Chapter 229

Name:Finest Servant Author:Yu Yan
Chapter 229 The Military StrategistXu Wei clearly was not used to such an enthusiastic embrace, he laughed awkwardly and said, "Little brother Lin, you needn't be so formal. You're going to embarrass an old man like me."

Lin Wanrong let out a hearty laugh and released him. He noticed Xu Wei's face was full of dust and weariness, indicating that he had just traveled a great distance to get here. Behind Xu Wei was Gao Qiu, the guy Lin Wanrong had been thinking about. Gao Qiu held a riding whip, suggesting a journey conducted in haste without much rest. Lin Wanrong greeted him with a salute, "Brother Gao, I trust you have been well!"

Gao Qiu, an old acquaintance of his, returned the salute and said, "Thank you for your concern, Young Master Lin. Following Mr. Xu these past few days, everything has been quite well."

Lin Wanrong welcomed the two into the hall, invited them to sit down, and casually took a seat beside them, making no pretense of being an outsider. A servant girl promptly brought in tea. Xu Wei took a sip of the fragrant brew and chuckled, "Little brother Lin, I saw people sending over plaques with much fanfare as I arrived. It seems the reputation of the Xiao family is ever on the rise."

Lin Wanrong chuckled in response. Xu Wei was no outsider, so he didn't hide the events that had transpired the night before and during the day. Xu Wei stroked his beard and burst into laughter after hearing the story, "So that's how it is. It seems Mr. Cheng De had the misfortune of crossing you."

After a brief conversation, Lin Wanrong asked, "Did you, Mr. Xu, come specifically to find me today?"

Xu Wei nodded and said, "Indeed, I came to find you, Little brother Lin, and also to visit an old friend, Miss Guo, whom I haven't seen in many years."

‘So, you came specifically for the wife, with just a side visit for me. You old man, you dare to play these games in front of me? I despise you.’ Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Why didn't you say so earlier, Mr. Xu? I will inform the Madam right away."

Xu Wei stopped him, "There's no need to trouble yourself, little brother. We already announced our presence at the entrance. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to enter this hall and sit down for tea."

That was true; they couldn't have come in without an announcement. Lin Wanrong chuckled again when suddenly they heard the soft jingle of a waist ornament from outside. A series of light yet hurried footsteps echoed into their ears, followed by the delighted voice of Madam Xiao, "Mr. Wenchang, where is Mr. Wenchang?"

The three men in the hall quickly stood up. Xu Wei laughed loudly, "Miss Guo, I, Xu Wei, am here."

Madam Xiao rushed in, carefully examined Xu Wei for a few moments, and then joyfully exclaimed, "Mr. Xu, it is indeed you who have come. I, Guo Junyi, am pleased to meet you, Mr. Xu." So, the lady's maiden name was Guo Junyi, a rather elegant name indeed.

Seeing Madam Xiao about to kneel, Xu Wei hurriedly gestured to stop her, "Miss Guo, there's no need for such formalities. Little brother Lin, please help Miss Guo up."

Lin Wanrong walked over, helped Madam Xiao up, and smiled, "Indeed, Madam, if old friends like you and Mr. Wenchang greet each other with such formality, it might create an awkward atmosphere. I'm sure Mr. Xu would feel uncomfortable."

Xu Wei laughed heartily, "Little brother Lin, you truly understand my heart."

Madam Xiao didn't kneel again. She looked at Lin Wanrong and smiled, "You do know how to say pleasing things."

The host and guest had seated themselves, and Xu Wei looked at Madam Xiao with a sigh of wonder, "It has been over twenty years since we parted in the capital. I have aged from a man nearing forty to now being in my sixties, a figure of decay. Yet Madam, you retain your youthful looks and grace."

Madam Xiao also sighed, "Where is the grace of old? Mr. Wenchang, you jest. Truly, time spares no one. When I left the capital, I was just in the bloom of youth at 18. Now in a blink, I have a house full of children. Time is indeed a cruel knife."

Xu Wei stroked his beard and nodded, "When Miss was 18, your knowledge surpassed all in the capital, your skills were admired by all. Even the emperor himself heard of Miss's name and summoned you to court, which was the talk of the era. These memories seem just like yesterday. It's poignant that we meet again here in the south, twenty years since we said goodbye in the capital."

Seeing Madam Xiao and Xu Wei both sighing, Lin Wanrong felt a bit disdainful. What did their parting amount to? If they knew about his experiences, they would surely shut their mouths. Alas, his experiences were secrets he was destined to keep, buried deep within him.

Madam Xiao laughed, "Back in the day, all the scholars in the capital held great admiration for Mr. Xu, taking you as a role model. Now, twenty years have passed, and your fame has spread throughout the world, even surpassing those years. It is truly something to be happy about."

Xu Wei shook his head, a touch of sadness crossing his face, "Don't talk about fame, it's all about the two words, fame and profit, that mislead people. At my age, I've come to understand this. Fame and profit are like floating clouds in the sky, they seem beautiful but are actually harmful. I wonder how many people's happiness and marriages have been ruined by these two words."

Madam Xiao looked puzzled at his words, but Lin Wanrong knew that the old man was speaking from experience. He had sacrificed Su Qinglian's happiness for his own selfish desires, and only realized it in his old age. But it was too late, and his remaining good days were few.

Not understanding the meaning of his words, Madam Xiao laughed, "Has Mr. Wenchang been well all these years? Are your wife, son, and daughter well?"

Xu Wei replied, "My wife passed away years ago, my son has his own family, as for my daughter... ah, better not to mention her."

Madam Xiao's face turned melancholy, "Your wife has passed? Such a virtuous woman, heaven is truly blind. By the way, Mr. Xu, what about your daughter?" A small smile appeared on her face, "I remember when we left the capital, she was a ten-year-old girl with braids. I wonder how she looks now. Who is she betrothed to?"

Xu Wei shook his head with a bitter smile, "Ah, my daughter... better not to mention her. Miss Guo, if you ever visit the capital, could you please advise her? She was with you when she was young, she might listen to you."

Xu Wei's daughter? Lin Wanrong vaguely remembered a mention of her as a person of extraordinary knowledge. Seeing Xu Wei's anxious expression, there clearly was some unspeakable difficulty. Was Xu Wei's daughter so formidable that even Xu Wei himself couldn't handle her?

Madam Xiao and Xu Wei began to discuss old acquaintances and events in the capital; which gentlemen had retired, who held senior positions in which provinces; which young ladies married whom, who had been granted imperial edicts; which sages had passed away, and what posthumous titles the emperor had granted them.

Madam Xiao revealed a side that Lin Wanrong had never seen before. Speaking with Xu Wei, the current leading figure, she remained composed and didn't fall short, revealing a hint of her past glory.

Lin Wanrong remembered what the blind old man, Wei, had said. There had been a significant figure secretly in love with Madam Xiao in the past. Having listened to their half-day conversation, there had been a lot of talk about young men and women, but he had no idea who it could be.

Bored of their chatter, Lin Wanrong excused himself and stepped outside with Gao Qiu, saying, "Brother Gao, I have good news for you."

Gao Qiu laughed, "What good news? Why are you being so formal, Young Master? Just say it, we've dealt with each other before."

Lin Wanrong gave a thumbs up, "Brother Gao is straightforward, I admire that." He chuckled, told Gao Qiu about what happened with Tao Dongcheng, and Gao Qiu burst into laughter. "Brilliant! That boy is ruined, 'immortalized' seems tailor-made for him. Truly a masterstroke, Young Master."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, "I'm not brilliant, Brother Gao is the true genius. That 'Buddha's Big Stick' you concocted is truly the number one aphrodisiac in the world. Even a creature as weak as Tao Dongcheng became incredibly potent, it's truly a wonder drug."

Gao Qiu beamed with pride, "Of course, the Buddha's Big Stick is very difficult to make. I used many precious ingredients, such as goji berries, angelica, saffron, tiger penis, deer penis, and bear penis. Even a eunuch could gain some potency after taking it."

‘Saffron too? As if you're treating a gynecological disease.’ Lin Wanrong chuckled to himself, then whispered, "You used so many good ingredients? Indeed, a wonder drug, it stirs up one's blood and directs one's thoughts. I wonder if Brother Gao could provide me with a few kilos for self-defense."

A few kilos? Gao Qiu gasped. When it came to bold moves, Lin Wanrong was indeed extraordinary. Most people would already be overwhelmed with a few ounces, but he asked straightaway for a few kilos. And for self-defense, who uses aphrodisiacs for that?

Gao Qiu patted his shoulder, glanced around, and when he saw no one was watching, he softly said, "Little brother, not to criticize you, but you're too young to be playing these games. You can't exhaust yourself like this. We men can fail at everything, except in this respect we must stay strong."

‘As if you need to tell me that,’ Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Don't worry, Brother Gao, I was born unique and powerful, known as the 'bane of women, invincible among men'. Speaking of performing seven times a night, that's me being modest. On average, without eight or nine times, I can't sleep. In my free time, I used to play drums with that thing, changing the drum every three days, and only beating it for two hours a day. You know the saying, 'Always ready, always standing'? That's talking about me."

Gao Qiu was taken aback and it took a while before he managed to say, "If you're really that formidable, brother, why would you need these stimulants?"

Lin Wanrong grinned, "It's just to be prepared for any eventuality. As you've seen, I am quite skilled in many ways and thus invite a lot of jealousy. Should I encounter a situation like Tao Dongcheng's again, I won't be as amicable. I'll give them a good dose of this and let a mad dog loose in their house..."

A shiver ran down Gao Qiu's spine. He recalled how Lin Wanrong had made Lu Zhongping surrender with just a single sentence during his interrogation. In a flurry, Gao Qiu took a small white bag from his bosom and handed it to Lin Wanrong. "Little brother, no more words. This is all my stock, it's all here."

Lin Wanrong chuckled and was about to put the bag away when the Eldest Miss's voice echoed, "Lin San, what are you holding there?"

"Flour," Lin Wanrong responded calmly. This girl, wasn't she supposed to be resting? Why was she out here again, almost exposing him?

"What kind of flour? Let me see," the Eldest Miss smiled as she approached, extending her hand to grab the small bag.

‘Oh no, she couldn't get hold of this.’ Lin Wanrong quickly hid the bag in his clothes and asked, "Why would the Eldest Miss be interested in flour?"

Gao Qiu was breaking out in a cold sweat on the side. Lin Wanrong's audacity truly left him no choice but to admire.

"Sneaky, I can tell it's not something good," the Eldest Miss pouted, then smiled at him, "I heard from the servants that Mr. Xu is here, so I hurried over. Why aren't you talking to him?"

"Madam is catching up with Mr. Xu. I was just chatting with Brother Gao." Lin Wanrong chuckled.

Gao Qiu quickly added, "Indeed, Young Master Lin and I were having a lively conversation when we saw Eldest Miss approaching."

Upon hearing that her mother was speaking with Mr. Xu, Eldest Miss decided not to rush in. She stayed in the yard, chatting with Gao Qiu. She seemed a bit absent-minded, repeatedly glancing at Lin Wanrong as if wanting to say something but then swallowing her words.

Being a sharp man, Gao Qiu understood that Eldest Miss and Lin Wanrong had important matters to discuss. So, he hurriedly excused himself, "I'll go attend to Mr. Xu. You two continue your chat."

Only after Gao Qiu had left did Lin Wanrong laughingly ask, "Eldest Miss, is there something you wish to discuss with me?"

Xiao Yuruo nodded, pondered for a long while, and finally said, "Lin San, have you heard about that matter?"

"What matter? Which matter?" Lin Wanrong replied, confused, "Eldest Miss, could you be more specific?"

"Dummy," the Eldest Miss playfully scolded, "I mean the matter of Miss Luo seeking a marriage proposal. Have you heard of it?"

Damn, this was the third person today who brought this up, yet even Little Luo himself had no idea. It was truly strange. Lin Wanrong nodded, "I heard from Young Master Guo and Si De about it."

Xiao Yuruo bit her lip lightly, "So, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean, 'what am I going to do'?" Lin Wanrong asked, "What does this matter have to do with me?"

Miss Xiao saw his determined attitude and a hint of a smile appeared on her lovely face. "Right, it really doesn't concern you, so we don't need to concern ourselves with her."

Why did Eldest Miss Xiao seem so pleased? Where had Miss Luo offended her? Was she eager to see her married off? Lin Wanrong chuckled and said, "Actually, I asked Little Luo about it today. Since even he doesn't know, it can't be true."

"Really?" Miss Xiao nodded, "Then it must not be true. I only learned about it when I went back to my room and heard the maids discussing it."

Everyone in the mansion knew. This matter really made waves, smoke without fire. He didn't know who had started the rumors and what their intentions were. Miss Luo was still sick and now these rumors made her situation pitiful, which angered him.

"Lin San," Eldest Miss Xiao lowered her head and softly asked, "If this matter is true, would you go to the poetry competition?"

She gently asked, and when she didn't hear his answer, she repeated the question, but still, there was no response. Looking up, she saw Lin San staring at the withered flowers in the courtyard, deep in thought. He hadn't even heard her question.

"Lin San, Lin San," Eldest Miss Xiao called out several times before Lin Wanrong came back to his senses. He quickly asked, "What did you say, Eldest Miss?"

Eldest Miss Xiao had spoken so softly, and he was so lost in thought that he hadn't heard a word. Eldest Miss Xiao huffed through her nose, her face frosty. She turned her head away and wouldn't look at him again.

Well, he was just lost in thought for a moment. Why had he offended her again? He chuckled, not bothering to apologize to Eldest Miss Xiao. The two of them stood silently in the courtyard, the atmosphere becoming cold once again.

"Lin San," as they were engaged in their silent standoff, they saw Madam Xiao walk out smiling. She waved at Lin Wanrong, "Come with me."

Eldest Miss Xiao was startled and softly asked, "Mother, what do you need him for?"

Madam Xiao replied with a smile, "I have something to tell him. Yuruo, go chat with Mr. Xu. It's good to know him better. We could use a friend in the capital next year."

Eldest Miss Xiao did as she was told, but before she left, she shot him a glare. Lin Wanrong found her expression quite amusing. This wasn't the demeanor of a lady, but rather a girl who had lost an argument. This Eldest Miss Xiao could be rather cute. Lin Wanrong chuckled and followed Madam Xiao, who was still smiling and waving him over.

Perhaps because of the reunion with an old friend, Madam Xiao was full of joy today. Her smooth face was flushed with a light pink, not resembling a mature woman, but more like a maiden in love. She was dressed in a pink satin dress that clung tightly to her full figure. Her hair was coiled high with a gold hairpin sticking out, revealing her delicate and smooth neck. It was as smooth and soft as a layer of warm jade.

Lin Wanrong followed behind her, inhaling her faint rose perfume scent. Noticing her light footsteps and radiant smile, he couldn't help but sigh. This Madam Xiao, who had once been a Miss Guo, seemed not to be truly happy after marrying into the Xiao family. Xu Wei was just an old friend, yet his visit could elicit such joy in her. It was evident what her years had been like.

"Madam, do you miss the capital?" Lin Wanrong asked lightly.

Madam Xiao was taken aback, she halted and glanced at him, chuckling, "Miss? It's more reminiscing about those carefree days, a little nostalgia. The capital surely has its allure, but Jiangnan also has its charm. No matter where you are, life is laborious." She paused before adding with a smile, "Lin San, your perceptiveness is indeed commendable. No wonder Mr. Wenchang highly values you."

"Perhaps for others, being valued by Mr. Wenchang is an honor, but for me, it's as simple as eating and sleeping," Lin Wanrong replied with a grin.

"You certainly are thick-skinned." The Madam laughed and opened the door to her chamber, ushering him in. It was a quiet room, simply furnished. What caught his attention was the portrait of a young woman hanging in the center of the room. He studied it closely, noticing the striking resemblance between the subject and the woman in front of him.

"Is this your younger sister, Madam? She appears to be around the same age as you," Lin Wanrong shamelessly flattered.

Such blatant flattery amused Madam Xiao and she couldn't help but giggle, "Lin San, what nonsense are you spouting? This was painted when I was sixteen in the capital."

Lin Wanrong sighed, speaking in disbelief, "Madam, can you tell me how you've managed to maintain such youthful beauty over the past twenty years? If you were to market this secret, our Xiao family would surely make a fortune."

Madam Xiao could barely contain her laughter, she held it in and chided, "You talk without a filter. If you continue this nonsense, I'll have to punish you." Given her usual demeanor, treating him with such leniency was a rare act of kindness.

"Lin San, do you know why I've called you here?" As they turned to serious matters, Madam Xiao's smile faded. She looked at Lin Wanrong sternly.

"Could it be a raise? Oh, Madam, I would be too embarrassed. A humble tenfold increase would suffice," Lin Wanrong replied, feigning surprise.

"You jest." Madam Xiao laughed, "Actually, the reason I've called you here is that Mr. Xu would like to borrow you for a few days."

‘Borrow me for a few days? That's quite ambiguous.’ Lin Wanrong asked seriously, "Madam, do you mean that Mr. Xu wants me to transfer over to him over for a few days, is that correct?"

"Exactly, he will borrow you for a few days, and once the task is completed, you will return," Madam Xiao confirmed.

‘What a turn of events! Couldn't she use a different phrase?’ Lin Wanrong thought grudgingly.

"Oh, did Mr. Xu mention what I will be doing?" Lin Wanrong asked. At this point, he could only guess it had something to do with the White Lotus cult and Cheng De. ‘This old Xu, he really thinks highly of me.’

"He didn't mention that," Madam Xiao pondered, "However, knowing Mr. Xu, he wouldn't ask you to do anything dishonorable. Moreover, you're not that sort of person."

Lin Wanrong chuckled at her last statement. Madam Xiao then added with a smile, "Lin San, I've always been grateful for your contributions to my family. Without you, the Xiao family would have ceased to exist long ago. My daughter and I are both aware of this. Rest assured, when the time is right, I will reward you as you deserve."

Her cunning was more pronounced than her daughter's. At least Eldest Miss occasionally showed genuine emotion. Aside from throwing ‘smoke bombs,’ Madam Xiao had yet to show her true colors. Irritated, he entertained the thought of having his way with her second daughter and making her his wife.

Grinning mechanically, Lin Wanrong responded, "Thank you for your reward, Madam."

"Your status in the Xiao family is indeed unique, and because of this, I didn't dare to agree to Mr. Xu's request without consulting you. I value your opinion," she said, dimples appearing on her smiling face.

‘Big deal,’ he thought, ‘I have curls on my forehead. She's trying to fool me with her sweet talk? I am a master at this game.’

With an innocent smile, Lin Wanrong asked, "And, Madam, what would be the consequences if I were to decline?"

Madam Xiao hesitated, then reluctantly said, "Well, there won't be any, of course. I will explain to Mr. Xu on your behalf. Honestly, Lin San, many in the court wish for Mr. Xu's support, yet he has never shown favoritism. Now he shows interest in you. You should consider this carefully. It would be greatly beneficial for your future."

"Oh," Lin Wanrong drawled, "I see, it's for my benefit. But I am a loyal and kind person. If this is only beneficial for me and not for everyone else, I wouldn't do it."

"Of course, it will also be beneficial for the Xiao family," Madam Xiao hurriedly said, "After the New Year, you and Yuruo will be going north to the capital. If you help Mr. Xu on behalf of our family now, when you get to the capital, he will certainly help us in return. Our family's affairs would be much easier. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

"I see," Lin Wanrong nodded, trying to hold back his laughter. "Madam, I prefer it when you speak the truth."

Madam Xiao paused, "Why is that?" Sᴇaʀᴄh the N0vᴇlFire(.)nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"Because, when you speak the truth, you really look like you're sixteen," Lin Wanrong said, chuckling.

Madam Xiao blushed, and before she could reprimand him for his audacity, Lin Wanrong was already laughing heartily as he pushed the door and exited.

Madam Xiao sat stunned for a moment, then suddenly broke into laughter. She knew Lin San was exceptionally intelligent. Why did she bother devising such intricate strategies to outsmart him? Why not just say it directly benefits the Xiao family? Instead, he saw through her manipulations, and she even managed to lose some respect in his eyes.

Having teased the Madam, Lin Wanrong felt quite pleased with himself. If she'd spoken honestly with him, being sympathetic to Yushuang, he would've known what to do. However, she tried to outsmart him, treating others like fools. ‘Despite being a mother, your cleverness is still far behind me; you are but a fledgling chick in my presence.’

After three bursts of hearty laughter, he walked into the garden, only to see Xu Wei coming over with a smile. "Little brother Lin, how did your conversation with Miss Guo go?"

‘Miss Guo? What Miss Guo? She's already married, and should be referred to as Madam Xiao, you old reprobate.’ His irritation with the Madam shifted onto the innocent Xu Wei. Lin Wanrong didn't bother with pleasantries. "We did talk, it's just that..."

"Just what?" Xu Wei quickly asked, "Little brother Lin, I must admit that I am desperately seeking assistance and I greatly anticipate your help."

Patting his shoulder, Lin Wanrong responded, "My dear Mr. Xu, if you wanted Madam to speak to me, you should have clarified what it was about. If it's for going to a brothel or listening to music, I wouldn't hesitate."

Xu Wei chuckled awkwardly, "That's my oversight. The matter is of utmost secrecy, it couldn't be relayed through Miss Guo. Honestly, with your intelligence, do I even need to explain my intention?"

"Mr. Xu, if you don't say it, how would I know what it's about?" he pretended to be clueless. After all, Xu Wei was the one asking him.

Xu Wei smiled subtly and whispered into his ear, "I want to invite you to join me in eradicating the White Lotus."

Lin Wanrong's heart skipped a beat. Although he had already suspected as much, hearing it directly felt quite different. War, this was something he had never experienced. It did sound exciting, though. After a brief pause, he said, "Mr. Xu, are you sure you've got the right person? I'm just a commoner, without authority or office. How does that relate to war?"

"Patience, patience," Xu Wei smiled, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. "The command has been given. I ask you to serve as my military strategist."

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