1263 Chapter One Two Six Three Is Sweet?

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!In the dorm room, the women chatted while holding their soles, and the woman asked strangely.

"I can't see you at this time. I must have gone crazy." Old Lady Liu smiled. "There are many children in the village. At this age, when things are very exciting, they go to play. Unconstrained."

"It's about saying that you can play with them at this age. After two years in private school, you don't have much time to play."

The Queen Mother said, "Send the private school in the town?"

"Yeah, the town is not far from home. I sent it to the oxcart on weekdays, and I can come back in two or three days. Before, I knew that Xia Zhiqiu was studying in private school in the town."

"Don’t say, what is that private school called Qingfeng Academy? It’s well-known throughout Xiangshan. In the academy, there is a young governor like Zhixia, and now he has been promoted to Jingguan all the way. Others say that Qingfeng Academy is good for Feng Shui. Many people have sent their children there to read."

"The future has something to do with one's own abilities, and what has to do with Feng Shui." The Empress Dowager said, "If Feng Shui is good enough to be a Beijing official, Nanling must not be confused."

Mrs. Liu scorned her, "Whether others believe it or not, we just know what is going on, you are more real."

"Why is it not true? Croton is about to be officially enlightened, and it is also going to private school." The scene of Croton surrounded by a group of students who were talking about Fengshui treasures in his mouth, the Queen Mother shivered.

Looking back, she would go to the private school to see if she was not satisfied, then she would not go. She left home and she taught with Qin Xiao!

I didn't talk about this topic before, plus she and Qin Xiao were deliberately or unintentionally teaching Croton, she didn't think about private school.

But now it is urgent.

In the past, I had planned to ask Daru in Beijing to guide Croton, but now she and Qin Xiao are both "dead". They are no longer in Peking, so how can you invite Daru to go?

Looking forward to wind and green cypress?

That guy can't wait to remake the croton and rebuild it.

The empress dowager was worried.

Unable to sit in the hall, he ran to the new vegetable garden outside the courtyard wall to find Qin Xiao.

The former general, now dressed in a thick cloth with a short beating, a sweat towel around his neck, holding an iron pick in his hand, is preparing the vegetable border.

While working, he greeted the villagers outside Caiyuanzi and chatted. Although the expression on his face was not much, he calmed down and calmed down like an ordinary old man.

It is like a native of Xinghua Village.

"Qin Xiao, I have something to discuss with you." Pulling open the door of the vegetable garden, she squatted down next to the man with her skirt, and pulled out the weeds growing on the vegetable border. Orchid finger.

"Now the sun is still shining, how come you come out? If you have something to go back and say, the ground is dirty, don't squat here." Seeing the woman came in, Qin Xiao hurriedly stopped and tried to stop the woman.

"What's dirty, you still deal with Huang Ni all day long, I dislike you?"

The man was stunned, his lips raised slightly, and he took the straw hat that was hanging aside, carefully put it on the woman, and took the irritating person to a cool place in the corner of the wall to sit down, "Find me so anxious, what thing?"

"We Croton Red Bean is about to enter the age of private school enlightenment. Before we were in Beijing, this matter was not anxious, but now we can't go back, neither Feng Qingbai nor the mean to return to Beijing. The teaching of Hongdou should be in Cangwu Town, close to each other."

"You are worried that the private school here is not good and delays the baby?" Qin Xiao guessed what the woman was struggling with.

"Don't you worry about co-ordination?" The woman was excited and her eyes widened.

The autumn wind came from the side, brushing her broken hair in her ears and naughtyly jumping on the bridge of her nose, adding a bit of vividness to the woman's anger.

Qin Xiao's eyes crawled up with a smile line, raised her index finger for the woman to smooth her hair behind her ears, "Don't worry. Knowing Xia Shang can walk out of that private school, do you think our croton is better than Zhi Xia?"

The woman pursed her lips, glared at the man for a moment, and got up to leave. "It's sweaty, come back to take a bath before eating."

"Okay." Qin Xiao's eyes were thick and soft with the back of Ning Na's back as she lifted her head and raised her chest.

No matter big things or small things, as long as there is something, Aman's first thought is to come to him instead of carrying everything himself like before.

He hopes that she can always be her most reliable support during her lifetime.

His Aman only needs to live elegantly and proudly, as he did when he was young, he can't give her a Chinese dress, but he can give her carefree.

After so many detours, I finally returned to the original point.

He has no regrets.

Because after all, he was with his Aman.

"Dear grandpa, eat, grapes! Grapes, so sweet!"

Outside the vegetable garden, Qin Xiao's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of milky milk.

Croton and Red Bean rushed towards him happily, and Red Bean was holding two purple grapes in his hand, raised high.

Squatted down, holding the two babies, holding one by one and walking away, "Going to pick grapes? Only two grains? The grandfather and grandma at home can't divide enough."

"Also, dear grandpa, you eat it first." Croton took a grape from the red bean and stuffed it into the man's mouth, opening his jade eyes, "Sweet or not?"

Croton has rarely spoke wrong words, but whenever he calls him, he likes to call his grandfather like Hongdou.

He listened, and he was more cordial.

"Sweet." The man's restrained eyes floated softly, allowing the baby to wipe the little hands stained with purple juice on his clothes.

After wiping, Xiaowaer pulled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat beads that had oozed from the forehead for the man.

On the other side, there is also a baby boy holding a small hand, making the shape of a small fan, fanning his enthusiasm for him.

"Dear grandpa, cool."

"Well, cool."

"Eat, this, this is cool." As he said, Red Bean wanted to rip off the small silk glove in his hand, and Qin Xiao grasped it.

Kissed on the baby's hand, "Grandpa is not hot, it's not uncomfortable."

"Really?" Waer blinked his eyes, and the little man already showed his worries.

Hold the baby steady, the man smiled, "Really."

A large or two little boy turned the corner of the courtyard wall, and then returned to the Liu's courtyard. After the red grapes were handed over to the elders and refused to be fed to the elders, they were stuffed into their small mouths. He came back with a basket full of grapes.

The image is staggering.

The hair was scattered, the hair was covered with fine pieces of dry tree leaves and hay stalks. The original plain plain clothes were stained with purple juice and dust. The knees were the dirtiest, and there was bloodshot.

"Liuye, are you in the ditching ditch?" Liu Liu asked, half-opened.

Liu Yeqiang squeezed out a smile, "The slave-servant accidentally walked and fell in the back ditch."

Fortunately, there is no water in that ravine, otherwise, she is more than embarrassed!