www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Liu Yusheng knew nothing about what happened in the front yard and the man.

At this time she was in the room, working on refining the blind prescription.

The poison drag on Mo Feng was not allowed.

Regardless of whether the man in Baicao Valley can heal Mo Feng, she will not let go.

During the past two days, she didn't start treatment immediately because she had been observing.

When Xuzhou gave Mo Feng the Lingquan water, she noticed the abnormality of toxins in his body.

These two days are for further confirmation.

After feeding the Lingquan water, the toxins dissipated in a short period of time, but after the initial period of time, the toxins gradually diffused out again, and gradually became rich and active.

It's like that the Lingquan water not only failed to detoxify, but also nourished the toxin.

The meals and even the drinking water in the home also contain spiritual spring water, but the amount is diluted and the effect is much smaller. At the same time, which meals Mo Feng has eaten and which water has been consumed, the dissipation and reactivity of toxins in the body have also become slow.

So she had a bold idea in her heart, lurking in Mo Feng's body to create something toxins, like eating Lingquan, and Lingquan has the same nourishing effect on it!

The medicinal fragrance gradually diffused in the air, becoming more and more intense.

The medicine in the medicine furnace has been condensed into a paste, and Liu Yusheng did not continue. She wanted to refine these into pills, but unfortunately she was not strong enough.

The pills made are all of inferior quality, loosen with a pinch, and the efficacy is not as good as ointment.

Moreover, the implementation of ideas in the brain is better with ointment.

After preparing well, Liu Yusheng went to the second hospital and was ready to talk about his thoughts with Feng Qingbai.

As soon as I walked into the courtyard, I heard Mo Feng's impatient voice coming from one of the rooms.

"Are you okay? I've been sitting for a long time. How long do you have to see?"

"Just your medical skills, even Master Baicao Valley, even my Aunt Liu!"

"My aunt Liu cut my veins and diagnosed specific problems after a short effort. How long has it been for you?"

As soon as this remark came out, a man hurriedly said, "Your Aunt Liu came out of the clinic? Can she say what kind of poison you are? Can there be a specific response?"

"How?" Mo Feng's voice was wary. "Ask these, do you want to steal the teacher or want to take my Aunt Liu's diagnosis as your own?"

"Am I that kind of person? Since you said that your Aunt Liu is so powerful, what is wrong with my communication? This is also to heal you, can you be good for me?"

Mo Feng coldly hummed, "You can only know what benefits you have. There are more people in this world who have a reputation for reputation."

"..." I have never seen a child with such a poisonous mouth!Does he need to count a little girl if he doesn't die?

Liu Yusheng turned a corner and entered the room, "Mo Feng."

"Aunt Liu!" The teenager smiled as soon as she saw her.

Xue Qinglian was glaring with both eyes, "Little Doctor, you just came, I have something to ask for advice!"

"Call me Miss Liu." Liu Yusheng smiled at the man, Master Bai Caogu?Want to come to the wind Qingbai has persuaded this person to heal Mo Feng, "I don't know what your son has advised?"

She dared not underestimate him.

A person who dares to entangle himself with a drug test will never be so low in artistic accomplishments.

Moreover, there is a family of hidden doctors behind him.

"Don't dare to teach me, don't call me Miss Liu, just call me my name, Xue Qinglian."

As soon as the name was spoken, Feng Mohan snorted.

Xue Qinglian was black.

Gao Jieruo Qinglian, he hates this name!

Liu Yusheng endured the twitching corner of his mouth, smirking, "Xue Gongzi please say."

"Listening to this kid, you have given him medicine before, and saved his head from the ghost door. I wonder if I can see this medicine?"

It was definitely a good medicine he had never seen before, not even Baicao Valley!

This kid's pulse is too curious!

Obviously it should be the image of exhaustion, but the vitality has always remained stable and strong!

There are even two forces in his body, constantly fighting for life!

Staring at the man for a moment, Liu Yusheng smiled, "Sorry, that is the exclusive secret recipe, not for research."

"..." The little girl saw that his mind was coming.

He just wanted to study.

If you have something good, you won't get it in front of yourself.

Once he gritted his teeth, he put the brain that could be searched out on the table, "This is Qianjisan, this is Fuchun Pill, this is the heartless pill, this is the forgetful pill...all my exclusive secret system, As long as you are fancy, despite taking the research, I will tell you the formula directly! Your medicine, give me a little?"

"..." Liu Yusheng's mouth twitched wildly as he looked at various immortals thrown in a mess like garbage.

I heard that one herb of Baicao Gu is hard to find.

This man is really not paying attention!

And these medicines, she was really unimpressed, she could make them herself, and even the medicine would not be worse than his.

The only difference is that the others are pills, and hers are ointments or potions and powders.

Thinking about this, Liu Yusheng thought, "I am not interested in these drugs, but if you really want to exchange, it is not impossible..."

"what do you want?"

"Teach me how to make pills."

"...You can't make medicine?" Xue Qinglian stared at Liu Yusheng with a strange expression.

"It's weird not to make medicine?" In modern times, how many Chinese medicine can make good pills?Has it been lost for a long time?

"Puff ha ha ha ha!" Xue Qinglian fell to the table and threw a laugh at the table.

A magician who can't make medicine.

It’s the only one in the world!

Feng Mohan coldly looked at someone who had no image in his eyes and smiled. With both hands, he pulled all the pills piled on the table and stuffed it with Liu Yusheng, "Aunt Liu, let's go!"

Let him laugh enough here!

Dare to joke his aunt?

Obliquely, he stretched out a large, white and slender hand, picked a pill from Liu Yusheng's arms, and threw his earplugs into Xue Qinglian's mouth, and patted him on the body.

"Hahaha! You, what did you feed me just now?"

Feng Qingbai, "You made it by yourself, it's an exclusive soft gluten."

"...Haha, hahaha!" Uncle you uncle two uncle three uncle!

Bastard, you're fucking inhuman!

You feed me medicine, you still point me to laugh!You don't leave Lao Tzu alive!

The Baidudan he had eaten in the old years had just expired not long ago, and he hadn't had time to make it up. Now he is not a poison that will not invade your four uncles!

Feng Mohan looked at his emperor, his eyes popped up again.

Why didn't he learn the means of the emperor and treat the enemies with a sharp touch!

The three left slowly, and the laughter in the room lasted for half an hour.

By the time he stopped, Xue Qinglian had already lost most of her life, and was soft on the table.

He swears that he does not share the sky with the man!