A few days after I moved into my new house.

At my new workplace.

This is a new publishing company with Ugematsu as the chief editor.

It’s called “STAR RISE Bunko”.

Also known as “SR Bunko”.

It’s still new, so the office is in a corner of a small building.

As we had just moved into a new building, there was a pile of cardboard boxes in the office.

“Eh? Rushia-sensei, You want to write for us?”

In front of me, there is a girl sitting on a chair with a little bit of manners.

She’s one of the authors of novels that I worked with at my previous workplace.

Her white hair and red eyes reminded me of a rabbit.

She has the appearance of a Japanese doll.

Yeah. Would you be willing to let me join?”

In spite of her young appearance, Rushia speaks in a stiff manner.

She must have been raised well.

“That would be a great help to us. But I want to be clear, Rushia-sensei, TAKANAWA Books pays more for manuscripts.”

Since we’re a new company, we can’t afford to sell as many copies as the big companies, and we can’t pay as much in royalties as the big companies.

“In addition, SR Bunko is a new company, and there is less money to spend on advertising and fewer bookstores to sell your work than the big ones. It doesn’t matter how famous an author is, there’s a greater chance that your work will be a flop under this brand. I don’t want to hurt your career.”

“…… Fufufu.”

Rushia laughs elegantly, covering her mouth.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, I was just wondering what …… is so different from that garbage.”

“? Garbage?

“I’m talking about this …… I knew I could trust Okaya as an editor. If the company’s interests were the priority, I’d be declining the offer, but Okaya puts the writer’s interests and future prospects first and makes a proposal.”

“It’s natural. We’re just company employees who can’t do anything without the authors. Our first priority is to benefit the artists, and then to entertain the fans of their works.”

A book sells only when there is a combination of the work, the author, and the fans.

I believe that we should not lose sight of the true nature of our business by putting the sale of books as the top priority.

“Unlike Okaya, there are many foolish editors who don’t understand this, and that’s a problem.”


This way of talking…….

Perhaps things are not going well with the editing they’ve taken over.

Senmoshi. Rushia’s debut novel.

We worked together on the manuscript that would become the final volume.

After that, I handed over the handover letter to the editor-in-chief and left her to edit the next one.

But…… the fact that she came to my office suggests that things didn’t go well with her.

“Okaya, please. I want to work with you. I don’t want to work with anybody unless it’s Okaya.”

With moist eyes, Rushia-sensei asked me.

“Rushia-sensei. I still don’t think you should join here.”

“N-no way! Why!? Because you don’t like me?”

She turns bloodthirsty and grabs my arm.

“Please calm down. I like you, Rushia-sensei.”

I love the world products she creates.

“I……………………………….I see”

She sits down quietly.

She squirms, her white skin flushed red.

“It’s not about personal feelings like likes and dislikes. Rushia-sensei, the next work you make will sell. Definitely, that’s for sure.”


“You’re such a powerful writer ……, but this brand doesn’t have the power yet.”

No matter how great her work is, it’s meaningless if it doesn’t reach the hands of many fans.

“Light novels nowadays are based on the premise of media mix. A successful novel will almost certainly become an anime. However, unlike the big company Takanawa, our label is still small and weak. Even if it sells well, we don’t have the power to turn it into an anime.”

In other words, even if we sell it, it will be difficult for us to develop it beyond the level of publishing a book, financially speaking.

“Fans will be disappointed, and more importantly, it will hurt your career.”

If it sold well, but it didn’t become an anime.

It would be a bad rumor and risk hurting her name as an author.

“I see. …… Okaya is thinking about the writer …… Rushia Kaida to no end.”

She put her hand on her chest and smiled.

But then she turned crisp and straightened his back and said.

“But I still want to write here. I want to work with you. Please…….”

Even after all this, she still won’t change her mind…….

I can’t kick out a writer who relies on me that much.

“I understand. I’ll do my best. Let’s work together. I look forward to working with you.”

“! I see!”

Rushia smiles, shook my hand and bowed her head.

“I’m looking forward to working with you for many years to come!”

In the end, it was decided that we’d only do the interview that day and discuss the work at a later date.

“Oh, that’s right. Okaya. You don’t have to worry about money.”

On the way home, Rushia said something strange.

“Something good will happen soon. You can count on it.”

She bowed elegantly and walked out.

” …… I’ll have to work hard.”

The writer was prepared to sacrifice her career to get me to move labels.

I have to do my best to make something that will sell well and then somehow make it into an anime. ……

And then it happened.

“O-Okaya-kun! We’re in trouble!”

Ugematsu, the editor-in-chief, came rushing in.

“What’s going on, Editor-in-Chief?

“We’ve received a big contract from a big company for an advertisement!”

We’re a small publishing company.

We still can’t eat with just one novel.

That’s why we also take on advertising agency work.

“Listen to this, it’s from the Kaida Group!”

“Huh, the Kaida Group ……, isn’t it? They own the Kaida Bank, right?”

The Kaida Group is a huge corporation based on the former zaibatsu.

If such a company offers you a large job ……, the profit of the company will be tremendous.

“No, it’ s true. He came to our door just a few minutes ago. …… I’m lucky, but I’m scared.”

“Huh, …… what could he have done?”


Both Ugematsu-san and I nodded our heads.

“Oh, yes. What happened to Rushia-sensei?”

“She wants to write it here after all.”

“I see. …… Then we’ll have to work hard too! We can’t let her talent be destroyed by us!”

The editor-in-chief, just like me, is thinking about the writer’s career.

“Huh? Okaya-kun. Is Rushia Kaida-sensei her real name?”

“No, it’s a pen name.”

Her real name is Ryuko Kaida.

“If it’s Kaida, then …… could Rushia-sensei be related to the Kaida Group!”

“No, no way.”

Why would someone affiliated with a major corporation be a romanized novelist?

If she is the daughter of a rich man, she doesn’t need to work.

“The only place you can find a daughter of a conglomerate is in manga and novels.”

“That’s right. Of course she’s not related to them.”

“That’s right, they’re not related.”

“”Nope nope””

I finished work at 19:00, and headed home.

“I’m home.”

“Welcome home!”

When I get home, the twins greet me with smiles.

“You don’t have to greet them every time.”

Ever since I came to live with them, they’ve come to the door every day when I get home.

“I don’t mind. I’m doing this because I want to!”

“Thanks for your hard work……. I’ll take your bag.”

The younger sister, Akari, is wearing an apron.

And her sister, Nanako, was also wearing an apron.

“I cooked with my sister today!”

“……I-I did my best! T-There’s a lot of love in it, too!”

“Well, I’m looking forward to it.”

We walked to the living room.

The three of us always eat dinner together.

Today it was gingerbread.

“It’s good…….”


The two of them high-five each other.

Burun, and their large breasts swayed.

“Are you using good pork?”

“Hmmm. No, I’m not. I went to the supermarket to look for one that was on special sale.”

…… You took the trouble to go to the supermarket in this hot weather?

I’m sorry about that.

“You don’t have to hesitate to choose the expensive one.”

I’m paying all the living and food expenses.

I wonder if she’s being shy about that.

“You don’t understand, Okarin. I get good food for cheap! A bargain! That’s what makes it fun!

“…… Going to the supermarket is one of Akari’s hobbies.”

“Yes, yes. So it’s okay, Okarin. Don’t worry about it.”

“…… And since we’re staying at your house, we don’t want to waste money.”

The two of them were not being reserved.

Akari also says it’s a hobby, but it’s probably just a way to make ends meet.

Not only me, but also the girls have been thinking and doing a lot of …… things to make this life possible.

It’s not just me that supports them, but they also support me in this life.

“Thanks for everything, both of you.”


“Thanks for the delicious food.”

The two were puzzled.

But they hurriedly shook their heads.

“We’re the ones who should be thanking you!”

“…… That’s right! You’re the ones who gives us food.”

“No, it’s because of you that I’m able to go to work in perfect condition, thanks to your cooking and cleaning. It’s thanks to you girls. Thank you.”

When I said that, …….

The twins looked at each other and smiled like a flower blooming.

“Nehehe~♡ Okarin, I love you so much♡”

Akari has a smile like a sunflower that cheers you up just by looking at it.

“…… Sensei. We always thank you for your kindness. I love …… you for being so kind.”

Nanako gave me a smile that made me feel warm just by looking at it, like a sakura.

Each of them turns to me.

It’s really me who should be thanking them.

They heal my heart, which was damaged by my ex-wife Misae and my previous company.

If it weren’t for them, I’d probably be even worse off.

It’s with their support that I’m able to live a normal life like this.

I’m going to work even harder from now on, I thought to myself.