“Did you know that Okaya-san is called a window editor?”

Around 7:00 pm.

I was working at my desk when Kisogawa, a rookie editor, came up to me and said so.

This is the editorial department of a major publishing company that mainly deals with light novels.

This is the same label that published the movie [Digital Masters] based on a romance novel that recently grossed over 60 billion yen at the box office.

“Madogiwa Hensyu ……” [TL: Useless employees (shunted off by a window to pass their remaining time until retirement)]

“Anre~. You don’t know?”

Kisogawa, a young editor who had just graduated this year.

He’s a blond haired guy with a very flirtatious look like a playboy.

I, on the other hand, am a 29-year-old man with a shaggy haircut and a tired look.

I see, it’s no wonder I look like a window-dresser.

“Everyone says that. They tell me I always sit by the window and don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Haa. …… I see.”

I’m working for a change, but people don’t seem to get it.

“What are you doing sitting here all day? Aren’t you going home?”

“Well, yeah.”

Today, I had to wait for Rushia-sensei to give me the manuscript.

Even though today is the deadline for completion, that woman ……, not Rushia-sensei, still hasn’t turned in her manuscript. For crying out loud……

“Useless overtime~.”

“It’s not useless, but …… are you leaving already?”

“That’s right! I have a date with my girlfriend now. She’s really beautiful. Do you want to see her picture?”

“No, …… is fine. I hope you’re happy with her.”

Kisogawa left with a cheerful expression on his face, as if he felt better after making fun of me so much.

“Oh, hello,  Misae-chan? Nn. I’m done, so I’ll go over there~.”

Kisogawa was leaving.

Hm? Misae ……?

Coincidentally, my wife’s name is also Misae, …….

Well, it’s probably just a coincidence.

Misae is a common name for women.

Besides, she’s married, or rather, she’s my wife.

There’s no way Kisogawa would go out with her. …… Well, she’s beautiful, that’s for sure. ……

“I’ll text her and tell her I won’t be home today.”

I turn on my phone and drop a line to my wife to let her know I’ll be home late.

It was immediately read.

……But there was no reply.

“Haa …….”

The relationship between my wife and I has been particularly cold lately.

She often ignores me when I call out to her, and she doesn’t even make me lunch these days.


In the beginning, Misae was kind to me, but now our relationship has gone completely cold.

I know that she thinks of me as an ATM.

She doesn’t thank me for anything I do, and doesn’t even say good night when I tell her I’ll be working late.

“I don’t know why I got married. ……

In the end, it was just before midday when we finished everything.

It was almost dawn when Rushia-sensei finished the manuscript.

After that, I finished the proofreading process, bowed to various people, and finished everything. ……

“I’m tired. ……”

I’ve been in the editorial department since yesterday afternoon, which means I’ve been working 24 hours a day.

What a mess. No wonder I’m tired. ……

I turned off my computer and left the editorial office.

No one from the publishing company has come to work yet.

I don’t know about anyone else, but my editors usually come in in the afternoon.

I left the editorial office and headed home.

I’m tired today.

I want to sleep as soon as I get home. ……

I take the Yamanote Line and the subway to get back to my house.

An apartment in Tokyo.

It suddenly occurred to me that this place was pretty expensive too.

I got on the elevator and headed for my room.

It was on the fifth floor, at the far end of the building.

“I hadn’t sent a message to Misae that I was coming home. ……”

She’s probably at home at this hour.

She’s a housewife, after all.

I came to the front of the house and tried to open the door …….

Click ……!

“…… Huh? Is it locked?”

I wondered why the door was locked when Misae was at home.

Is she out shopping or something?

Probably so.

I took out the house key from my bag and unlocked the door.

I open the door and go inside. ……


I was too tired and sleep deprived to notice …… something.

To have Misae’s shoes and …… and men’s leather shoes in the foyer.

I walk down the hallway to the back.

I come to the living room space.

Just as I was about to drink some water and go to sleep.


“Eh? …… Misae?”

When I turned around, there was my wife, Misae Okaya , with a pale face.

She’s beautiful. Short cut, shiny black hair, white skin and.

I’ve always been told by others that I’m too plain to look good with her …….

This beautiful wife is standing there with a pale face.

“W-why are you here ……?”

“Why …… I gave you a line yesterday. Overtime. I just finished and came home.”

“R-right …….”

I don’t know what it is, but Misae seemed to be very upset.

She kept glancing at the bedroom next door.

“I’m going to bed now. ……”

“W-Wait, ……!”

My wife is trying to stop me from getting in the bedroom.

She’s trying to keep me out of the bedroom. ……?

“What are you doing?

“Can we go out to …… for a bit?”

“Ha? Why ……?”


That’s when it happened.

At that moment, the fusuma of the back bedroom opened.

Someone came out from inside and pushed me away with a thud.

“Who is it……, you! Kisogawa!?”

Yes, …… for some reason my junior editor, Kisogawa, was in the bedroom of my house.

“Why ……”


Kisogawa clicked his tongue and ran away at full speed.

“Wait, ……!

“Ah, oi!

Misae chased after Kisogawa.

“Wait, Misae! What is the meaning of this!”

But she didn’t respond to my call and went out.

I was the only one left behind.

“What the hell …… what the hell……?

……, but I had one clear answer in my mind.

Yesterday, Kisogawa said that he was on a date with his girlfriend.

The other party is Misae …….

And…… my house, there was Kisogawa and my wife, Misae.


I got up unsteadily and looked at the bedroom.

There was a futon laid out …… on which there were used contraceptives and other items.

“No way. ……”

I understood the situation belatedly.

In short……. Misae has…….

My wife has …….

“She was having an affair with my young editor.…… Damn, DAMN IT ALL……!

…… I notice that the sun has set.

I’m lying on my back on the couch.

…… After that, I called Misae several times.

But I never heard from her.

Finally, she even blocked my calls.

“Damn …….”

She chose Kisogawa, the young man, instead of me.

What a mess. …… This is the worst.

I don’t know what I was working for. ……


Thinking back, there were signs.

She stopped making lunches for me.

She started to act curt.

On weekends and holidays, she would go out with her college friends. ……

“It’s stupid …… really …… ridiculous …….”

While my wife was playing with men, I was working hard.

I was not only angry, but I was also disgusted.

My feelings for Misae cooled down quickly.

“What should I do from now on ……?

I don’t care about Misae right now.

She can do whatever you want.

I have no intention of getting back together with her.

“…… Let’s get some food for now.”

But I can’t bring myself to cook dinner.

When I came home at night, I always ate convenience store food or cup noodles.

The reason why she stopped cooking dinner for me was also because of her affair. ……

“….Maybe I should go out for dinner.”

I took my wallet and keys and left the room.

It was then that …….



There was a girl sitting in front of my house.

She was a beautiful girl, no doubt about it.

She has long, shiny black hair and big, eye-popping breasts.

She is wearing a blazer type uniform …….


The girl’s eyes slowly filled with tears.

She suddenly started crying.

No, what, what’s going on……?

“Aaah! You made my sister cry!”

From the elevator, I heard the girl’s voice again.

I looked over there and saw …… another beautiful JK.

Her wavy blonde hair was pulled up into a side-tail with a shrug.

This one was not wearing a blazer, but had a cardigan wrapped around her waist.

Her shirt was wide open at the chest, looking like …… a gal.

“Your sister ……?”

“You can’t do that, old man. Don’t make my sister cry.”

“No, …… I’m not …….”

Who are these people ……?

“…… No, it’s not. Akari-chan. I took the liberty of …… getting overly emotional.”

“Oh, I see. You’re reunited with your destiny, right? I understand.”

…… I’m the only one who doesn’t get it.

“Oh, that’s right. Let’s get to the point. Hey, old man?”

The blonde-haired gal smiled and said to me.

“Can we stay with you tonight? Even if you do something naughty, it’s okay