747 Chapter 747 Sweet mouth, learn from me

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Oops, that's Liu Zhiqiu!

Liu's Second Boy!

The Liu family is back!

Two months ago, people came from Beijing and dispatched heavy soldiers to arrest Liu's family. No one in Cangwu Town knew that. During that time, the whole town was panicked.

Later, the officers and soldiers couldn't catch people. When the big guy thought that people had escaped, there was news that the officers and soldiers collided with the Liu family on the canal, and they were sailing in a boat!

Later, I heard that it was Liu family who arrived in Beijing!The King of Nanling is back, and the Lius have recovered

More than just vindication, the king of Nanling also cut off the heads of the two officials who harmed Liu's family on the spot, and even the left side was cast into prison.

The whole thing was ups and downs, which surprised the people of Cangwu Town.

Because they are all heard, the big guy doesn't know the truth.

But now, Liu family is standing before them!

Everyone came back safely, back to Cangwu Town, that means the danger has passed?

The Liu family is really vindicated!

Oh, hey, I just don’t know what Liu Zhiqiu did in Zhenya.

Could it be that the guards also helped the officers and soldiers to catch them together, and came to the door to seek provocation?

"Adult, adult! Not good, Liu's family, Liu's Liu Zhiqiu came to the door!" The ventilating person panted, leaning his hand on the door frame and bending slowly, "Adult, why don't you run quickly! Liu's family! Behind is the King of Nanling backing up, and those who offended their family are dead! End, end!"

The person who was roasting the fire in the backyard of Zhenya rubbed and stood up, almost kicking over the brazier. "Who said you are here? Liu Zhiqiu? Did he find Zhenya?"

"It's in the Yamen! Master, don't hurry, you run to the back door! The brothers stopped him!"

The guards sorted out the crooked robe, and took the official hat that was thrown away on the buckle, and hurried away. "Stop it! Put people in!"

"grown ups……"

"I didn't offend Liu's family. I ran a hair! Isn't it a guilty conscience? Where does the new year's grandson go?" His home is here!

Bai Yayan gave a glance and didn't expect the gang to be stupid. He went to welcome himself.

Although he failed to help the Liu family on that day, he did not expose them, and Liu Zhiqiu could not come to seek revenge.

Home thanks is almost the same.

He didn't reveal that for the Liu family, he helped a lot!

In the lobby of Yamen, Liu Zhiqiu looked at the servants as if they were facing an enemy, and touched his face. "You look at me like this, and I won't hit you."

The servants looked at each other without answering, and even the wine and fried peanuts were hidden.

Both sides look at me and I look at you, like confrontation.

Liu Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and lifted his hand. When he was about to speak, there was a laugh of guarding in it.

"It turns out that the second son of Liu Liu came to the door. I thought the following people talked nonsense. Are you back?" Walking out the side door of the lobby, the guard looked at Liu Zhiqiu's hand with a smile on his face.

This is obviously the door-to-door gift to him!

"Liu Zhiqiu has seen an adult, and the family has just returned. He came before the New Year to send some gifts to the adult. The adult has been in Cangwu Town for so many years and has done a lot of practical things for the people. Tribute."

Liu Zhiqiu delivered the things, but he didn't carelessly on weekdays. Looking at the rules, it looked a little bit different.

The guard kept rubbing his hands and took the things over. "This is so embarrassing. This officer, as a parent officer in Cangwu Town, should do things for the people.

"Adult is humble. The ceremony has been delivered, Liu Zhiqiu retires first, and I wish the adult a step-by-step promotion."


After politely giving a sentence or two, Liu Zhiqiu took Liu Muqiu away, not to mention other things, not to mention the little things of the day.

Liu Muqiu looked at the back of the man in the back, eyes admiring idiotic.

If the matter of the day is mentioned again, it is not a thank to the guard, but a scourge to him.

He helped the people behind him to let go of the Liu family. Once this matter was known and spread, the good day of guarding was just over.

Zhiqiu has never been such a careless person on the surface, in fact, he is more thorough and delicate than anyone else.

"My back looks better than the front?" Xu Shi's eyes were too strong. The man turned his head and frowned.

She seemed unhappy. She preferred to look at his back.

Liu Muqiu smiled and walked quickly to him, "It looks good everywhere."

Heart is the best.

"Hum, sweet mouth, learn from me."

"I like to learn from you."

The corner of the man's lips curled up, took her in the carriage, and drove to Li Fu.

The New Year is approaching, Li Mansion is still as usual, hanging red lanterns in front of the mansion as early as .

It also shows Li Fu's wealth as always.

In this regard, Li Fu has never given people a chance to make a joke. Even if they are strong, they must support Li Fu's scene.

The porter saw the person who drove the carriage, and couldn't even wait for someone to get off the bus, and greeted the person into the door, and shouted inside, "Hurry, go and inform the old lady, Liu Ergong and the five girls are back!"

Suddenly anxious, he shouted out what people used to call Liu Muqiu.

This time Liu Muqiu didn't correct it, but he followed his eyes with his eyebrows and slowly walked into Fuzhong.

Along the way, the people saluted one after another.

When she arrived at the Lifu Hall, Mrs. Li was already waiting.

A stove was raised in the hall, but the hot and cold air in the room had not been dissipated as soon as it rose.

This time, I didn't see anyone in Li's other room.

"The second son, Liu, is back. It seems that this time, Liu's family is in great trouble.

When Liu Zhiqiu entered, he was not sloppy in pulling Liu Muqiu. He was generously sitting next to the stove, just at the position of Mrs. Li's head.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Xie, come back early this year, and bring Mu Qiu to visit the old lady. By the way, say thank you to the old lady."

"Don't dare to be an old man. It was only when Miss Liu asked to come to the old man. Seeing the past sentiment, the old man was in danger."

Liu Muqiu's eyes twitched. "Mu Qiu thanked the old lady for helping."

He paused and looked at Liu Zhiqiu, "Brother Zhiqiu, I would like to say a few words to the old lady alone. Could you go to Yao'er to play first, and I will look for you later when I return."

Liu Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, and nodded, "Okay, old lady, I will come back later."

Looking at the people going away, Mrs. Li said lightly, "Since the matter has passed and the people are back, it is time for the girl to fulfill her promise."

"Old lady, can you... let me finish this New Year at Liu's house?"

Mrs. Li did not immediately answer, but asked, "Liu's family is very kind to you?"