The next day I was at the same shopping mall as yesterday.


I thought I heard a big voice, but Akari came running from the station gate.

“Thank you for waiting! Have you been waiting long?”

“No, I just got here.”

Why am I here with Akari?

Yesterday, I came here with Nanako, her older sister.

At that time, I gave her a dog as a gift for taking care of me on a daily basis.

“You had a date with sister! Not fair!”

“I’ll buy you a present too.”

“Really? Tomorrow, then! We have a date at the same place!”

That’s how it went.

“Did you finish your job?”

“Yes! I finish relatively early at the cafe. Achi.”

I don’t know why, but Akari was wearing her school uniform.

It’s just that the chest of her short-sleeved shirt was pulled open and she fanned it with a hand fan.

Naturally, her ample cleavage was visible.

“Hmm~? Okarin, your eyes are repulsive~? Is Akarin’s cleavage bothering you that much? Kya♡♡ Ecchi~♡”

I poked Akari’s forehead, who looked strangely happy.

“Stop it.”


No matter what I say, Akari seems to be happy.

“You haven’t eaten yet. Shall we have lunch first and then go around?”


“What do you want to eat?”

“I know a great pasta place, I’ll show you!”

Akari grabbed my hand and started walking ahead of me.

I followed behind her.

“Oi, We….. don’t have to hold hands”

“It’s okay. You don’t want me to get lost, right?”

“You’re good at what you do. You won’t get lost.”

“It’s not that kind of problem.”

Akari walks in front of me.

” ……No way, Damn, she’s so beautiful.”

“…… Her face is so small, her legs are skinny.”

“…… Big tits.”

A beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes was walking around in her school uniform.

She stands out very much.

“…… Who’s that old guy next to her?”

“…… boyfriend, I’m jealous!”

“……Idiot it’s her father, no matter how you look at it. It would be weird if he wasn’t.”

…… I also stand out from the crowd.

But I see,…… by wearing the uniform, I can be seen as the father, so it won’t be too much of a problem to stand out.

“You have it hard, Akari.”

“Right? I have a lot on my mind too.”

“You’ve always been a strange one, you know that?

Akari took me by the hand and we walked past the food court to the back of the mall.

In a not-so-obvious location, there was a pasta shop that she was looking for.

We took a seat by the window.

“Ah, Okarin, I recommend the B lunch.”

“Well, let’s make it for two.”

The waitress took our order, bowed and left.

“I recommend this place because it’s quiet, inexpensive, and delicious.”

“Hoo…..You know a lot”

“Well, yeah. I go here a lot and use it as a reference for recipes.”

I see. ……. The reason why the food she cooks tastes better than the food in the restaurant is because of her efforts.

“Do you work part-time at a restaurant like this, Akari?”

She works part-time at a cafe and a western-style restaurant.

“Yes. Ah, but the place of the store is a secret. But you know about the cafe, though.”

“Why is it a secret?”

“Fu~♡ A woman becomes beautiful by dressing up in secrets.”

“You’ve always loved that manga, right?”

I was often forced to play Conan at cram school.

I was always the one who got put to sleep.

“It’s obvious! Manga and anime are the pride of Japanese culture! What manga have you read lately, Okaerin?”

“Blue Rock is interesting.”

“Right! ”Yeah, it’s ~~~~~~~~very interesting!”

Because of my job, I watch a lot of anime and manga in addition to novels.

Akari likes to read manga as a hobby.

“I’ve been trying to recommend it to my sister, but she won’t read it.”

“Does Nanako still not read manga?”

“No. She doesn’t know how to read manga. There are too many panels. She’s like a grandmother who has to go to the trouble of numbering the panels to be able to read them.”

Just then, Pasta arrived.

“Okarin, Okarin♡”


She spins the pasta around with her fork and offers it to me.


“Don’t get carried away. We’re outside.”

“We can go inside?”

“Don’t do that, it’s not polite.”


Akari eats while brushing her hair up so that her side-tail hair doesn’t hang over.

The gesture became strangely lustrous.

“Oya Oya~? Okarin, did my sexy movements make you skip a heart beat?”

Akari said with a grin.

“No, I’m just impressed that you’ve grown up.”

“You’re looking at it from a guardian’s perspective! Ah, mou!”

She flapped her feet under the table.

“You’re still a kid if you haven’t broken that habit.”

“Uu …… too difficult to penetrate. …… Disappointing.”

After the pasta, the tiramisu was brought in.

It was a set dessert.

I poked her on the forehead again as she came to me again with a “Aahn”

Akari took a bite of the tiramisu, then took out her phone and flicked it on.

“What are you writing down?”


“Can you tell that from just one bite?”

“Un. If I take a bite, I can recreate most of it. Once I finish it, I’m good to go.”

” You have some pretty amazing skills.”

“Mmm~♡, Right?”

Akari finished taking notes in a good mood and ate the rest of the tiramisu.

“I’ll make it at home next time!”

After that, I went to the mall to buy a present for Akari.

“Ah! Okarin! I heard you can pre-order the new edition of Dungeon Food! Can I order it?”

“Okarin, look at this! The new bag! It’s so cool! Can I go check out the other ones too?”

“Okarin, there’s an arcade. Let’s stop by!”

I’m going the same route as her sister, Nanako.

Nanako didn’t tell me where she wanted to go, she just followed behind me.

I asked her what she wanted, but she was having a hard time finding it.

But Akari was different. Akari’s interest was piqued, and she seemed to have a lot of things she wanted, wanting this and that.

It was a stark contrast to her shy older sister.

……But surprisingly.

“Okay, I’m satisfied! Let’s go to the next store.”

We were in a grocery store.

Akari picked up a cute little item and looked at it.

But that was all.

“Hey, Akari. you haven’t bought a single thing since a while ago, is that okay?”

“I’ve pre-ordered the dungeon food?”

“No, that’s not it. You have a part-time job, so you have plenty of money, so why don’t you buy one?”

Akari made a reluctant face.

“Okarin, promise me you won’t laugh.”


“So don’t think I don’t look good.”


Akari clears her throat.

“Because it’s a waste.”


“Un. I’m saving all my part-time pay for the future.”

…… I was surprised.

I thought she was working part-time because there was something she wanted.

You’re saving for the future?

“I see. That’s great.”

I put my hand on Akari’s head, Pon…..and patted her.


Akari opens her mouth with a poof.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, no, …… let me tell you this. I’ve always been told by my classmates that I don’t look good or that I’m too serious.”

Akari’s cheeks flushed red and she fidgeted with the ends of her hair.

“The compliment made me …… a little, no, a lot happier.

Hehe, Akari said with a small smile.

When she’s really happy, she smiles modestly and elegantly.

So I guess she really meant it.

“I don’t want to disturb them in front of the store, so let’s go.”


Akari reached out her hand, and I grabbed it this time.

“Fue ……!?”

Akari’s eyes widen and she makes a strange noise.


“Oh …… no …… that …….”

Akari says, sluggishly, even her neck is red.

“You were holding hands with me a while ago, and now you’re embarrassed?”

“Y-You can’t take me by surprise! I can tease you, but you can’t tease me, Okarin!”

“I see, Sorry.”

“Oh, no! Surprise is …… good, but that …… not in public ……, okay?”

Akari and Nanako have known each other for a long time.

Some parts are the same as they were ten years ago, and some parts are not.

And every time I find something that I didn’t know 10 years ago ……, I realize how much they’ve grown.

The girls have grown up, it seems.

I …… wonder about myself.

In the end, we didn’t buy anything and Akari and I headed home.

“Are you sure you don’t want to buy anything?”

“Yes. It’s fine”

“Don’t be shy.”

“Fufufun, That’s not fair, Kaiji-kun.”

“Who’s Kaiji-kun?”

Akari laughs like a naughty child.

“With the excuse of buying a present, I can go on a date with Okarin again, just the two of us.”

Akari squeezes my arm.

“For me, going out with Okarin like this, having fun and going somewhere, is the best present …… than buying a present.”

When I heard Akari’s opinion, I wanted to ask her.

“Isn’t a date when you want something?”

“You got it wrong. I don’t need money, I don’t need presents. As long as I have Okarin, that’s enough.”

…… Women have so many different values.

“Was it different with your ex-wife?”

Akari, who was very perceptive, immediately noticed what I was comparing her to.

“Yeah, every time we went out, she asked me to buy her something.”

“Ugh, that sucks. I wonder what kind of parents would raise a woman like that?”

“Misae’s father was a very strict man. When I got married, I was rejected many times.”

“Ugh. …… Really?”

“Yeah. I thought stubborn dads like that were rare these days.”

“How did a stubborn father come up with such a piece of shit like …… eh, Okarin? Someone is in front of the house.”

At that moment, Akari pointed ahead.


[That person] noticed me and came running to me.

“Mitsuhiko ……Do you know him, Okarin?”

“…… Yeah, I know him well.”

When he came to me, he got down on his knees , Bam……!

“Please! Mitsuhiko-kun! I need you to get back together with my daughter!”

“My daughter …… Getting back together …… that means.”

Akari seemed to have guessed it.

I sighed and called out to the man.

“Please raise your head, Nagano-san.”

Nagano …… is Misae’s maiden name.

In other words, this man was Misae’s father.

TL: I will take a break for 1 week (26 Oct), so there will be no updates for forced youth and JK girls. Level eater will still get a chapter.