749 Chapter 749 Your Most Chicken-in-law

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!The approaching of the year is the most boiling time of various wineries, especially this year.

This is because the monthly money paid this year and the end-of-year dividends and benefits are the most in history.

Workers can live a fat year beyond expectations, who is not happy?At the same time, I am more fortunate.

When the Liu family had an accident, even though the workers had speculations in their hearts, they were panic-stricken, and even a handful of people had retired, but in the end everyone insisted.

Fortunately, they persevered, otherwise the joy at this moment would not belong to them.

From this incident, you can see the character and family style of the Liu family.

Being able to do things under the hands of such people is a blessing in itself.

In the thirtieth year of the year, the Liu Family Courtyard started to be noisy early, and the old lady and old lady took the family up to work early in the morning.

Beat rice cakes, fried sugar rings, paste window grilles, hang couplets, and get too busy hitting the back of the head.

When the manpower is not enough, even the wine master is pulled to help.

All day long, the laughter in the yard shouted without breaking.

Busy till the end of the day, the New Year's Eve dinner was ready to be moved to the table, and the sound of a carriage rang outside the courtyard.

"Fuck, let's see who's coming. This time, it's just time to catch up with our family reunion dinner." Mrs. Liu was busy in his hand and summoned Liu Yusheng.

"Eh, I'll go here." Liu Yusheng threw out her tongue. She was at home the most idle, and the kitchen was basically unable to help. Now she had to order, in order to show that she was not so useless, immediately rubbed out.

Before he reached the door, he saw the wagon curtain open outside, revealing a dark purple inside.

Liu Yusheng's heart jumped, and his steps accelerated uncontrollably.

Eyes fixed on the car curtain, watching the people in the car jump out of the car.

"Feng Qingbai!" blurted out and ran towards the man who coagulated her with a smile.

Feng Qingbai stood still beside the carriage, and the smile in her eyes grew thicker as the woman ran away, and when she rushed over, she reached out to catch the person firmly.

"How come you come back?" Looking up at the man, Liu Yusheng made no surprises.

"I said, come back this year to accompany you for the Chinese New Year." The man smiled.

It has been more than three years since the reunion. He failed to accompany her once for this festival, and he was always entangled with things. This is his most regrettable thing.

"Are you happy?" he asked.

"Happy!" the little girl shouted loudly, plunging into his arms again, the smile on her face showing her inner joy.

"In the future, I will never be absent again." In the little girl's ear whispered, when retreating, the lips gently rubbed her jade white cheeks, intentionally or unintentionally.

Liu Yusheng's face was flushed, and his eyes quickly looked around. Then he found that around the carriage, there were many people who came to see the lively villagers.

The scene she just rushed into the man's arms just now was looked at, and now those uncles and aunts all snuggled away with their mouths covered.

To say that my face was still a little pink, and now it's blasted, completely red.

And Liu Yusheng also saw that the carriage parked at the gate of the courtyard was not only the one that Feng Qingbai was sitting on, but also a long carriage behind him!

Quickly withdrawing from the embrace of the man, Liu Yusheng squeezed his hair in his ear and faked a serious one, "How, why do you take someone to go home for the New Year with so many carriages?"

"No, those are my gifts, and your dowry."


"Yo! Appointment? Dowry? Axiu, hey, are you planning to get married?" The man's voice was not small, and most of the villagers who were not far away heard it and asked in surprise.

Feng Qingbai looked at them and nodded with a smile, "Yes, I am going to get married after the year of preparation, and I will definitely invite your aunts and uncles to drink wine."

"Okay! After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for you to bear fruit! Ha ha ha, then we can wait for the wedding drink!"

"for sure."

"Fuck, hurry and bring Axiu into the house, it's time to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. We have to go back, and after the meal has passed this year, we should quickly prepare you as a congratulatory gift!" The big guy shouted and dispersed, laughing while walking.

Liu Yusheng only felt that there was nowhere to put his hands and feet.

She is not so shy, but in this atmosphere, the shyness naturally emerged, allowing her to show her little girl's coquettishness.

The coquettish look makes people unable to open their eyes.

In the house, Mrs. Liu and his wife Liu and others walked out.

The voices of the villagers outside were so loud that they had listened to them all for a long time. Naturally, they knew that the people coming at the door were their home.

"How can you still stand at the door? Hurry into the house, the house is ready for dinner, you have to watch and wait till you finish eating, and watch slowly," Liu said.

"There are also those who dowry the dowry, Axiu, did you ask someone to bring it back? Let them help and move things in." Liu and Liu Dali greeted the team behind him, "So many things Move to the boss for a while."

Liu Muqiu and Fu Yuzheng had walked to Liu Yusheng, looked up at the convoy that could not see the tail, and did not know whether it was a joke or teasing, "How many carriages are there for the gift? I guess the prince emptied the palace once. Right."

"It's not just evacuating the Wang Mansion, even the Treasury is afraid to go to one-third." Fu Yuzheng spent many years in the Wang Mansion and learned more about these things, breaking the truth.

Liu Yusheng was blushing, looked at Feng Qingbai, and pulled the two broken-mouthed women around to go to the house. "How come I didn't find that you were such a chicken!"

"Chicken woman? What does that mean?" The two women looked at each other, their faces blank.

"Chicken woman praises your beautiful meaning." The little girl smiled and talked nonsense.

"Oh, boy, you are also a chicken mother."

"Fuck, you are the best chicken at home."


Feng Qingbai was not far away from the three people, and pressed his fist against his cough, pressing down his lips, and he could not help smiling, before turning to the old man and others.

There were a total of 20 carriages for gift-giving, all from the Cao Gang's team responsible for transporting goods. The carriages were built very large, and the golden wooden boxes above were moved down and carried into the second-entry room, and Mrs. Liu specially counted Count, two hundred boxes!That is two hundred lifts!

This is really scary.

The young emperor was still there when she was young, and only one hundred of them offered a dowry when marrying the queen.

Now they went to the hospital with Liu Jiaer Er, and they didn't say anything about it. Two hundred of them were picked from the treasury.

What is more valuable?

"Axiu, when you came back so stunned, would you hit people's eyes, someone thinking about Fa'er to steal it?" the wife asked worriedly.

"If they really recruited the bandits or something, they would be enough to eat them for a lifetime this time." Liu Zhiqiu sighed brightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his wife, "What are you doing! I will kill you if I say bad luck in the New Year! Hurry up!"