense of reason. It would be extremely inappropriate to place such a creature in the human realm, which would not only result in heavy casualties, but could also give away non-human information and make the aftermath very difficult.

The good thing is that at this point in time, Candle Dragon is not hiding his whereabouts, so it is much easier to find him. Bai Yuehu was supposed to follow Zhu Rong, but halfway there, he received a phone call, and his face changed dramatically, saying that something had happened at home with the sake.

Zhu Rong told Bai Yuehu to hurry back, and Bai Yuehu didn't hesitate, saying that he would come back as soon as he had taken care of his family's business, telling Zhu Rong to be careful.

Zhu Rong nodded and watched Bai Yuehu disappear into a layer of black mist. After sending Bai Yuehu away, he turned his attention back to the Candle Dragon and continued to follow the trail it had left behind, which soon became more and more obvious, meaning Zhu Rong was getting closer to the Candle Dragon.

Snowflakes were still falling in the sky when Zhu Rong's footsteps stopped outside a dark alleyway.

There was no light in the alleyway, so it was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly, but Zhu Rong was not human, he was the God of Summer, the King of Fire, so he could see clearly into the alleyway.

A thin figure, crouched in the corner of the alley, heard Zhu Rong's footsteps and slowly stood up. From the looks of it, it was just a skinny human boy, not even reaching Zhu Rong's shoulder height, but the strong killing intent emanating from him told Zhu Rong that the person in front of him was the candle dragon that had eaten the host and fled the scene.

"How annoying." The candle dragon slowly twisted his head, his eyes no longer had black pupils, they were completely replaced by red flames, the flames even sprang from his eyes, as if the flames were the part that made up his body, his cheeks were covered in scarlet scales, and dragon horns sprouted from his forehead, he looked like he was about to transform into his prototype, he stared at Zhu Rong viciously, his eyes were fierce to the core, and in a hoarse voice "What a nuisance", he growled.

Zhu Rong was calm, he was used to such scenes, the flame-shaped whip appeared in his hand, and he coldly said, "Beast, suffer death."

"But as if irritated by Zhu Rong's words, the dragon roared deafeningly as flames began to emerge from his skin, which became charred black and then began to fall off. In the midnight sky, a huge dragon made of flame rose into the air, the pupils of his red eyes standing up, staring indifferently at Zhu Rong standing on the ground, as if he were looking at an ant.

Zhu Rong's mouth pulled up in a sarcastic curve as he said, "What are you mad about? You're not the one who caused this."

"Shut up, shut up," red flames erupted from his mouth, spewing straight towards Zhu Rong as he roared, "Humans are liars, all liars."

Zhu Rong flew into mid-air and shook his whip, thankful that it was midnight in the middle of winter and the city was almost asleep, so not many people would have seen this scene, otherwise he would have had to make a big effort to clean it up, but even so, he had to do it quickly.

With another roar, Candle Dragon charged straight at Zhu Rong, his body huge but extraordinarily agile, his huge claws and hideous bloody maws greeting Zhu Rong's body incessantly with deadly strokes that left no room for error. Under his attack, Zhu Rong looked at ease, and as a torturer, he had long been accustomed to the dragon's style of attack. Turning to dodge another bite of searing flame, Zhu Rong sensed a hint of something bad. He turned his head to look at Candle Dragon, only to find his body stopped in mid-air, staring at him with a strange look.

"I like him a lot too." Candlewick said, "But I'm Candlewick."

Wu Xiaohang was not wrong when he said that Candle Dragon was a monster who could not control his desires; he really was a monster. He is a soul attacked by desire, and even if he endures for a while, he cannot endure for a lifetime, and in that case, let everything below him be buried for him.

Candle Dragon knew that he would not be able to fight Zhu Rong, and if he delayed until Bai Yuehu returned, his chances of winning would be even lower, but it didn't matter, he had prepared for everything from the moment he arrived here

Zhu Rong's face turned pale as he watched Zhu Rong lunge towards the residential area, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

His body was blocked, but the candle dragon was in no hurry, the strange look in his huge eyes intensified and a string of hoarse laughter spat out of his throat as he said, "Was it worth it"

"Of course it's worth it." Zhu Rong said coldly, "Your breeders, aren't they worth it"

Candlelight was silent, he knew there were many things he should be doing, but in the days of living with his keeper, those things didn't matter. He even secretly told himself that if the Breeder could accept him as Candlewick, he would try to endure a little longer


Candlewick's eyes grew cold at the thought, reality did not but that he was ultimately a monster alien to the human world.

The flames on the candle dragon's body began to burn violently, Zhu Rong noticed that something was wrong, but he still dared not let go, if he did, a terrible disaster would happen, the flames on the candle dragon's body began to spread towards Zhu Rong's body, the flames were as light blue as ice and snow, Zhu Rong saw the flames, his face changed greatly and said: "You "

The Candle Dragon laughed harshly, his tone carrying an unconcealed malice, "Ha, you don't really think I just sneaked into the human realm, do you Zhu Rong, choose"

Zhu Rong, as a Fire God, was not afraid of fire, but the pale blue flame seemed to be completely different from ordinary flames, and when it came into contact with Zhu Rong's body, it began to freeze rapidly, even freezing Zhu Rong's body. He knew that if he let go of the flames, the candle dragon would not hesitate to rush into the residential area below, and the human race would be killed and injured.

Seeing that Zhu Rong had no intention of letting go, Candle Dragon said coldly, "He really knows you well, Zhu Rong, and you will regret your short-sighted choice."

Zhu Rong laughed coldly: "I never regret it."

From the moment he came to the human realm and wanted to guard this world, he knew that he would never regret it.

Bai Yuehu returned to the city as quickly as he could, and saw Zhu Rong, who was frozen in mid-air with Candle Dragon. The bright flames emanating from their bodies lit up the entire sky, turning the clouds in the sky a brilliant red. Bai Yuehu's face changed at the sight, and he did not care about anything else, so he hurriedly transformed into his prototype and flew towards the candle dragon, but before he could reach it, a violent noise erupted from where the candle dragon and Zhu Rong were. With the sound, Bai Yuehu saw the body of the Candle Dragon explode in mid-air like a firework, sending ice-blue flames flying everywhere.

The blue flame seemed to be different from ordinary flames, the temperature was extremely low and everything in its path froze instantly.

Zhu Rong, who was closest to Candle Dragon, froze in mid-air and then fell straight down.

Bai Yuehu rushed forward to bring him into contact, but the moment he touched Zhu Rong's arm, his heart sank.

Zhu Rong had been frozen into an ice sculpture, his eyes were open, but they were completely dull, but for some reason Bai Yuehu saw a sadness in his eyes, as if he had discovered some unacceptable secret. He wanted to catch Zhu Rong's body, but when he tried to reach out, Zhu Rong's body began to wind up in tiny pieces, and in less than a moment, it dissipated in Bai Yuehu's hands.

Bai Yuehu looked down and saw lights coming on one by one in the dark neighbourhood, as if sleeping humans, awakened by the loud noise, were dazed and began to see what was going on outside.

But by now it was all over, and Bai Yuehu watched the last fragment in his hand turn into dust that he could not hold and dissipate into the winter night.

Just as Bai Yuehu was about to turn away, a faint layer of black mist floated up in front of him, the outline of the man loomed out of the black mist, his voice came out of the black mist, his tone was cold as he spat out the words, he said, " Bai Yuehu, do you really want Lu Qingjiu to die"

Bai Yuehu paused in his movements, turned his head and called out the man's name: "Ao Run."

Lu Qingjiu felt very cold, a cold that was very different from usual and could not be alleviated by putting on thick clothes and warming the fireplace. The cold seemed to come out of his bones and flowed throughout his body with his blood, and he could only keep drinking hot water to make himself feel a little better.

Yin Xun sat beside him with a sad face and kept boiling water for him to drink, and took out the ginger tea Zhu Rong had left behind and made it all for Lu Qingjiu. After drinking the ginger tea, Lu Qingjiu felt a little better, but he leaned against the bed, his teeth chattering with cold.

Yin Xun was worried: "When will Bai Yuehu return?

Lu Qingjiu was leaning on the bed, his eyes half-closed, and when Yin Xun saw this, he hurriedly went forward and touched Lu Qingjiu's skin, only to feel that it was already cold.

"No, no, I have to go out and have a look." Yin Xun said, "Wine, hold on a little longer."

Lu Qingjiu mumbled vaguely, not knowing whether he had heard Yin Xun or not.

After Yin Xun had left, Lu Qingjiu was still lying quietly in the room, and he was on the verge of falling asleep when he felt a pair of warm hands touch his forehead, the burning warmth of which scalded him almost with a jolt, followed by a sigh of comfort.

Lu Qingjiu opened his eyes to see his grandfather, Ao Run.

"Grandpa," Lu Qingjiu said, "what are you doing here?"

Ao Run took Lu Qingjiu's hand and wrote on his heart: You let Yin Xun take you away.

Lu Qingjiu: "Mmm"

Ao Run: Let him take you out of Shuifu Village. He writes gently, and goes down the mountain path.

Lu Qingjiu said, "But isn't the mountain road closed? We can't get out."

Never mind. I've melted the snow on the trail, you'll be able to get down in the car, go on, sake," Ao Run wrote. It seems that he really wants Lu Qingjiu to get out of here, even paving the way for him, but Lu Qingjiu notices something different about Ao Run, and on closer inspection, he realises that Ao Run is gradually becoming transparent, as if he is about to disappear.

"Grandpa, are you all right?" Lu Qingjiu's heart fluttered with a bad suspicion.

It was fine. Ao Run was calm and there really didn't seem to be anything wrong, I was just so tired and needed to go and get some rest.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Why?"

Ao Run reaches out and touches Lu Qingjiu's head: get out of here, sake, it's the best thing for you.

Before Lu Qingjiu could say anything, Yin Xun's voice rang out from outside the house, and as Yin Xun pushed the door in, Ao Run disappeared in front of Lu Qingjiu, and Yin Xun said, "Who are you talking to, Wine?"

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and did not answer, but simply asked Yin Xun how things were going outside.

"The snow on the mountain road is melting away." Yin Xun said. Yin Xun said, "I don't know when Bai Yuehu will be back, so let's go to the town first." The altitude of Shuifu Village is higher and the temperature is much lower than in the town, so since the snow is gone and Lu Qingjiu is not sure how long he can survive in this state, Yin Xun just wants to do what he can.

Lu Qingjiu, however, did not answer.

Yin Xun said, "Wine, why don't you say something" He grabbed Lu Qingjiu's wrist and felt that his skin was really cold, not even the minimum temperature of human beings, his anxiety increased, "Or if you don't want to go, I'll call Bai Yuehu again to find out when he'll be back."

Lu Qingjiu thought a lot about the melancholy in Ao Run's expression, and about the divination of the trigram given to him by the old tree: "When the water is exhausted in a poor mountain, it is difficult to keep the flowers in a dark village, and if you do not enter the water, it is difficult to avoid the circumstance, and it is difficult to restore the mountain and the water. To this day, he has not been able to completely clarify what this trigram actually means and what secrets it contains.

"No, I won't go." Lu Qingjiu eventually refused Yin Xun.

He was so scared that Lu Qingjiu would slowly turn into a rigid ice sculpture in front of him that he went round the house in a panic. After Yin Xun had made several rounds, his mobile phone suddenly rang and when he opened it, it was Bai Yuehu's number.

"Hey, how's the sake going?" Bai Yuehu's voice came through on the other end of the line.

Yin Xun was delighted, thinking that Bai Yuehu was coming back soon, and said, "Come back soon, the sake is not in a good state."

Bai Yuehu said, "Take the sake to town right away, I'll be back as soon as I've finished here."

Yin Xun didn't expect Bai Yuehu to say that, and while he was happy, he was also a little worried, saying, "When are you coming back? And who cleared the snow off the mountain path?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Don't worry, it's Lu Qingjiu's grandfather who did it, go ahead and be safe."

Yin Xun froze for a moment and then rushed to tell Lu Qingjiu what Bai Yuehu had said on the phone.

Lu Qingjiu was surprised to hear that Bai Yuehu knew that Ao Run had cleared the snow from the trail for him, could it be that the two of them were together and Bai Yuehu was clearly saying that things were not yet finished and that he didn't know what had happened

Yin Xun was not thinking as much as Lu Qingjiu and hurriedly urged him to leave.

Lu Qingjiu eventually agreed and was helped to his feet by Yin Xun, who stuffed his body with baby warmers before leading him outside and into the minivan.

Yin Xun sat at the wheel, started the engine and then told the van to hurry to town.

The minivan blared twice, understanding Yin Xun's words.

Just as the van was about to depart, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of the road, and Lu Qingjiu took a good look to see that it was Xuan Yu, a monk he had met several times before. Xuan Yu, holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, stood quietly in the wind and snow, saluted Lu Qingjiu and called out to Mr. Lu.

"What are you doing blocking the front?" Yin Xun yelled in displeasure, "Get out of the way, we're leaving."

Xuan Yu doesn't move, nor does he get annoyed, just gives a faint smile.

Lu Qingjiu reached out and gave Yin Xun a tug, gesturing for him to take it easy, and then said, "Is there something you want from me now, young master?"

Xuan Yu said, "I have something I want to talk to Mr. Lu about."

Yin Xun suddenly became furious at his words and said, " Xuan Yu, what are you trying to do? We are leaving soon, get out of the way."

Xuan Yu looked at Yin Xun quietly: " Mr. Lu is the one who has the destiny, the choice should be in his hands."

"You're talking shit," Yin Xun said, swearing rudely, "He's going to die soon, you want to see him die in Shuifu Village?

Lu Qingjiu was shocked by Yin Xun's state, he had never seen such a violent Yin Xun, it was as if he had eaten gunpowder, a little bit of it would have set him off, if Lu Qingjiu had not stopped him, he would have rushed towards Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu didn't seem the least bit afraid of being hit himself and remained quietly standing in the middle of the road, blocking the duo's path.

"What's going on, tell me." Lu Qingjiu rubbed his hands, which were once again frozen, and said, "What's going on."

Yin Xun said anxiously, "Wine, don't listen to his nonsense, if you stay here any longer, you will really die."

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and gently patted the back of Yin Xun's hand, indicating that he was fine.

Xuan Yu walked slowly up to Lu Qingjiu and they looked at each other through the window of the car. Xuan Yu's expression was still serene, his eyes were full of compassion, like the Buddha who transforms everything, and he said, "Mr. Lu, if you leave here, Ao Yue will die."

When he heard the name Ao Yue, Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded for a moment, then he realized that Ao Yue was Bai Yuehu's real name, ah, so his fake vixen's name was Ao Yue, what a cute name for a little girl, thinking of Bai Yuehu, Lu Qingjiu's face floated into a smile, and the shock of Xuan Yu's words became lighter. The shock of Xuan Yu's words also faded.

"His name is Ao Yue." Lu Qingjiu laughed, "I didn't know that."

Xuan Yu nodded and continued, "As a Guardian, you cannot leave Shuifu Village, and at such a critical time, if you leave, not only your loved ones will die, but also your friends and all the creatures of the world."

Yin Xun, who was sitting next to him, couldn't listen any longer and opened the car door and lunged at Xuan Yu, knocking him to the ground.

Lu Qingjiu was startled by Yin Xun's movement and hurriedly got out of the car to pull Yin Xun back.

Lu Qingjiu barely stood still as he looked to Xuan Yu: "If young master has anything to say, go on, I'm all ears."

Xuan Yu looked up at Lu Qingjiu and he said, "Mr. Lu, perhaps it would be happier not to know, do you really want me to go on?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Little Master is joking, didn't you come here to tell me the truth? You're right, at least the power to choose is in my hands." No matter whether the final outcome is good or bad.

Xuan Yu said, "Good."

Yin Xun, who was standing by, suddenly burst into tears, grabbing Lu Qingjiu's hand and begging him to stop listening to Xuan Yu's nonsense, begging him to follow him and leave, saying that Bai Yuehu would be back soon, and that as long as Bai Yuehu came back, nothing would happen.

Lu Qingjiu could only comfort Yin Xun like a child, thinking of the dry grass and tombstones in the realm where Yin Xun belonged, and the lies Yin Xun had told, that if he had left him in Shuifu Village, he and Bai Yuehu might have had a bad time again, but even so, Yin Xun But even so, Yin Xun wanted him to leave, to get out of here.

"You tell me." Lu Qingjiu said.

"Zhu Rong, the god who controlled summer, is dead." Xuan Yu lay in the snow and spoke slowly, "Without the support of the power of the four gods, the two realms will soon merge."

Lu Qingjiu was frozen in place at the sound of his voice. When Bai Yuehu had left in a hurry earlier, he had a feeling that something bad had happened, but he had not expected that Zhu Rong would be dead.

"And you, you are the only one who can stop this." Xuan Yu said, "Bai Yuehu can't do it, Zhu Rong can't do it, only you can."

Lu Qingjiu said, "But I don't know what to do."

Xuan Yu smiled gently as he said, "You will know, someone has already given you the answer."

This time Lu Qingjiu did not stop him, all his attention was focused on what Xuan Yu was saying.

According to Xuan Yu, he is the only one who can stop this, but how can he stop it? He is only a quarter dragon, so what can he do to stop the tragedy he least expects?