www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"Is it okay to let him laugh there?" After leaving the second yard, Liu Yusheng took the two to the outer yard.

A little worried in my heart, people laugh all the time, it is easy to get angry.

"Come on, Aunt Liu, he can't die." Feng Mohan waved his hand in disapproval.

If a person who learns martial arts can't bear even half an hour, he should be unlucky.

Feng Qingbai smiled without saying a word, acquiescing Feng Mohan's answer.

You can’t die, it’s no better than death.

Liu Yusheng was relieved, "I have free time in the afternoon. While no one is here to seek medical treatment, I will take you to take a walk around the village. Now the village has changed a lot. You haven't come back in so many years. I am afraid that many places don't recognize it. "

"it is good."

As soon as he walked to the door, Liu Da's call came behind him, "Where are you going?"

"Dad, let's go out and come back before dinner!"

Liu Da looked at the wind and ink, and there should be no problem with this kid. It shouldn't be a lone man or a woman. "I will come back in a circle, and I will have to have a meal soon!"


Liu Yusheng secretly spit out his tongue, knowing that his father's fault has been committed again.

Fortunately, there was Feng Mohan next to her, otherwise she was afraid that she would not be able to get out of the door.

Feng Qingbai looked at the pink tip of the girl's slightly protruding tongue, his eyes dimmed, "Go."

The voice was barely detectable.

This is the door of the house, he can't mess up.

Wait a minute, let her know the cost of tempting him later.

Outside the house, Feng Mohan seemed very excited, and looked at the flowers and grass on the road and felt fresh.

"Aunt Liu, your village is small and small, and the scenery is not bad. These little wildflowers are pretty, and they feel no worse than Yuhua..."

Feng Mo's mouth closed.

I almost spoke quickly, and said Yu Garden.

so close.

This is the end of June, which is the hot summer.

The sun is hot and the sun is violent.

This is the weather, and there are many people coming and going on the rice paddy in the village.

Irrigate paddy fields, clear canals, remove weeds in the fields, check for pests, etc.

Everyone was sweating in the sun, but his face was filled with a smile as warm as the sun.

Those smiles are full of longing and joy for the future.

The rice in Xinghua Village, as always, is growing well. Looking at these trends, people can be heartily happy.

This means that this year will be another bumper harvest year, and the granary will be filled with crystal-filled rice.

Feng Mohan walked in front of the two in a few steps, looking at the rice fields on the roadside where he could not see his head.

When the wind blew, the rice grass swayed against the wind. At first glance, it looked like a green sea. There were waves of green rice waves. The air was mixed with the fragrance of rice grass.

The wind, the fragrance, and the scene have taken away the heat of the sweltering heat, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

If the weather is in the palace, he will never walk out. A small circle will make him sticky and sweaty. He doesn't like that feeling.

But here, even if he could clearly feel the sweat coming out of his forehead, he didn't feel uncomfortable, only that it was extremely fun.

This is the village, this is the life of the village.

Simple and simple.

But it makes people feel unexpectedly fulfilling.

"There is the Qinghe River over the rice fields. The river is cool and clear. In the evening, the children and half-old boys in the village will come here to bathe and swim in the river. That time is the most lively time of the day in the Qinghe River." Liu Yusheng pointed. Road across the rice field.

"Bath in the river?! Pouring water in the river?!" Feng Mohan's eyes widened, full of surprise and wonder, and he was eager to try.

Liu Yusheng smiled, "If you want to play, you can ask Uncle Zhiqiu to bring you together at night, he often goes to the river to take a shower."

Feng Mohan immediately looked at Feng Qingbai, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Glancing at him, Feng Qingbai said lightly, "If you want to come, just come and pay attention to safety."

"I will be the uncle!" Feng Mohan's mouth widened, revealing a row of small white teeth, it was easy to make people feel how happy he was.

Walking along the path all the way through the paddy field is another scene.

It is still a lot of land divided by the river, but there is no water in the land, it is dry land.

The field was organized into neat ridges with different green grass plants.

In the sun, the grass plants also appeared energetic, and the green stems and leaves gently swayed under the wind.

"This piece is a medicinal field. In the land that was opened eight years ago, every villager in the village has a lot of land. Over the years, the big guys have made a lot of money by relying on the medicinal materials planted in the medicinal field. Today Xinghua Village, In Shili Baxiang is also the first rich household village.

The guy in the village used to want to marry his wife, it was very difficult.The girls outside refused to marry because they were too poor.Now the situation is diametrically opposite. People outside are proud to be able to marry into Xinghua Village.

Every year I come to the village and say that the matchmaker's pros are wave after wave.It is very lively all year round.

The girl in the village is also the object of the young guys fighting for marriage.In grandma's words, it's fragrant."

Speaking of the changes in the village, Liu Yusheng showed a little pride in his eyes.

"They are sweet and sour. What about you?" Feng Qingbai said suddenly.

Liu Yusheng froze for a moment, facing the man's eyes, which were deep and dark.

It seems calm, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent.

Liu Yusheng suddenly felt guilty.The man probably knew that a matchmaker had raised her.

It is not easy to see that his expression can endure until now.

She knows him well.

Since he was a manic man, he has a temperament that is easy to get rid of. He seems to be able to live with a joke in the eyes of ordinary people, but he will be more truthful and make violent actions that ordinary people cannot understand.

Even though he now looks like a normal person, Liu Yusheng knows that he just hides the obscurity deeper, and it is no longer easy for people to see.

When a man has a tendency to blow hair, he has to appease.

Looking around, no one is around.

Liu Yusheng strengthened his dog's guts, caught the man's finger, and licked it quickly in his ear. "I am a sweet and sour snack for you alone, I only let you eat."

The man's eyes were dim for a moment, his throat dumb, and he gritted his teeth, "Sheng Sheng, I warned you..."

The girl immediately ran a few steps away and turned back with a grin, "Know that, don't hire you!"


Feng Mohan silently covers his face, Aunt Liu, have you forgotten that there is someone next to you?

Feng Qingbai closed his eyes and spit out a violent breath, condensing the figure that the girl was throwing in front of him, has already provoked, thinking that he can run away?

Oh, let you be happy first.

He doesn't mind keeping such accounts together.

"Go, the next stop will take you to see my site!" The girl jade hand in front lifted up and pointed at Xinghualing.

Today Xinghualing, in the view of Fengqingbai, is the place where the whole village has changed the most.