www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"It, it! A lot of grapes!"

Upon seeing the willow leaves coming back, the croton and red beans rubbed to the basket to grab the grapes.

Looking at the two little babies rushing over, Liu Ye's hard-to-maintain smile suddenly came to a halt, and he stepped back a little step involuntarily.

Which one is not a human essence is present, even if the strangeness she shows is subtle, it can't escape those eyes.

Liu Ye didn't understand this until she met her cold and thin eyes.A short eye contact made her sweaty.

"Going to pick grapes with Croton Red Bean? Wa'er is naughty and you have worked hard." The princess smiled at her and said that she was very polite, but Liu Ye only felt shocked.

"No, no hard work, the slave-servant should do it." He lowered his head and seemed to be able to gain insight into the upper woman's eyes, and Liu Ye subconsciously opened his mouth to explain, "The slave-servant thought about going out at noon. The little master went up the mountain, and he followed them because he was worried about their danger."

"Then your worry is superfluous, what is the identity of the young master of the Wangfu, how could there be no one around?" The young arrogant voice interspersed, the laughter in the ending made people feel uncomfortable, "Feng Qingbai, you didn't arrange a guard to follow Croton red beans?"

"Well, Wei Orange followed in secret."

Liu Ye's complexion is white.

All self-righteousness was smashed into fragments at this moment.

Although she was also a rich maidservant, she had never been in contact with such a wealthy family. Seeing that two little children could slip out of the door quietly, she thought she had found a chance to get close. There was also a dark guard following him.

Every action she thought she didn't know was actually seen by others.

I'm afraid she followed the two babies on the front foot, and the news has been heard in the ears of the masters of the Liu Family Courtyard.

Only she didn't know, and she was leaping like a clown in front of people's eyes.

Liu Ye retreated from his soul.

In the hall, no one said that Qian Wanjin deliberately spoiled it. Only the elders looked at him with tears and laughter. "How old is the child's heart."

In fact, it's not a big deal.

Although Liu Ye is a bit careful, but they are not confused, how to deal with how to make decisions, I have a scale in my heart.

Qian Wanjin smiled, "I call it a piece of sand in my eyes. It is right or wrong. Our Liu family rules must set an example for Xiaowaer. As an example, one must be one or two."

"You might as well say that you just can't see the careful thinking of others, and you have to pierce you to be happy." Xue Qinglian undressed.

"Okay, the young man just wants to take it down." Playing carefully in the Liu Family Courtyard, she thought she was a smart person, and everyone else is a fool?

Too much self-esteem, too little self-knowledge, you have to crack down.

Qian Yi and Shi Xianrou glanced at each other, and then looked at Hou Zai's face with a blank face and didn't understand why his sister's face would be so ugly.

"Eh, eh, Xue Qinglian, you're enough! There are just a few grapes in total. You take half of yourself, what about your face?"

"You eat with your face?"

"Lying trough, there is simply no way to communicate with shameless people," Qian Wanjin angrily walked away with two strings, and handed the broom resting behind the door of the church house to Mrs. Liu, "Milk, deal with shameless people, one word , Beating! Look at Xue Qinglian and grab the big guy's grapes!"

After all, he deliberately lit up the grapes in his hand. There were only two bunches, which was pitifully less than Xue Qinglian's arms.

This proves that he is absolutely different from a certain way.

Xue Qinglian chuckled, slowly twirling a piece of fruit, peeling it, and feeding it to Mrs. Liu's mouth, "Grandma Liu, ah, open your mouth."

Qian Wanjin, "..."

There was a smirk in the hall, one after another.

The most joyful ones are the two little dolls. The dialogue between the adults does not know whether they can really understand or not at all. In short, they clap their hands and laugh.Listening to them giggling, the adults laughed more happily.

Pull the baby who is eating grape juice, and Liu Yusheng wipes their mouth, "Croton, you deliberately reorganized."

Xiaowaer smiled and shook her head into a rattle, "No, cool kiss, I don't have it!"

"When you lie, you call me cool relatives."

"..." Croton blinked and wanted to cry.

He also wanted to change it.

But he couldn't change it.

It’s a natural thing to lie in front of your mother, what can he do?

"Liang Rin, the bugs are scared!" When he saw the expression of his brother's small face, Hongdou was anxious. "Dad, the bugs are scared, it's a bug!"

The light explained to her mother that she was afraid of her mother's unbelief, and the little boy immediately sought out his father as a backer.

When Dad believed it, his brother would not be scolded.

Everyone beside him could not help but endure.

Who said their red beans are not enough for croton?

Does cleverness know that Dad is the best at her?

"Well, the bug is scared because she is too timid." A dad followed the daughter's words, worrying that the response was slow, and the baby fell into tears.

I had no time to manage the expressions around me that I knew.

Hongdou immediately smiled and fed Daddy a crumbling flesh, "Dad, sweet?"


Liu Yusheng turned his face away, not looking at the expression of a certain father's satisfaction.

Subconsciously, his eyes turned to his dad's face. As a result, his expression followed Feng Qingbai's appearance.

So when she was a child, she laughed at her father and laughed stupidly.

Isn't Fengqingbai like this now?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who would have imagined that the prince would be so defeated?

Not at all compatible with mighty domineering.

Everyone ate grapes and chatted to the sky. At one-and-a-half, the Empress Dowager did not need the maidservant. Liu Ya and the Empress Dowager asked for instructions, and left the hall and went to the row of boxes on the right.

Gently pushed open one of the false doors, Liu Ya walked in and moved to the woman lying on the bed, "Sister..."

The woman's entire face in the bed was buried in her arms, her shoulders were shaking slightly, but there was no sound, and you could see people crying.

"It's a good thing for you to take care of the two young masters. The old lady and the princess did not blame you. Why are you doing this..." It looks so uncomfortable and crying so wrongly?

From the moment her sister returned to the Liu's compound, she watched and listened. The people in the compound did not say anything to her that made her wrong, and even the princess explained a naughty baby. There was nothing wrong with it.

When Liu Ya stopped her back, her eyes fell on the woman's embarrassing description, "...Are you hurt?"

Somehow, she wants to hear her sister say yes at the moment.

The woman on the bed suddenly stopped crying, turned over and sat up straight at Liu Ya, the dark light in her eyes made Liu Ya's heart sink slightly.

"Liuya, how have I treated you since childhood?"


"Then if I am not happy, will you make me happy?"