When I opened the front door, there was an incredibly beautiful JK.

A blonde-haired gal and a dark-haired, innocent-looking girl.

…… An outrageous statement came from the gal’s mouth.

“Huh. Didn’t you hear me? Can you let us stay at your place so we can have sex with you?”

“…… Ah,eh, uhm ………”

“….. Don’t make fun of adults. Go back to your place.”

I was about to go out, but then I tried to go inside the room.

“I’m not kidding! I’m serious.”

“Then that’s even worse. I don’t want to do that, so get the hell out of here.”

However, it was the dark-haired, reserved girl who grabbed my hand, surprisingly …….

“…….Please, we have nowhere else to go. ……”

A trembling voice. Her black eyes were wet with tears.

I think there is a very good reason for this.

…… but still, it would be wrong to talk to me about it.

“Hey, old man ……, don’t you remember us?”

“Haa? What’s with the sudden ……”

The set of the blonde gal and the dark-haired girl are familiar ……

“…… [Okarin-sensei]. You remember us, right?”



She said that, for sure.

“Don’t you remember us, Okarin? See …… nee?”

…… A sassy girl with blonde hair.

A shy girl with black hair.

…… I’ve seen them before.

No, ……, but …….

“…… Didn’t you guys go to cram school back in the day?”

Pah ……! The girls’ faces light up.

“Yeah, yeah! [“The Taiyo Lab”]!

The Taiyo Lab. That’s the name of the cram school I worked part-time at when I was a college student…….

……10 years ago.

I was working there as a tutor.

I remember…… there were a pair of twins at that time.

“……Akari Ina. And Nanako Ina.”

The black-haired girl …… Nanako laughs like a flower has bloomed.


Nanako hugged me, as if she was overcome with emotion.

The size of the breasts pressed against me was completely different from the size of …… those ten years.

And it’s big …….

“….I’m so glad! You remembered me!”

“Y-yeah. …… Nanako. You’ve grown a lot!”

Height, breasts, etc.

“Nisishi, right~. My sister has G-cup, G-cup!”

“…… H-hey, Akari. Don’t say anything unnecessary.”

Nanako’s face turns red and she shakes her head.

I-I see……G huh …… big. ……

” By the way, I’m an F-cup, so it’s just that my sister is too big, but I have really big boobs too, so please help me out there.”

“…… Akari. You’ve never changed at all.”

“People don’t change that much. Okarin hasn’t changed at all since then.”

Akari, the naughty little sister.

Nanako, the shy older sister.

My former students, whom I met again after 10 years …….

Their bodies had grown, but inside they are still the same.

I was a little happy about that.

I decided to take them into my house for now.

They are my former students, though.

It’s not like I don’t know them at all.

Besides, it was the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

The nights are very cold.

I couldn’t leave them in that kind of environment.

“How did you girls know that I live here?”

The girls sat down on the sofa.

I should go …. get myself a drink.

“Fufun, I don’t want you to underestimate the power of the great detective Akari.”

“…… Sorry, I just remembered.”

“You said you remembered …… Oh, yeah. Since college, I’ve lived in the same apartment.”

After graduating from college, I stayed in the same apartment I had lived in.

“If that’s the case, how do you know?”


“After Okarin’s work was over, we had a game where we tried to follow you to your house. So I remembered it.”

“Seriously…… I didn’t know that.”

…… Isn’t that a normal crime?

No, but it’s what kids do. ……

“…… I-I’m sorry. I know it was wrong. ……”

“What are you talking about? My sister was the one who wanted to know where Okarin lived.”

“…… A-Akari. B-baka”

Nanako pats her sister on the shoulder.

Akari does not seem to take offense.

Yeah, it’s really …… no different than it was 10 years ago. ……

I feel like I’m back in college,…….

“Okarin, what happened to you? Are you crying?”

“Eh? Y-yeah ……I wonder, Wait …… It’s just so nostalgic.”

The water was boiling, so I made some instant coffee and went back to the two of them.

Nanako bowed her head in shame.

“Here, have a drink.”

“…… Excuse me.


Akari takes it normally, while Nanako bows her head again and again as she tries to take the cup from me.


“Hyah ……!”

Nanako’s hand and my hand touch.

At that moment, she blushes and her body reacts excessively.

This causes the coffee to spill.


“Oi! Are you okay, Akari?”

Akari’s cardigan and Nanako’s skirt are splashed with coffee.

“Nn, It’s okay. It’s just a little bit on the cardigan and shirt. Anyway, how’s sister?”

“……, yeah. It’s only on my skirt. The skin is fine.”

…… Thank God, neither of them got burned.

I breathe deeply.

“That’s good. My sister is overreacting just because she touched her beloved darling★”

“……Y-y-you got it wrong!”

” Why is it that your face is so red? Uri-uri.

“…… ugh.”

Thank God ……they were okay, but one wrong move and they could have been burned.

“…… I’m sorry, Sensei”

“No, don’t worry about it. Just be careful next time.”

I went back to my old habits…….

I patted Nanako on the head.


“Ah, I’m sorry, it was just an old habit.”

Gradually…… Nanako tears up slowly.

Then she started gagging and crying again.

“S-sorry! Didn’t you like it?”

“……Y-yout got it wrong! No, it’s not. …… Just …… don’t worry …….”

That’s all she said, and Nanako continued to cry.

I don’t know what to do …….

“Okarin, can we take a shower and change our clothes? I’m soaked.”

Akari quickly followed up.

“Y-yeah. All right. I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

“Hmm. Come on, sister, let’s go.”