1265 Chapter One Two Six Five If you want to come, just leave?

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Liu Bu bit her lip, "Yes."

This sentence made the woman grasp the life-saving straw and clenched her wrists so tightly that Liuya would hurt, "Liuya, then help me, I want to stay in the Liujia compound and be like you Ma'am, serve the people in the courtyard!"

"But, but the old lady said, as long as a maidservant." Liu Yazheng opened his eyes wide and stunned.

Liu Ya didn't speak, and she had to stare at her. The light and shadow in those eyes floated faster, and Liu Ya's heart became deeper and he couldn't breathe.

"I, I also want to stay here..." For a long while, Liu Ya said this sentence, exhausting all her strength.

Why did she come, my sister knows.

At first, my sister was obviously prevented, but finally she was stunned, and she was sent to Xinghua Village.

But why did it suddenly become like this?

My sister also wants to stay in Xinghua Village, asking her... to make room?

"Liuya, after you had an accident, the father and mother, grandpa, brother and me, the family has been doing their best to take care of you. You don’t want to go out, but all the work that needs to go out falls on me, you dare not talk to people, often I also deal with people when I need them. I have helped you so much, can you let me do it once?"

Liu Ye slowly lowered her eyes and let go of Liu Ya’s hand. “Serving the old lady, I’m not doing worse than you. Besides, Liu Family’s compound is also a pure family. You stay here. If others don’t know, it’s okay, if someone knows that you used to be...the door of the Liu family, the maid who followed the old lady was not innocent, what do you want others to think? The Liu family will also gossip because of you, what will you do then? It’s not a person inside or outside."

She was sitting and Liuya was standing. At this position, she could clearly see the fingers under Liuya's sleeve curled up and trembling.

My heart was inexplicable, but the words in my mouth never stopped, "I know that you are here for Master Wei, but you have been here for a whole day, in addition to meeting you yesterday, have you ever seen him? If Wei? Adults care about you, he will not even see you under the same roof? If he is careless about you, you will only get bored if you are so entangled. It is better to let yourself go with some self-knowledge."

In the last paragraph, she made it very clear that there was no reason to make people want to be stupid.

Liu Ya may be simple, but she is definitely not stupid and will not understand her meaning.

"Why?" Liu Ya asked suddenly.

"Why?" Liu Ye frowned, she said so clearly, Liu Ya would choose to continue to act silly?

"Why do you suddenly hate me so much, sister."

"I didn't hate you..." Liu Ye was shocked and wanted to explain, but she met the girl's clean and hidden eyes. The reason behind her was that she couldn't say anything.

Isn't it just annoying?

Obviously they were sisters of the same father and mother, but Liu Ya was a pretty little girl. Everywhere she went there was praise.As long as there will be Liuya, no one will see her light. She is like the shadow of Liuya. Even if you try hard to show, others' eyes will never fall on the shadow.

Later, Liu Ya had an accident and even caused her grandmother to die because of her tragic death. The family did not blame her. Instead, she guarded her more carefully and treated her better.I am still ignored from time to time.

In the end, Liu Ya even got close to the princess, and even provoked the head of the bodyguard around him to treat her differently.Don’t you just rely on that face?Don’t you just dress innocently?

Is there anything you can't compare with Liuya?Why do all good things fall on Liuya?

At this moment, Liu Ye finally admits the jealousy of his eyes, looking into those eyes.

In fact, she has always been jealous of Liuya.

"Don't all your good luck start because when the princess went to Zhuangzi, did you ask the princess to heal your father and mother? If I had taken one step closer to you today, I wouldn't have to plead with you..."

"Then why did you slow down a step?"

Faintly asked, Liu Ye suddenly got stuck in her throat.

Why was she one step behind at the beginning?

Because she was shocked by the prestige of the prince and princess, she did not dare.

She didn't even think of going to beg the princess to treat grandpa and dad.

In fact, she is worse than Liuya, not only a step slower, she also lacks Liuya's courage to go out.

Ask the princess, if the princess's heart kindly agrees, it is naturally a good thing.

What if the princess is not happy to be disturbed by someone?It is simpler for Wang Ye to spoil his wife than to kill an ant.

She was scared.

Liu Ya didn't chase after her. After asking, she gave her a soft look and turned to leave.

Liu Ye didn't chase her and did not explain her actions, but she knew that from the moment Liu Ya turned around, their sisters would never be able to go back.

Out of the box, the little courage Liu Liu had just gathered collapsed, and the whole shoulder fell down.

It was bitter and astringent in the chest and wanted to cry.

But this is the Liu Family Courtyard. She is the old lady’s maid, and she can no longer cry casually, and she is not solemn.

She didn't understand why it became like this with her sister.

Did her sister change, or did she never know the person who grew up together?

Walking down the head with his head lost, he unknowingly walked to a courtyard wall in the back corner of the hall.

"Uncle Wei, are you there?"

The man hiding in the corner of the fruit tree squeezed his brow, but he was helpless.

He has changed positions several times.

Sometimes he even gave birth to the suspicion that the woman had taken some trace medicine on him, no matter how he hid it, she would always find her accurately.

"What's the matter?" Wei Zidan asked, jumping from the tree.

Then the brows were almost invisible, and the lowering came out for the woman.

"Uncle Wei, if I were not here, I would go home, would you remember me?" The head was lowered, her fingers were twisted, and the woman's urn asked in anger.

There was a moment of silence above his head, and the man did not answer her immediately.

Liu Ya wanted to look up at the man's expression at the moment to see if he heard that she was not here, if she would be a little unhappy and a little bit unhappy.

Did not dare.

If she looked up, Uncle Wei would see her ugly red eyes.

"What do you think is the Liu Family Courtyard?"

Xu Yu, the man's voice floated faintly, calmly, without waves, and Liu Ya clearly heard the ridicule inside.

Mocked her innocently.

"Do you think you can come here if you want, and leave if you want to?"

"Since the old lady named you to be a maid, you can only die here before she releases."

"Liuya, this is not a farm in Chuan Jiu Village, and you can't tolerate your willfulness."

After all, the man's breath disappeared above her head.

After being taught a lesson, Liu Ya didn't feel uncomfortable at all, even the bitterness that filled her heart unconsciously faded a lot.