Chapter 466: Its Over

Name:Fate Online: Shadow Author:
Chapter 466: It's Over

"The question is, you're just a small councilman, how do you know all of this when we don't?"

Perplexed, John Wick was about to make an excuse when...




Seconds passed after yelling his intentions, no one among their bodyguards...actually moved a muscle, they just looked at each other and everyone revealed bitter smiles on their faces.

"What are you bastards doing!? How dare you ignore my orders?! Kill him, NOW!"

They know that they are now stuck between a rock and a hard place, and both options lead to a dead end.

Though still, they chose to follow orders as they slowly pointed their guns at Monk.

At least if they die here, their families would at least be spared from the retribution of the families of their former employers, and the other option can't even compare to the former since it would instead compromise the safety of their families if they disobeyed orders.

With only the hood of the car separating between him and his two targets, Monk shot a quick glance at the guns pointed at him, then back at Richard and Grom grinning at him like they had just won.

"What fools"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The moment he uttered those words, the sound of gunshot ringing and him jumping to the side with a roll simultaneously happened.

"H-hey! Where are you bastards shooting at?! J-just you wait!"

He did manage to dodge the attacks, but he didn't escape unscathed!

He suffered two graze bullet wounds on his back and one bullet even flew past centimeters away from his head white at it!

It could have been absolutely fatal and would have ended his revenge right there and then!

Monk quickly pulled himself up from the ground and immediately went into hiding behind another car that's aligned beside the car where Grom and Richard are taking cover!

So now a weird scene took place where Richard, Grom and Monk are looking at each other, while the latter is being shot at!

Monk looked at them with a plain blank expression on his face as he slowly pointed his gun towards them as his lips slowly curled up along with the movement of his hand holding the gun.

Grom screamed as he immediately bolted towards the direction of the staircase, and Richard also quickly followed after him as the staircase was their only hope for survival, while the latter was also relieved that Monk had run out of bullets, giving them this precious chance!

On the other hand, watching their futiles attempts to escape from him, Monk just snickered as he immediately ran after the two and along the way, he picked up another handgun from the floor.

Tang! Tang! Tang!

With the sound of their heavy footsteps as they ascended the stairs in a panic, it didn't even take long for Grom to almost reach the top, and just when he was about to bolt out of there, a shadow suddenly appeared on the top of the stairs, blocking their path.

"You guys are still alive?"

"Y-you bitch! It was actually you!"


Thud! Thud! Thud!

When the voice of a woman reached his ears, the next thing Grom saw was a snow white foot had suddenly struck his chest, sending him stumbling down the stairs along with Richard whe he crashed onto him on the way down.

"Argh! My leg!"

Sprawled on the floor, Grom started screaming in pain with a bloodied and unconscious Richard beside him, his fate unknown.

"What are you doing here?" asked Monk while walking over towards his two targets.

"I had to come down because you were taking a lot of time finishing up your matters. It seems you had gotten a little rusty Monk, your targets were even about to escape from you" Sun Bin laughed while walking down the stairs.

"Hmmp! It seems you have finished up outside"

Monk just snorted in reply while slowly making his way towards Grom and Richard. Looking down and towering over them, he just smiled and said, "Such a pity, I still wanted to play with you two"

"D-don't kill me, I-I'll give you anything you want"

"Unless you're a God, you can't give me what I want. So.just go to sleep...permanently this time"

Bang! Bang!

With snot and tears on his face, Grom begged for mercy. Monk just ignored his pleading and with a face full of gloom, he slowly raised the gun in his hands and shot the two in their heads.

Finally ending a long overdue grudge that he had carried for many years!

"It's over"

When Monk uttered those words, he felt like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders, like he had just broken free from a shackle that had been holding him back to live freely as he felt incredibly refreshed.

"Karma finally caught up to them" Sun Bin muttered while looking at the two corpses of people who had once been able to call the winds and rain in the economic and political world with just a word from them.