Chapter 230

Name:Finest Servant Author:Yu Yan
Chapter 230 A MisunderstandingA Military Strategist? What sort of position was that? Lin Wanrong hesitated for a moment, "I must tell you, Mr. Xu, that war involves deaths. I was born a coward, deathly afraid of dying. How could I step onto a battlefield?"

Xu Wei burst into laughter, "Little brother Lin is indeed straightforward. I won't hide from you, I too fear death. But in our upcoming campaign against the White Lotus cult, we hold an absolute advantage. Furthermore, as a Military Strategist, there's no need for you to personally engage in combat. You just need to plan in the army. Also, I will assign the high-ranking Gao Qiu to guard you closely. Feel free to proceed, little brother."

He had witnessed Gao Qiu's skills - the Emperor's personal bodyguard, how could his skills be lacking? In that case, it was indeed an imperial kind of treatment. This old Xu Wei didn't seem to mind spending a hefty sum. Lin Wanrong pretended to be reserved and said, "Mr. Xu, your army is full of talented individuals. Why do you insist on having me join? I've never been on a battlefield, and the sight of a large blade frightens me. The sight of blood makes me dizzy. I'm afraid I won't be of much help if I go."

Xu Wei shook his head and said earnestly, "Little brother, you're too modest. I've witnessed your talents. You are skilled in astronomy, geography, physics, mathematics; you are capable in every aspect, and I admire you greatly. What does it matter if you haven't been to the battlefield? Isn't every soldier a first-timer at some point? Currently, although I have elite soldiers and good generals at my disposal, I lack strategists. Relying solely on my own strength, even if I exhausted all my efforts, I wouldn't be able to take care of everything perfectly. That's why I particularly invite you to be my Military Strategist and offer me advice."

Hearing him say this, Lin Wanrong felt more at ease. It was thrilling to be able to experience a battlefield without danger. However, this was a matter of life and death, so he had to be careful. He thought for a moment and asked, "Mr. Xu, how many soldiers do you currently command?"

Xu Wei waved five fingers in front of him and grinned smugly.

"Five hundred thousand?" Lin Wanrong was taken aback, this was a massive scale! With just a few rounds of urination, they could flood Jinling City.

Xu Wei almost fainted, he hastily shook his head, "No, no, it's fifty thousand. Forty thousand infantry, ten thousand cavalries, and five thousand in divine machine unit [TL: Siege unit.]"

Fifty thousand? Lin Wanrong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, feeling a bit embarrassed. Having read too many novels, he was used to seeing large-scale battles involving millions. To eliminate the White Lotus cult with five hundred thousand soldiers, wouldn't that be laughable? However, Xu Wei's ostentatious gesture of five fingers would naturally be interpreted as five hundred thousand by anyone.

"So, how many troops does the White Lotus cult have?" Lin Wanrong asked again.

Xu Wei shook five fingers again, this time Lin Wanrong was careful and asked directly, "Fifty thousand?"

Xu Wei almost bit his tongue. He was now starting to doubt whether hiring Lin Wanrong as a Military Strategist was a huge mistake. This young man didn't seem to have any military knowledge. They were on a mission to suppress the White Lotus cult. If it were fifty thousand against fifty thousand, what suppression would that be?

"Five thousand!" Xu Wei said, his cheeks flushed red.

"Only five thousand?" Lin Wanrong could hardly believe his own ears, he was stunned for a moment before muttering to himself, "Five thousand people, that wouldn't even be satisfying to fight."

Xu Wei was left without an ounce of patience by Lin Wanrong's few words. This was a war where people could die, not a child's playtime. He sighed and said, "The White Lotus cult entrenched in Shandong province claims to have tens of thousands of followers. However, the actual number of those who can really fight is only around five thousand. Moreover, they are all soldiers who have never received training, their combat power is incomparable to my infantry and cavalry. Our fifty thousand against their five thousand, ten men to one, is a guaranteed victory."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, "Mr. Xu, if wars were just about numbers, there wouldn't be any need to fight, just directly send troops to engage in bloody combat. Wars are won on timing, geographical advantage, and harmony of people. There are countless examples of the few defeating the many. One should never underestimate the enemy."

These words had the air of a Military Strategist, which slightly relieved Xu Wei. He nodded and said, "Little brother, your words are very true. I am worried about making mistakes in my unilateral decisions, hence why I have invited you to join me. With my infantry and cavalry, plus the divine machine unit, if we can't win this war, I would be too ashamed to face the people of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces upon my return."

"Divine machine unit?" Lin Wanrong suddenly got interested, "Do you have any red cannon?"

[TL: The red cannon, formerly known as the Hongyi cannon, is a cannon made in Europe in the 16th century. It was introduced to China in the late Ming Dynasty. Soldiers often covered these cannons with red cloth symbolizing auspiciousness.]

Xu Wei nodded and said, "In the divine machine unit, besides strong bows and crossbows, there are also ten improved red cannons. Speaking of which, we have to thank you for the improvement of these red cannons."

"Oh? How so?" On hearing about artillery support, Lin Wanrong immediately perked up. As Xu Wei had said, fifty thousand against five thousand, with the red cannon bombing like crazy, if they still couldn't win, he might as well crash into a block of tofu and die.

"Do you still remember the Frenchman Tavernier? The one caught by Tao Dongcheng," Xu Wei said.

Of course, how could he forget Tavernier? The old man promised to bring two French beauties when he came to Great Hua next time, and also promised to give him the sole agency of the diamond business. In return, Tavernier got the exclusive rights to sell perfume and soap in Europe, and he also followed through with the tea and silk trade. By this count, he, Brother Lin, could be considered the first person in the Eurasian trade. The Silk Road on the sea was laid by him. It would be unjust if he didn't make a name in history.

Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "I remember, I remember, that brother looked so peculiar, it would be hard to forget. By the way, is Tavernier still in Hai’an? Has their ironclad ship been repaired? Have they returned to France?"

Xu Wei laughed, "Last time, little brother, you asked me to find more skilled craftsmen to help the French repair their ship in Hai’an. I chose about ten from the divine machine unit to go with them. The ironclad ship of these foreigners was indeed incredibly strong and cleverly structured, suitable for ocean voyages. Their cannons, compared to ours in Great Hua, were much more accurate and powerful. Our craftsmen stayed there for about ten days, thoroughly understanding the structure of the cannons before returning. Based on this, they were able to improve the cannons of Great Hua, their power just barely matching those of the Western cannons."

"So that's how it was. When I asked you to send someone, it was because I wanted you all to observe the skill level of the Westerners and advance Great Hua's industrial development. It seems we have gained some results after all." Lin Wanrong nodded, asking, "So what did you think of the Westerners' ironclad ship?"

Xu Wei sighed, "The craftsmen I sent, they're the best from the divine machine unit, but they were utterly helpless against that ironclad ship. According to their estimations, the armor on that ship is something beyond the capabilities of any blacksmith's workshop. We have no idea how these Westerners accomplished it."

Lin Wanrong heaved a sigh. The Westerners were in the machine age while they were still in the manual labor era. The gap in basic industry couldn't be bridged in a day or two. He'd shown Xu Wei the way, done what he had to do. Whether they could learn well or not, it was completely up to them now.

Seeing Lin Wanrong suddenly become solemn for no apparent reason, Xu Wei hurriedly said, "Little brother Lin, for this campaign, would you be willing to lend me a hand?"

Xu Wei had shared such important military secrets without holding anything back, a sign of tremendous trust in him. In this world, if there was anyone who could match Lin Wanrong in perspective, it would have to be Xu Wei.

‘Fine, helping him is the same as helping myself, eradicating the White Lotus cult, clearing up internal unrest. Let Xu Wei further improve those cannons, next spring, head up north, fire a few rounds, and knock those barbarians down. With a cannon in hand, the world is free of worries, why fight the barbarians? Let them go back home to herd sheep.’

Having made up his mind, Lin Wanrong laughed, "Mr. Xu, I have no problem acting as your chief strategist. However, you know, I've deeply offended Cheng De. If I leave, they might come to take revenge on the Xiao family, and my restaurant. If there's no one to look after them, I would be very worried."

Xu Wei laughed, "You can rest assured about this. Governor Luo has already thought about these issues. Didn't Cheng De volunteer to move the infantry and cavalry of Jiangsu to the border of the two provinces? I just obliged him, moving his troops, let's see if he goes or not."

They were all old foxes, Lin Wanrong sighed inwardly. Xu Wei was indeed taking advantage of Cheng De's mentality and turning the tables. If the troops of Jiangsu moved to the border of the two provinces, they would fall into Xu Wei's army of fifty thousand. If they didn't leave Jinling, Xu Wei would be more at ease to eliminate the White Lotus cult. Meanwhile, with his large army around, Cheng De wouldn't dare to act rashly.

"Regarding the Xiao family and your restaurant, not only will Governor Luo's experts secretly protect them, but I will also assign elite troops to protect them secretly. With my large army nearby, I don't believe Cheng De would dare to openly mobilize his troops. You can rest assured, little brother," Xu Wei added.

With Xu Wei's sincerity at this level, what else could Lin Wanrong say? He immediately made a fist salute and said, "Alright, since Mr. Xu values me this much, if I still refuse, it would be posturing. Please inform your wife for me, Mr. Xu, that I have accepted this task. I'll go help you out."

Xu Wei let out a hearty laugh, "I am deeply grateful for your willingness to lend a hand, little brother. In that case, prepare yourself tomorrow. The day after, we will set out early in the morning."

The two agreed upon a time and place to meet, and then Xu Wei sent Gao Qiu to inform Madam Xiao, before departing.

It was twilight by then, and as Lin Wanrong considered the upcoming battle, he paced around his room, unable to settle due to a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

"I should see Qiaoqiao," he said to himself. He was about to go to war, and there were things that needed to be said. Qiaoqiao was his betrothed, and she deserved some explanation.

By the time he arrived at the Food for Immortals, it was closing time. He quietly ascended the stairs, noticing the bright lights in Qiaoqiao's room, wondering what she was doing.

His heart filled with tenderness, spreading warmth throughout him. Stealthily, he entered her room, only to see a woman with her back turned, completely engrossed in some embroidery under the lamplight.

Lin Wanrong chuckled quietly, sneaking up like a cat, suddenly encircling her waist from behind. He laughed lightly, "Little darling, did you miss me?"

The woman tensed, about to shout, but upon recognizing his voice, she froze, trembling slightly, "Big brother, is it you?"

The moment Lin Wanrong's hands touched her waist, he knew something was wrong. He was an expert in such matters, and the feel of this woman was different from Qiaoqiao's. This woman's waist was smooth and elastic, even a bit slimmer than Qiaoqiao's.

‘Oh no, I got the wrong person,’ he thought quickly, but his hands still lightly squeezed her waist as he chuckled, "Qiaoqiao, isn't it me, Big brother?" It was a well-practiced tactic, one any man would know. It's called "persisting in a mistake," leaving no room for suspicion.

The woman turned around, looking at him faintly, and softly said, "Big brother, it's me, Ning!"

Lin Wanrong jumped back three steps in surprise, a look of combined horror on his face, "Miss Luo, how could it be you?"

Seeing Lin Wanrong retreat from her as if she were a dangerous beast, Luo Ning bit her lip and softly asked, "Big brother, were you looking for Qiaoqiao?"

"Yes. Oh, I'm sorry about just now, I got it wrong," Lin Wanrong explained without a blush.

Luo Ning blushed from her face to her neck. Her hands didn't know where to go, so she bowed her head, too embarrassed to speak.

‘Little girl, just say you liked me touching you,’ Lin Wanrong shamelessly thought. Luo Ning's confession the previous night had stirred him, but today's rumors about Miss Luo looking for a husband made him feel somewhat deceived, his thoughts inevitably twisted.

In the end, he was disappointed. Luo Ning's skin wasn't that thick, and she didn't dare say a word as she lowered her head. He didn't know where Qiaoqiao had gone, and for a while, neither spoke, making the atmosphere in the room quite awkward.

Lin Wanrong didn't know what to say, seeing Luo Ning holding a piece of red silk-like satin in her hand, which she had been embroidering.

"Miss Luo, you're embroidering!" Lin Wanrong thought he found an opening for conversation and thus he forced a smile.

Luo Ning let out a gasp, hastily hiding the red satin behind her. Already flushed from embarrassment, her face now became as red as a beetroot, looking as though it would drip with moisture.

Lin Wanrong carefully thought for a moment, suddenly realizing, ‘Oh, I'm really naive. That's not just any satin, it's a woman's lingerie! No wonder the design looked so strange, and I couldn't tell whether it is fastened at the front or the back.’

At this point, the air between the two had reached a stalemate. Having come so far, Lin Wanrong didn't care anymore. He chuckled awkwardly and said, "Well, Miss Luo, such clothes are not beneficial to your body's development, they might lead to sagging. Our Xiao family has recently introduced some new women's underwear, scientifically designed for health and fitness. Tomorrow, I'll send you ten or eight sets to switch around as you like."

"Big brother—" Luo Ning couldn't stand his teasing anymore. With a delicate cry, she quickly buried her head in her bosom. Lin Wanrong took the opportunity to glance at her. She was biting her silver teeth, her face burning like fire, her white neck tinted with a soft pink. Her full chest heaved dramatically, the twin peaks almost breaking free from her clothes.

"Well, Miss Luo," Lin Wanrong swallowed hard and started to speak out of the blue, "How did you come to be here?"

Luo Ning hummed softly in reply, "I felt much better today and didn't want to stay home alone, so I came here with Qiaoqiao. I didn't expect to run into Big brother."

"Oh, I see." Lin Wanrong wanted to ask about the proposal, but then thought better of it. It would seem self-deprecating for him, as it was she who had pursued him. He needed to maintain some dignity as a man.

"Are you really feeling better? Do you still have a fever? How's your appetite?" Lin Wanrong asked.

The redness on Luo Ning's face had faded significantly. She lifted her head and smiled sweetly, "I am feeling much better. Qiaoqiao made many delicious dishes for me today. You'll be in for a treat from now on."

Qiaoqiao's culinary skills were certainly top-notch, but where had that girl gone? He had been here for a while, and she had not shown up to take care of her husband. Just as he was about to ask Luo Ning, she preemptively asked, "Big brother, will you participate in the poetry contest?"

Lin Wanrong was taken aback. Before he could bring it up, she had already mentioned it. He laughed and said, "That poetry contest is for scholars and literary women like you. I am just responsible for sponsoring it. Whether I attend or not doesn't make much difference."

Luo Ning's face turned pale, "Big brother, didn't we agree on this? You must participate."

Lin Wanrong smiled. When Luo Ning had invited him to the poetry contest, he had joked that even if he attended, it would only be to eat and drink and that it would serve no other purpose. Moreover, he wasn't particularly interested in the poetry contest. Lin Wanrong helplessly said, "Miss Luo, there's no use in me going. I have no interest in these things, and it would only make me a laughingstock."

Luo Ning clenched her teeth and looked at him, "Big brother, you must come. You must come, or else, Ning—" Her eyes welled up with tears, and she couldn't say another word.

Was the poetry competition really that significant? Could the proposal rumors actually be true? However, why wouldn't she just speak up to him? He was baffled. Seeing Luo Ning in such a pitiful state, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but sigh, "Miss Luo, do you have something you need to tell me?"

Tears welled up in Luo Ning's eyes as she said, "Big brother, everything I said to you last night was true, you must believe me."

Lin Wanrong nodded, "I know. But I have urgent matters and will have to leave Jinling the day after tomorrow. I don't know if I'll be able to return in time for the poetry competition." He had already become Xu Wei's military advisor; his military duties were of great importance. He didn't know how long the campaign against the White Lotus would take, he simply didn't have time for a poetry competition.

Upon hearing this, Luo Ning's face turned pale, and she blankly asked, "Big brother, you're leaving Jinling?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Yes, I have some important matters to attend to."

"When will you be able to return?" Luo Ning asked softly.

"Well, I'm not sure," Lin Wanrong hesitated. The timing of warfare was uncertain, "It might be three to five days, or maybe..."

"Big brother, you must come to the poetry competition—" Luo Ning cut him off. She was sobbing, her dress already soaked by her tears.

She insisted that he must come? This girl was too domineering. Lin Wanrong felt helpless, looking at Luo Ning's tear-streaked face, her teardrops gently rolling down her white neck, appearing innocent and pitiful.

He couldn't bear to see her like this. Seeing her crying softened his heart. Well, fine. If he had to, he could request leave from Xu Wei and rush back from Shandong. Damn, how did he fall for this beauty scheme? He scorned himself for a moment, then said with a smile, "Alright, alright, don't cry. I promise you, I'll make sure to return in time."

"Really?" Luo Ning perked up immediately. Her pale face brightened, her long eyelashes trembled with glistening teardrops under the dim light, shimmering attractively.

"If I don't promise, won't I be drowned by your tears?" Lin Wanrong joked.

Luo Ning blushed slightly, her watery eyes glanced at Lin Wanrong, softly saying, "Big brother, you are so kind to me."

Sweat, that was Qiaoqiao's favorite phrase, when did Luo Ning pick it up?

"Big brother, today is the thirteenth of the twelfth lunar month, there are seventeen days until the poetry competition. You must return, I'll be waiting for you by Xuanwu Lake," Luo Ning calculated by counting her fingers, her demeanor was hardly that of a renowned talent in Jinling.

‘Done for, my greatest weakness is finally exposed. If an enemy were to employ the beauty scheme against me, I would certainly surrender without a fight.’ Lin Wanrong sighed in resignation. Only then did he see clearly what Luo Ning was embroidering on the undergarment in her hand, it was a pair of bird-like creatures.

Seeing his gaze fixed on the undergarment, Luo Ning's face reddened with embarrassment. Biting her lip, as if making a huge decision, she nervously held up the undergarment for his inspection, burying her face in her chest, listening to her own heartbeat.

"Miss Luo, did you embroider these birds? They are truly beautiful," Lin Wanrong said, his eyes wide open, his voice pure and innocent.

"Big brother, these are not just birds, they are mandarin ducks, ah—" She stopped abruptly, realizing she had been tricked. It was improper for a lady to mention mandarin ducks in front of a gentleman. Moreover, given his erudition, how could he not recognize mandarin ducks? Blushing, she covered her cheeks with her hands and softly said, "Big brother, you're so naughty—"

[TL: In Chinese culture, Mandarin ducks are believed to be extremely faithful to their partner, and are symbols of love, devotion, affection, and fidelity.]

Lin Wanrong chuckled. Usually, when a girl said "You're so naughty," what she really meant was, "I hope you're even naughtier." Should he become even naughtier? Last night, he had been teasing Qiaoqiao in Luo Ning's room, and tonight, he was teasing Luo Ning in Qiaoqiao's room. Truly, what goes around comes around. Retribution, indeed, retribution!

Lin Wanrong cleared his throat awkwardly, "Well, Miss Luo, I didn't do it on purpose, just like when I mistook you for someone else earlier, it wasn't intentional."

"Big brother—" Luo Ning lowered her head, her voice trembling slightly, "Please, no more frivolous talk. I can't bear it. You are the nemesis in my life."

Her words sent a thrill through Lin Wanrong's heart. Nemesis? Damn, hearing such words from a pretty girl was simply unbeatable, it was downright provocative.

Luo Ning let out a soft whimper, her head nearly dropping to her ankles in embarrassment. Lin Wanrong chuckled, about to speak, when a delicate voice echoed from upstairs, "Sister Ning, I've finished bathing, could you please bring me my clothes?"

The voice was unmistakably familiar, it was his darling Qiaoqiao. Luo Ning glanced at him, her voice shy as she said, "Sister Qiaoqiao is bathing upstairs, I'm about to bring her clothes."

"Is that so?" Lin Wanrong's voice took on a suggestive tone, "No rush, Miss Luo, let me accompany you."

Luo Ning's heart fluttered, her hands trembled, and in her surprise, she dropped the clothes onto the floor.

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