Chapter 465: An Avengers Monologue

Name:Fate Online: Shadow Author:
Chapter 465: An Avenger's Monologue

"I-it's you!"

"It's indeed me, how have you been, Mr. Rothschild, sir?"

He grinned, and despite being a Monk, that grin on his face looked so devilish that he almost looks like the character, Lloyd.

"W-what are you bastards doing!? KILL HIM!"

Horrified at the figure before their eyes, Grom screamed in hysterics like he had just seen his worst nightmare walk out of his dream.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"I only came here for those two over there hiding behind that car. If you're good and listen to me, then you won't die, but if you don''ll have to join the others who departed before you, do we have an understanding?"

Monk looked around at the people around him with a huge grin on his face, and the people in question all gulped down simultaneously when they looked at the now dead three bodyguards lying down on the ground with an extra hole in their foreheads..

They died because they were the first three unlucky ones to pull their guns out, while the rest of the guards should thank their lucky stars because they were still a little disoriented from the earlier attacks on them, which caused them to react a little slower compared to their three colleagues.

Looking at that huge grin on Monk's face, the calmness on Richard's face quickly crumbled and he yelled:


A few moments earlier, during the moment that Monk mentioned the name "The Continental".

"The Continental? What's that? Why are they so afraid of a lone man when they have more people?" asked the woman who had been bawling her eyes out earlier due to the death of her husband.

"I really shouldn't have come here, what socializing? What making your face known among the elites? Is my life less important than these social gatherings? Fuck that father of mine! I should have been at home tonight and playing video games with my friends!"

The chubby man that has a face that would have been suitable to become a sidekick of a superhero and got his clothes ruined by the widowed woman earlier is seen angrily muttering to himself.

"Wow, so that wasn't a terrorist attack at all? Well, I mean, it still is an act of terror, but they all did those things just because they wanted to kill that man? Just who is he for them to warrant such means that they didn't even care if they killed thousands of people?"

The informant, and the supposed legendary assassin John Wick, just shook his head and instead answered the widowed woman's question, which was also the whole group's curiosity at this moment, especially witnessing the fear on the faces of those people they looked up to and even flattering earlier.

"Well, since we'll probably die tonight, at least die knowing that the Six Great Families aren't the top families in the world. This is going to be hard to take in, but the real behemoth of this world is an organization called, The Continental, which is headed by a very powerful man. It's an organization of hired hitmen/assassins, they have branches all over the world. You never know, the gas attendant at your go to gas station is probably a member of the said organization. Following The Continental is the Blood Lion Clan, somewhat like the first one, but they're a family of assassins instead, and standing alongside them is the Mine Tech. Industries that shot up like an arrow to the top from out of nowhere. Then slightly behind the two are the Six Great Families, and just a step behind the six families would be the Royal Families around the world, followed by the Old Nobles and the Supreme Pontiff, and lastly, the Presidential Leaders of the nations"

"Well, I can't say I'm not surprised, but Mine Tech. Industries? They're actually that powerful?" asked the only surviving congressman with surprise written all over his face.

Compared to the rest that were more focused on the revelation of the intricacies of the superpowers of the world, the chubby man was quick to realize something more perplexing, "The question is, you're just a small councilman, how do you know all of this when we don't?"

Perplexed, John Wick was about to make an excuse when...