186 Chapter 186 Lest Even The Name Is Lost

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Seeing the mentality of the Liu family, Feng Qingbai was silent for a moment.

"Grandpa and grandpa, Uncle Liu, Liu, no matter what, I won't let Sheng Sheng be at any time. No one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do, and no one can force the Liu family." Pause, "this Home, I guard."

The family looked at the man standing indifferently in the house, with mixed flavors.

At that time, the little boy really grew up.

This perception is very clear today.

It wasn't the sharp baby who was all over when she was in trouble.

He has learned to be restrained and restrained, and he has become calm.

He understands more and more how to protect what he cares about and the people he cares about.

Grandpa Liu got up and walked to the man's side. Big palm shot twice on his shoulder.

"This home, you have been guarding."

He dared not return home nine years after leaving home, but was guarding him in his way.

They already understand.

And Liu Da, a rare habitual reprimand.

There was light and shadow floating in his eyes, and finally there was little observable relief.

This little bastard.

Really grown up.

He thought he would see him still as paranoid as a child, but when it comes to the emperor, he becomes another person.

Dim, sullen, no one is allowed to get close to him, and no one is allowed to get close to him.

Perhaps, he can change his opinion a little bit.

On leaving the hall, on the way into the courtyard, Feng Mohan whispered, "Uncle, if you really want to do it, just let the surname Wang reapply, and when the Liu family retreats, the aunt Liu is yours. . Why do you want such a guarantee?"

The Liu family is just a farmer, rich and famous, but these are useless in front of power.

The dignitaries want to squeeze them like a ants.

When they were unable to resist, they could ask the uncle to protect Aunt Liu.

"Feng Mohan, you remember, don't use those methods used in the Chaotang on the Liu family," the man paused for a moment, and then he spoke very coldly, "I will be angry."

He wants to be with Sheng Sheng, there are countless ways, it is true that Feng Mohan said it may be the fastest.

But he won't use it.

This is the Liu family, but it is not for Sheng Sheng. He also doesn't like to see them frowning and worrying about anything.

This family, everyone in this family, has been placed under the wings.

Feng Mohan bit his lower lip tightly, "I know, Uncle."

I was a little bored, a little cold, and I was envious.

The uncle has never protected him with such a tone.

He always thought that the two of them were also a family and that he was his own. At this moment, he was jealous of the Liu family.

If the father and mother are still there, he also has a family, and he also has a family.

He also...want to have a family.

Returning to the interrogation room of the Second Entering Court, only Wei Zi was watching Xue Qinglian.

At the first sight, Xue Qinglian jumped up from the chair and hid behind the chair. "I said I will cure, I will cure! Don't play anymore! I will fight back if I hit me again!"

Don't think he really has no power to fight back!

No one in this yard can hold him apart from this dark purple brocade.

He is the grandfather of the poison. It is easy to put a small poison to protect himself. If he loses is not enough, this man moves fast!

But if he really wanted to run away, no one here could stop him.

He is reluctant to leave.

It's easy to meet a poisonous boy. If he doesn't study thoroughly the strange poison on his body, he won't be able to eat or sleep well.

Otherwise, what is he doing here?

Heaven and earth let him be at ease, much at ease.

When he came here and was beaten and threatened again, he came to look for abuse, and his brain was no longer a donkey kick.

"Remember, you only have three days." Feng Qingbai said lightly.

"Three days is a little bit, and I am not a fairy. I said that when it is cured, it can be cured. I can't limit the time like this. I will do my best." Three days, it is not that he has no confidence in himself, but he will not My own abilities are too arrogant and I have to leave room.

Otherwise, in case, is he miserable?

"Xue Qinglian, Master Bai Caogu, has excellent medical skills, good poison, no cure for intractable diseases, no cure for strange poisons, no cure for bad eyes, no cure for bad mood. People in Jianghu are called "Four Doctors" and later called "Dead Doctors". "Feng Qingbai condenses the man, his eyes indifferent, "Don't think of any tricks, otherwise, I can definitely do much more than you think."

Since Feng Qingbai said his origins, Xue Qinglian stood up straight, gathered his pretentious flinching gestures, and was determined to look at the other party, and his heart thundered.

He is twenty-three years old this year and twenty-four years in Bai Cao Gu.

He was born after the hidden world of Baicao Valley. It can be said that no one except the Gu Li people knows his true identity.

No one in the outside world knows that there is a young master in Baicao Valley.

He didn't expect to turn around and the man knew everything about him.

This ability is shocking.

He can do much more than he thought about what he said. At this moment, he has no doubt.

Suddenly laughing, Xue Qinglian walked generously to the man and sat down, and Dang'erlang was leaning against the back of the chair. "Why, if I play tricks, are you going to find my Baicao Valley and destroy the door?"

The man raised his eyebrows lightly, "What's wrong."

I can be your uncle!Xue Qinglian had a toothache, and regretted provoking this evil star.

Looking at a person in the clear breeze, why is my heart so poisonous!

Feng Mohan looked at the man who gritted his teeth in front of him. The more he looked, the more unreliable he was. He subconsciously moved closer to Feng Qingbai. "Uncle, do you really want him to govern? Can he do it?"

Before Qingfeng Bai said, Xue Qinglian was angry. "Boy, are you doubting my medical skills? I tell you, if I don't cure you, I won't be Xue Qinglian!"

"Oh," Feng Mohan glanced at him. "Then you have to take care of it, lest you lose your sign and don't even say your name."

"..." Who taught this little rabbit?

Feng Qingbai got up, "Mo Feng, follow him these days."

"I know Uncle," Feng Mohan responded obediently.

At this time, he didn't dare to be bored with the uncle. He noticed the black breath on the uncle, which had been suppressed from the front yard until now, about to explode.

Returning to his room, Feng Qingbai closed the doors and windows, hidden in darkness, and then released his depressed atmosphere completely.

The whole person has changed, manic and violent, and his eyes are scarlet, but anything that appears in front of him now will be destroyed!The room was suddenly cold.

He was still the same as Xiu, even if the cover was good, the brutality in his bones never decreased.

His shengsheng, so many people coveted!

He wanted to kill people, wanted to dare to step on the door, dare to lock his eyes on Sheng Sheng's body, torn to pieces!

But outside, he had to suppress his performance of the moon, Xu Gu Ruo Huai!

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