CH 120

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
For Yin Xun, life in Shuifu Village is pretty uneventful.

He leaves early and comes home late, cultivates a poor crop and has a lukewarm relationship with his neighbours. For this reason, Yin Xun has little sense of belonging to this place, even though he was born here and has never left. Memories of the mountain gods from his childhood are vague, and descriptions of the man are almost always from his grandparents. When his mother abandoned him here as a monster, Yin Xun already knew his fate, that he was never going to leave this place, that it was almost a prison.

Because of her physical condition, Yin Xun was not able to cook, so she spent most of her time eating raw food. He would dig up potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers from the ground and put a few bites in his mouth to satisfy his hunger. Occasionally, when the harvest was good and he could produce some more vegetables, he would take the village wagons and go to town to sell them and buy some good food.

Luckily there is enough food on the mountain to keep Yin Xun from starving to death, but the most frustrating thing is that he doesn't die. Unlike normal people, his body is full of strange jelly-like objects, and he feels very little pain when he is injured, and he recovers automatically after a while. Although he doesn't know what he is, Yin Xun understands that he must be different from normal people.

Just when Yin Xun thought he would be living like this for the rest of his life, a miracle came out of nowhere - Lu Qingjiu came back.

Lu Qingjiu was a close friend of Yin Xun's from his childhood and all his happy memories are of Lu Qingjiu. When he learns that Lu Qingjiu wants to return to Shuifu Village and never leave, Yin Xun is overjoyed. All those happy memories of his childhood came back to him, and as he ate the food Lu Qingjiu made for him, Yin Xun felt for the first time that his empty heart had been filled with something.

The days that follow are full and happy, and the house gradually comes to life. Bai Yuehu, who pretends to be a fox spirit, Dangkang, who is kept as a pig, the fighting chickens in the yard, and the bees and female ghosts in the backyard.

Yin Xun was so absorbed in this seemingly mundane life that he never knew there could be such joy in this small corner of his life that he used as a prison.

For the first time, Yin Xun was not as eager to leave as he had been before, and although he occasionally dreaded Lu Qingjiu's departure, the pain inside him, which had lasted for years, was miraculously soothed.

The barren grave is still a barren grave, only the crow that rests on it does not caw, for the one he calls, has returned.

Yin Xun is in a state of constant fear that Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu are in love. He had received his heritage from the previous generation of mountain gods, so in his memory, such horrible creatures as the dragons should have been extinct long ago. Now, looking at Bai Yuehu's spirited appearance, he would have liked to be a hundred thousand miles away from Bai Yuehu if he could. After all, a dragon is such a horrible creature, and in his eyes, he would be nothing more than a reserve of food to stuff his teeth with. But Lu Qingjiu was indifferent before the terrifying aura of the dragons, and even ...... fell in love with them.

When he first found out about this, Yin Xun was almost frightened out of his wits. His first reaction was that Lu Qingjiu was going to be eaten by the dragons, but when he found out that Bai Yuehu had no intention of doing so, he began to worry about something else.

And the origin of this concern is due to a certain film inside the computer.

It was a sad accident that both he and Lu Qingjiu saw the content of the film and were instantly struck by the wonders of anthropology.

"Do you think it's feasible?" Yin Xun asked his friend with a shudder, "Is this too scary?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's okay, I'll be gentle with him!"

Yin Xun; "......" he was silent for three seconds, deciding not to break Lu Qingjiu's fond delusion that Bai Yuehu, as pretty as she looked, could never be the one below.

Then, as Yin Xun had expected, Lu Qingjiu disappeared one morning, only to appear in the living room in the afternoon, accompanied by a contented Bai Yuehu. A tear of sympathy slipped from the corner of Yin Xun's eye, but he still pretended to be shocked and said, "Wine, why is your foot lame?

Lu Qingjiu said through gritted teeth that it was fine, he had just fallen by accident and told Yin Xun not to worry.

Yin Xun stared at Bai Yuehu's unkind gaze and vaguely understood what was going on in his heart, not daring to ask any more questions and hurriedly changing the subject.

But after that, it became a problem for Yin Xun, and he began to think, "Are two men really happy together? He began to think, "Are two men really happy together?" But judging from the picture, this kind of behaviour looks like it hurts.

This question troubled Yin Xun for many years until he became friends with Shao Hao.

Yin Xun and Shao Hao's relationship grew exponentially after Lu Qingjiu's accident. When the two worlds merged, Shuifu Village no longer needed the Mountain God, and Yin Xun was finally able to fulfil his wish to leave Shuifu Village.

But when the long-awaited event finally becomes a reality, Yin Xun finds himself less happy than he thought he would be. He saw the sights and tasted the food, but all he could think about was his old, dilapidated home and his best friend's amazing cooking skills.

Although he has been to many places, Yin Xun returns to Shuifu Village every so often to help Xiao Hua Xiao Hei with the chores that the family cannot do, to clean the rooms and the yard, and to keep the house the way it was when Lu Qingjiu left it.

Shao Hao knew that Yin Xun was back and sent him a message inviting him to come over for dinner.

Originally, Yin Xun was a bit scared of Shao Hao, who had looked like he was salivating over his own pussy the last time we met. But then Yin Xun remembered the time when the beast was halfway through eating him and he didn't seem so weak, or at least he wouldn't be eaten up.

Shao Hao is also an old acquaintance of Lu Qingjiu's, so it wouldn't hurt to meet him.

With this in mind, Yin Xun went to the appointment.

Shao Hao has prepared a large table of food for Yin Xun, and he invites him to sit down with a smile on his face, and stares at him with another smile.

A little creeped out by the stare, Yin Xun took a careful bite of the food on the table and said, "What do you want?"

Shao Hao said, "Nothing much, just wanted to talk to you."

Yin Xun said, "Oh."

Shao Hao suddenly said, "Do you get diarrhoea when you eat yourself?"

Yin Xun blinked, "No."

Shao Hao: "So only other people eat you and get diarrhoea?"

Yin Xun nods dutifully.

Shao Hao, however, was intrigued, his gaze almost frozen on Yin Xun's body as his voice slowed down, "I want to try."

Yin Xun was just about to ask Shao Hao what he wanted to try when the man sitting next to her cupped his chin, followed by a gentle kiss.

"Breathe." I don't know how long it had been, and when Yin Xun even developed a feeling of lack of oxygen, the man in front of him stepped back slightly and spat out these two words with a smile in his tone.

"Yin Xun was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, and it took him a while to recover, his whole face turned red and he couldn't speak. Although he and Lu Qingjiu had been talking about their desire to fall in love every day in Shuifu Village, he had the impression that relationships were always with girls, and although Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu were examples, Yin Xun dared not compare himself with a dragon.

Shao Hao smiled, he was already handsome, and the tattoo on his chin now blossomed slightly along with his smile, bringing with it a charm that made people unable to look away, his voice was a little low, and his finger rubbed heavily on Yin Xun's lips, "It seems fine."

Yin Xun hurriedly stood up and took a few steps back, her face incomparably frightened, the words finally coming out of her mouth, "What are you doing? How can you mess with your relatives! Loved ones are responsible!"

Shao Hao says frankly: "I can naturally take responsibility."

Yin Xun ; "......"

Shao Hao added, "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with kissing." At least the stomach didn't hurt.

Yin Xun's cheeks practically burned from Shao Hao's stare as he gathered his courage and made an angry face, "How could you do such a thing without my consent!"

Shao Hao was full of innocence: "Sorry, I couldn't resist for a while, next time I will ask you first."

Yin Xun wanted to say something else, but under Shao Hao's frank gaze, he was too weak to say anything at all.

"Have you ever been in love?" Shao Hao asks.

Yin Xun shakes his head.

Shao Hao said, "Want to try it?"

Yin Xun looked at Shao Hao warily: "I want to try, but certainly not with you." He remembered the way this man had coveted his body and had chopped off a finger to save his pure body thanks to himself.

At the time, he even thought Yin Xun was deliberately messing with him, but after observing him later, he realised that this little mountain god was really stupid.

The more he watched, the more interesting he found it, and after hearing a lot about Yin Xun from Zhu Rong, Shao Hao couldn't understand how his interest in Yin Xun had grown.

Shao Hao didn't mind Yin Xun's rejection and said warmly, "Just in case you think it's good, you can try it out first.

"And what?" Yin Xun sure took the bait.

"Besides, you've never been in love before, in case you meet someone you like later on and don't even know how to chase them." Shao Hao winked and seduced the young mountain god who knew nothing before him with an innocent look on his face, "We'll just try."

Yin Xun looked at Shao Hao with suspicion: "How do you try?"

Shao Hao said, "Don't you want to go out and have a look around, let me accompany you."

Yin Xun said, "Will you stay with me?" To be honest, if Shao Hao had proposed any other method, Yin Xun would have refused immediately, but this method, Yin Xun was a bit hesitant, although the travel alone is spontaneous, but in the end it is a bit lonely, if there is someone to accompany, it is naturally the best thing, but ......

"You don't care about your bird garden?" Yin Xun asks.

Shao Hao said, "The passages between the two worlds have been blocked, and no non-humans who can threaten the birds can get through, so it's a waste of time for me to keep watch here, so I might as well walk around." His tone was sincere, "Besides, the human world has indeed changed tremendously in the past few years, it's time to get reacquainted."

Yin Xun is still on the fence.

Shao Hao, however, had already thrown in a bigger offer, saying that he knew the country well and had no difficulty with the language, and that if Yin Xun wanted, he could help her get a passport and they could go to other countries together.

Yin Xun was finally impressed by Shao Hao's offer, but he kept his sanity and made a deal with Shao Hao, saying that Shao Hao could not use force against himself during the trip, but had to respect each other and so on.

Shao Hao responded with a gentlemanly look, and if he hadn't just kissed Yin Xun, I'm afraid she would have believed him.

Yin Xun thought that the journey would end when Lu Qingjiu returned, but he never imagined that he and Shao Hao would end up at the end of their lives.