Mitsuhiko Okaya’s former label, TAKANAWA Books.

The editor of TAKANAWA Books is the man who had an affair with Okaya’s wife. His name is……Kusuo Kisogawa.

Kisogawa heads to the home of his assigned author, Rushia Kaida, the industry’s number three ronobe author.

This is because all of a sudden Rushia told him that she would not be writing for the company…….

“W-What the hell is this place……? It’s huge. ……”

Kisogawa is in a prime location in Tokyo.

There was a very large, old-fashioned mansion there.

“I’ve only seen a house this big …… in a drama or something ……”

At the entrance, there was a nameplate that read ” Kaida”.

This must be Rushia Kaida’s house.

Incidentally, why was Kisogawa able to come to her house?

It’s because when a writer signs a contract with a publishing company, he or she has to write his or her real name and address on the contract.

He knew where she lived because he had taken over the responsibility of Rushia from Okaya.

“A-Anyway, we need to meet and talk!”

Kisogawa tried to get into her house.

But …….


“Hiii! W-what’s happening……!”

The moment he stepped into the yard, several large dogs attacked him.

Dobermans, mastiffs, Tosa dogs, Akita dogs,. …….

The dogs were big and feisty, and they jumped on Kisogawa.

“Ouch! Stop ……! I’m gonna die you son of a bitch! Stop! Stop it!”

It wasn’t a joke.

They saw the intruder, Kisogawa, and identified him as an enemy.

Kisogawa was bitten on the hands and feet, and he was …… battered and bruised.

“Damn it! I’m not going to let you get away with this.”

He kicked the head of a nearby Akita dog with his leg. And the other, the legs.


“Heh! Don’t you dare lick me, you dog!”

The Akita wobbled to his feet and ran back toward the mansion.

The other dogs were growling and glaring at Kisogawa.

“Seriously, what the hell is …… this place ……?”

That’s when it happened.

“Who is it?”

A strong man dressed in black approached him.

At first glance, he realized that he was no ordinary person.

He was wearing sunglasses.

He looked like a bodybuilder and was wearing a suit.

He must belong to this house. Thank God.

“S-sorry! I’m Kisogawa from the TAKANAWA Books editorial department! I’m here to see Kaida Rushia-sensei!”

“The young lady ……?”

Young lady? Who are you talking about, ……?

He was guessing what the context is.

A strong bodyguard, a house like a warrior family, and a young lady …….

He wondered who Rushia is.

“I’m sorry, Kisogawa-sama. I can’t let you pass through to the young lady.

“What? Eh, why not?”

“The lady told me to never let you pass.”

“Haa!? N, no, no! What is that! I’m Rushia-sensei’s editor!”

“I’m sorry, but you have to leave.”

Why would Rushia do something like that to keep him away?

He didn’t know.

But he couldn’t back down here.

“Please I’m begging you! I need Rushia-sensei to write for us! For the company!”

…… It’s not that the company is in trouble, it’s just that he is in trouble.

Because of his mistake, one of the top ronobe writers in the industry will no longer write for TAKANAWA. ……

It’s obvious that Kisogawa will have to bear the responsibility.


“Please leave.”

“You ……!”

With a gulp, Kisogawa pushed the man away and tried to enter the mansion.

But …… his vision flipped.

“Heh…? Fugya!”

Before he knew it, the Kisogawa was dancing in the air.

And then he fell to the ground.


He turned around and saw a large man taking a stance.

He was probably practicing some kind of martial art, and he realized that he had been thrown using that technique.

The man took Kisogawa’s arm and did a joint move.

“Ow, ow, ow! It hurts! You’ll break my arm!”

“If you do anything more outrageous, you’ll have to pay with one of your arms.”


“Ow! Stop it! It huuuuuuuuuuurts!”

And then it happened.

“Niekawa, stop!”

The girl’s voice came from somewhere.

…..And the big man called Niekawa stopped what he was doing.

“Oucchh …… Seriously, my shoulder is off …… Oucchh ……”

He crawled on the ground and looked at the approaching girl.

There she was…….

It was a young girl dressed in an expensive looking kimono.

She was in her early teens,……, or maybe 10 years old.

She wore a bright red kimono with a phoenix obi.

What was distinctive about her was her pure white hair and bright red eyes.

He guesses she’s an albino.

“Are you Kisogawa?”

The girl said in a cold tone.

“Y-yeah……and who the fuck are you?”

The girl’s temples fluttered with blood vessels.

“……, you’re the editor in charge, and you don’t even know what the writer looks like?”

“Eh……? EH!? You can’t be serious, you little …… Ah, no, …… you’re ……?”

Niekawa was standing behind the girl.

“I’m Rushia Kaida, the daughter of the Kaida Group.

“Ha ……………………… …? T-The daughter of the Kaida Group!?”

The Kaida Group.

The Kaida Group.

The Kaida Corporation was formerly one of the three major Japanese conglomerates, but after the dissolution of the zaibatsu, it became a group.

The Kaida Group is still a huge corporation that has a great influence on Japanese politics and economy.

(“Why is the daughter of such a zaibatsu working as a novelist!? There is no need to kill me. ……! I have money!)

But …….

(No, this is a good chance, right? If the daughter of a conglomerate likes me, I’ll be rich and prosperous! Geeheehee!)

It’s probably because he was blinded by greed. ……

Kisogawa is unaware of this.

He knew that there was a flame of anger in Rushia’s eyes.

“N-noo……! I’m sorry, Rushia-sensei!”

Kisogawa says with a goofy smile on his face.

“I’ve never seen you before! I’m Kisogawa! I’m sorry I’m late getting here, Sensei! But you’re so beautiful!”

Kisogawa tried to sneak up on her

He has a trashy personality, but he’s got a great face.

Any woman is bound to fall in love with him at first sight if he approaches her with this sweet mask.

That’s how he’s managed to win over so many women, including Misae and Jyunikane.

This Rushia is just a woman, and if it’s with his own face …….

“You’re wonderful, Sensei! The daughter of a conglomerate, so beautiful! And a genius writer!”

Pohit, Rushia overreacted to the last word.

Kisogawa is unaware that she is gnashing her teeth at …… the last minute.

“You’re a genius bishoujo writer! You’re the future of TAKANAWA, no, the future of the ronobe industry.”



As soon as Niekawa approached Kisogawa, he punched him in the face as hard as he could.


It was a terrifying display of physical power.

A person weighing more than 60 kilograms flew through the air like a ball, and then crashed into the ground.

“Ga……..? is……?”

He didn’t know what happenen to him.



The right side of the face that was struck was dented.

He took a hand mirror out of his pocket and saw that it was concave in the shape of a fist.

How powerful …….

His face, his pride and joy, had been deformed by the beating.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Niekawa. Shut that stray dog up.”

A large man approached him, snapping his fingers…….

“I’m against violence! I’ll call the police if you get any closer. ……!”

But …… Rishia looked down at him coldly

“You can call them.”


“You can try calling the police. Niekawa, stay out of it.”

Suddenly, Niekawa calms his fists.

Rushia said to the confused Kisogawa.

“What’s wrong? You’re going to call the police?

Kisogawa was intimidated by the unfathomable aura emanating from the girl.

“Y-yeah, ……! I’ll call the police! It’s a violent case!”

Kisogawa calls 110.

But …….

“I can’t get through! Why is that! It’s a 110 call! Why?!”

The sound of the call is coming through. The phone is ringing and the signal is working.

But no matter how many times he called, he couldn’t get through to the police.

“You should not underestimate the influence of the Kaida group, you know.”

Kisogawa shuddered at Niekawa’s words.

“You have influence with the police?”

“That’s how powerful the Kaida Group is in this country. And …… you’ve angered the granddaughter of the current head of the family, Rushia Kaida. …… Did even your puny brain understand what that means?”

They have the power to interfere with the police.

Kisogawa is stepping on the tiger’s tail of the daughter of such a conglomerate. ……

“W-why? Did I do something wrong?”

Rushia held up three fingers.

“You did three things that displeased me, one of which was kicking my dear friend.”

“Friend ……?”

The Akita dog is sitting well-behaved next to her.

“T-the dog …..?”

He can’t believe the dog is her friend. …… He let slip a rather disparaging nuance.

That made Rushia even angrier.

“Secondly, you made fun of my work.”

“No, I didn’t mock your work!”

“Have you even read the …… last volume of the Senmoshi manuscript?”

“Ah, …….”

…… He didn’t read it.

“The final volume of Senmoshi is the best manuscript I’ve ever worked on with Okaya. It was a perfect manuscript, not a single flaw in it. …… But you didn’t correct any of the typos, you didn’t mention any of the content, and you didn’t even give me any feedback.”

…… Exactly.

Okaya had completed the manuscript for Rushia.

So Kisogawa just made a book out of it. He is not interested in the manuscript.

He didn’t care about the content of the book, because he only thought of it as content that would generate money.

Such shallow feelings were conveyed to Rushia.

“Third. This is …… the most outrageous.”

Furufuru…….Ruthia’s body trembles.

“You hurt and drove away the people I care the most about …….”

” I didn’t hurt anyone you care about, young lady of the zaibatsu!

Who on earth is it? !

The daughter of an old conglomerate is not the only person she cares about, and she doesn’t even know anyone in the first place!

And while the Kisogawa River is wreaking havoc, Rushia says.

“You hurt Okaya, the ……2nd most important person in the world.”

“O-Okaya ……? Eh, Oh, that window-editor! Mitsuhiko Okaya!”

Why did Okaya’s name come up? It was Kisogawa who didn’t understand the reason.

“Okaya treated me with respect as a writer, not as a daughter of a conglomerate or a granddaughter of the grandfather of …… Kogen Kaida.”

Quiet anger overflowed from her small body.

Kisogawa was completely overwhelmed.

“I respected Okaya. I wanted to continue to work with him. ……, but you took him away from me!”

It wasn’t a very loud voice.

But…… the aura of anger that emanated from her made Kisogawa piss …… away in disgrace.

“Get lost, scum. I don’t work for Takanawa anymore. And ……, I’ll report this to my grandfather. Go to sleep shivering.”

That’s all she have to say, and leaves with her dog.

The head of a huge company with influence over the Japanese economy and even the police force …….

This time, the foolishness of the Kisogawa is overheard.

So what does that …… mean?

“W-Wait a minute! Please! Forgive me! I’m sorry!”

“I don’t need your apology. It was your fault that Okaya disappeared. That is a pure and unchanging fact. Remember that …….”

Rushia leaves without looking back.

“W-wait. Wait! Wait! Kee ……!”

Niekawa grabbed Kisogawa, who was trying to hang on to her, and carried him on his back.

Niekawa puts his hand in his pocket.


Kisogawa runs away, crying out.

What came out of Niekawa’s pocket was a …… cell phone.

“Hello brother? Yeah …… I’m at work. Yeah,……, the lady over here is fine. Lady Alyssa is …… right. See you later, bro.”

He was simply on the phone with his family when they called him.

Now, as for …… Kisogawa, ……

“Damn! Damn it! Why! WHY!”

He left crying.

But …… he did not know.

It’s not just the tiger’s tail, but the dragon’s reverse scale. ……

He has incurred the wrath of a writer, a daughter of a conglomerate, who is influential in the Japanese economy. ……

Not only himself, but even his company, …… ended up in misery……