748 Chapter 748 What is corporal punishment

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"Like the old lady hopes that the Li family will become more prosperous and prosperous, the Liu family values ​​not the family, but everyone in the family. They want everyone in the family to be happy and happy, and they cherish everyone in the family. So the Liu family is united and harmonious, Care for each other and protect your shortcomings. I think that is what family means."

Speaking of the Liu family, Liu Muqiu unconsciously smiled.

As long as you walk into the Liu family, you can feel an atmosphere.


People warm up.

Therefore, people who walk into the Lius' family, in order to protect the warmth, will unknowingly pay and will spare no effort.

Just like prince wind and green cypress, like rich and little money, and mysterious Xue Qinglian.

She is no different.

Mrs. Li looked at the satisfaction that naturally appeared on the woman's face, her expression was faint, and she did not speak.

On the other hand, Liu Zhiqiu left the hall and was about to inquire about Li Junyao's position. His ears suddenly moved, his heels turned, and he walked in the other direction.

Around the hall for most of the circle, behind the hall by the window is the garden saw a puckered ass.

Li Junyao squatted halfway down, quietly hiding in the window, his hands clinging to the window sill, his ears eavesdropping.

Lips squeezed tightly, expression serious.

Liu Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows without leaning over, leaning his arms on the corner of the wall to see what the hell was doing.

This look, let alone, is really a bit of his style.

When he was young, he often listened to the corner, especially after being chased by his family. After running out of the compound, he didn't dare to go back immediately. He secretly listened to the corner to see if his grandpa and dad had disappeared.

When he was angry, he went home immediately, but he didn't want to kill any uncle's family in the village to rub a meal, play around and go back.

The little guy over there didn't know what he heard, his face darkened, and the runner kicked off and ran towards the main entrance of the hall.

Xu was so anxious that he didn't even find a person standing around the corner.

Watching Li Junyao enter the hall, Liu Zhiqiu did not follow, but walked slowly to the window sill grilled by the little guy just now, leaning against the wall, and the emperor heard the corner.

"Grandmother!" entered the hall, not paying attention to Mrs. Li's displeased look, Li Junyao threw down on his knees, "Grandmother, don't ask your sister to come back, OK, grandchildren please! Grandchildren promise, I will definitely study hard in the future, make one Those who have a good interest will earn many benefits for the Li family in the future!"

"What do you know at a young age, go on!" Mrs. Li's face fell.

"Grandmother!" Li Junyao clenched his fists, red eyes, stubbornly refused to retreat, "Grandchildren knew that the grandmother did everything for the Li family to continue to climb. However, a family to go high, only rely on others shade Only the scenery can last for a while, and the scenery will not last forever! Only if you want to make your family prosperous, you can only rely on your children to stand up for yourself! Only by relying on your own ability to stand higher can you win respect and straighten your waist! Otherwise you can only breathe forever. Is that what the grandmother wanted to see? The grandmother let her sister go, and the grandchildren will never let the grandmother down!"

Liu Muqiu sat aside, looking at the little boy pleading for her.

As if for the first time, I started to really understand this younger brother.

Because of his words, the warmth flooded into his eyes.

"Big words! Everyone will say big words, how do you know that you can do what you promise today?" Mrs. Li sneered, picked up the tongs next to the stove, and raised the charcoal fire in the stove a bit, and the heat of Dalu blurred her. Emoji.

Li Junyao couldn’t figure out her grandmother’s thoughts, and she pondered her lips for a while, “The Liu Family Courtyard are all good people, they are very kind to their sisters, and they are also very good to me. Knowing that I am still studying in the academy, I know that Brother Xia personally guided grandchildren Homework, explain the truth to grandchildren. When Brother Qiuqiu went to the county, he also took me to introduce me to the celebrities in the city. Grandmothers, because of their sisters’ relationship, they cultivated grandchildren as their own! Although he does not dare to be arrogant, he will not be arrogant. He will surely bring true glory to the Li family with his own ability in other days! As long as the grandmother gives grandchildren this opportunity!"

"After saying so much, your condition is to let me not embarrass your sister." Putting down the tongs, Mrs. Li raised her eyes and looked at the two of them lightly. "Your sister and brother, the eloquence is really good, huh! I forced your sister to come back? It was her own promise that day. If she didn’t want to, wouldn’t she speak?”

"Grandmother!" Li Junyao had a surprise on his face.

Liu Muqiu also looked at Mrs. Li with surprise.

"People are back, and my heart is not here. What's the use for me? It's a good idea if you can come here. Let's go." After that, Mrs. Li no longer looked at the two of them.

"Grandchildren thank grandma!"

"Liu Muqiu thanked the old lady!"

The sisters and brothers glanced at each other and thanked them together and got up and left.

Going fast, I am afraid that the old lady will repent after one step slower.

Behind him, Mrs. Li opened her eyes somehow and looked at the backs of the two as they fled, her eyes dim.

"Mammy Zhang, do you say that the old man is really old? It's better to see things better than a little baby?"

"The old lady has tried her best for the Li family and is a good housekeeper. The old lady is not old, but our Li family finally has a newborn calf."

"Newborn calf?" The old lady thought for a while and suddenly laughed, "I hope he will become Jackie Chan in the future."

It's not that hard to admit that you are wrong.

The prosperity of the Li family should be based on the family's arrogance. Otherwise, even if they rely on others to carry the scenery for a while, it is also a nourishment. For a long time, the Li family's children are afraid to lose their strength.

What she wanted was never like this.

In the back window, listening to the sigh inside, Liu Zhiqiu smiled and walked away.

On the way back, Liu Muqiu became very lively as a whole, and chattered all the way.

Even though most men are too lazy to take care of her stupid words, they have not diminished her enthusiasm for speaking.

At the door of the house, when he was about to get out of the carriage, the man suddenly reached out and pinched her cheek. "In the future, there will be corporal punishment if there is something to hide from me."

Liu Muqiu was taken aback for a moment, after watching the man for a while, "What is corporal punishment?"

"Spanking is like being beaten by my mother when I was a kid."

The man jumped off the carriage, hugged her together, and walked into the yard first.

Looking at the back of the man, Liu Muqiu's eyes slowly finished half a month, "Okay."

The man shuffled, and the dashing was completely destroyed.

Looking back, the teeth were fierce, "You are waiting!"

"I wait for you!"

"..." Liu Zhiqiu speeded up and walked in.

Lying trough, who the hell are you now?

Where did Xiao Bailian learn those tricks?

Behind him, Xiao Bailian smiled broadly and grinned Xiaomi teeth.

From today on, she has no worries anymore, she will not be afraid of how he treats her!