It was when he was still a college student.

“Please! Please give me your daughter!”

I went to see Misae’s father to ask for his permission to marry her.

But …….

“Don’t be ridiculous, I can’t give my daughter to you!”

“B-But why not?”

Misae’s father, …… [Erazo Nagano] (Misae’s maiden name is Nagano).

Nagano made fun of me, and said.

“You’re writing this thing, right?”

He threw [it] in front of me.

It was a book, a novel.

The author’s name is …… [Okatani].

It’s my …… pen name.

“Crap, it’s crap, crap like this”


…… something like this.

I bit my lip so hard that I bled when he said that.

Does he know how hard it was to make that one book?

Does he know how much time and passion I put into it …… before my debut?

I was so upset that I wanted to punch him in the face.

“I can’t believe it, but you really want to make a living off of this after graduation, huh?”

……, but my father-in-law’s words made me calm down at once.

I’m going to make a living as a writer.

How hard could it be?

I know it.

This is because …… I’m not allowed to [write] the rest of this book that’s been dropped.

“T-that’s …….

“Ha! You are a stupid man. What’s more, you can’t see the reality. I hate dreamy young men like you the most.”

I couldn’t say anything back.

Not seeing reality, sure, that could be it.

“Anyway, I would never give my precious daughter to a man who would make this his life’s work.”


“If you really want to have my daughter, …….Ah yes. If you get a job at [Takanawa], well, I’ll think about it.”

Takanawa. It’s the number one company in the publishing industry, not just in the field of novels.

“And most of all! A man like you, who can’t see reality, will never be able to make it, though. ……!”

Misae’s father made fun of me, and I became calm.

I’m going to get married and have to support my family.

In order to support someone, I need money.

I need a steady income.

How unstable is the income of a writer ……?

Unfortunately, I was made aware of this by Misae’s father’s outburst.

What Misae’s father said was right for a parent.

He doesn’t want to give this dreamy young man his daughter.

I guess he said that because he wants his daughter to be happy.

I don’t think it’s right to put down the other person, but I can’t help but understand.


There were two paths for me at that time.

I could keep my dream and live alone.

Or I could abandon my dreams and live in reality with my wife.

…… I was torn.


After struggling to decide between the dream and reality, I took the reality.

At the time, I still didn’t understand.

I didn’t know what kind of woman Misae was.

I knew that what I had picked up was the wrong choice. 

“I understand …….”


Misae’s father looked like a pigeon that had been hit by a peashooter.

“If I get a job at Takanawa, will you let me marry Misae?

“Y-yeah….h-hmph! Try it if you can!”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Hmph! That’s easy for you to say. I can’t give my daughter to a fool who doesn’t understand how difficult that is!”

…… I was forced to choose between the two, and eventually I abandoned my ideals.

…… This is how the writer [Okutani] died and the editor [Mitsuhiko Okaya] was born.

The story goes back to the present day.

I went shopping with Akari.

On the way home, …… I had a conversation with my father-in-law, or Misae’s father.

“Mitsuhiko-kun! Please! Get back with my daughter……!”

In the evening, a old man was on his knees in the street.

“…… You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Akari, stop.”

“Okarin …….”

I know that Akari is the kind of girl who gets angry when things like this happen.

She’s a sweet girl.

That’s why I stopped her.

“Go home first.”

“But… ……”

“Just go.”

This is a problem for me, the adult.

Akari is a child and should not be involved.

I don’t want this child, who will live in the future, to listen to the ugly stories of adults.

I don’t want her to despair of being an adult in the future.

I want Akari, as her name suggests, to become a bright future adult.


Akari looked at me several times and eventually walked on ahead.

“Mi, Mitsuhiko-kun ……, who is she?”

I don’t feel obligated to tell this man everything.

“It’s a student from my old part-time job. We just happened to be together. Is there a problem?”

“N, no, nope ……. Well, it can’t be ……, can it? I mean, she looks like a little girl.”

The father-in-law …… is blatantly relieved.

He wants me to get back together with his daughter, so it would be inconvenient for me to have a woman …….

“Stand up, please. You’re blocking traffic.”

“…… a great guy. ……”

I want to say, “Who?” but that’s not important.

I’d like to finish the discussion quickly and go home.

Misae’s father stood up unsteadily.

“It’s been a while, [Nagano-san]. So, ……, how did you know I was here? I’ve moved.”

“Well, it’s …… that …….”

Judging from the confused look on his face, he must have used a less-than-ideal method.

Did he hire an entertainment agency?

What an obnoxious guy …….

“That’s not the point! The main topic is …… Mitsuhiko-kun. Please! Please be with Misae. ……”

“I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no intention of starting over with Misae.”

“What ……?!”

“Excuse me.”

I bowed my head and tried to walk past Misae’s father.

“Wa-wait, ……!”

He grabs my hand.

He said in a desperate manner with greasy sweat on his forehead.

“Please! Could you please try again, just one more time, with that girl!”

“Why? Misae had an affair, you know. How can I start over with a woman who betrayed my trust and found another man?”

“T-thats….uhm. Y-You’re a man, you should be able to forgive her for one affair!”

“Can you say the same thing about your own wife if she had an affair?”

“Guh ……!”

He could not tell me that. I don’t want you to impose on others what you can’t do yourself.

I pushed Misaye father’s hand away.

“Misae betrayed me. I don’t care what you say, I have no intention of starting over with her like that. Goodbye.””

I did not look back and tried to head straight home.

“Wait! Just talk to me, just listen to me!”

Misae’s father was now clinging to my legs.

“Do you know what she’s doing now?”

“I don’t know nor do I care”

“She’s in debt! She’s working in the sex industry to pay it off. ……!”

“I told you, I don’t care”

…… debt. She’s working in the sex industry to pay off her debts?

So………… what of it.

It’s none of my business anymore. It has nothing to do with me. ……

I don’t know why, but I felt as if the book of [Okatani], which I should have thrown away, had fallen …… under my feet.

“I can’t help but pity her. Please, I beg you! The only person who can save her from hell is you, Mitsuhiko-kun!”

“I don’t care …… “

” You were married once, remember!? You chose my daughter even after giving up your stupid dream! Hey! After all, isn’t that how important Misae was to you!”

…… Giving up on my dream.

Yes…… when I chose Misae, I gave up another important thing about myself.

I gave up my path as a writer and chose Misae.

…… That’s a fact, as well as the fact that Misae betrayed me.

“I’m ……



I turned around and there was Akari, a beautiful blonde …… girl.

Akari had tears …… in her eyes, but her beauty was distorted with anger.

She came over and looked down at Misae’s father.

“You want him to save your daughter? Stop screwing around! It’s your stupid daughter’s fault!”

“Stupid daughter……?”

” She got into debt on her own after they broke up! What does this have to do with Okarin?”

“But the shock of breaking up with …… Mitsuhiko-kun caused her to go into debt …….”

“The reason they broke up in the first place was because of your stupid daughter’s affair! She deserve it!”

“Ugh ……”

One way or the other, Misae’s father had lost the argument.

Akari’s anger had not yet subsided, and she raised her voice.

“If you feel sorry for your daughter, why don’t you pay off her debt? Why are you relying on others?”

“I-I was……”

“Since Okarin works for a big company, you think it would be quicker and less painful for you to get back together with her, don’t you!?


Misae’s father stood up, his voice raised, as if he had been hit by a bull’s-eye.

Akari’s body deflated, but she returned with a firm attitude.

“Don’t you dare interfere in an adult’s conversation when you’re just a kid!”

“Don’t you have any shame…… as an adult for getting pissed off at a kid and shouting?”

“Guu ……!”

“You’re trying to take advantage of someone’s good intentions and blame others for your daughter’s misbehavior. …… Is that what an adult does?”

Giri, Misae’s father clenched his fist.

“You’re such a ……! You’re just a kid, a woman, and you’re …… naiveeee!”




“Okarin ……”

I catch Misae fathers fist as he tries to hit Akari.

“That’s enough!”

I twisted his arm and took him down with it.

“Gugee …!”

“A-amazing. …… Okarin, you do judo?”

“Well, ……, I guess that’s what I get for having a malicious pestle.”

I can’t say that I’ve studied correspondence karate and judo because I thought I could use them as fodder for a novel.

I went straight for the joint technique.

“It hurts. Ouuuuch!”

“It’s outrageous that you would raise your hand to an innocent child.”

“Shut up! Don’t tell me what to do!  A girl like her………….ouuuuch!”

I decide to go for the stronger move.

“Don’t ……ever touch her.”

“A-all right! All right, all right! Let me go!”

I moved away from Misae’s father.


Akari hugged my arm.

Her body was trembling.

“I’m sorry, I scared you.”

An adult had yelled at her and almost raised her hand.

She had every right to be scared. I got the …… child involved. I have to be very careful.


Misae’s father stood up.

“W-who’s…..that woman?”

“She’s my precious child.”

“Okarin …….”

Akari hugs me again, squeezing.

I stroked her hair gently.

“So you know, but the next time you do something like that, I will be right there.”

“But ……”

” She’s right, you should be responsible for what happens to Misae. I have nothing to do with her anymore, and I have no intention of …… getting involved with her or you in any way.”

“But, ………”

“Go away. Don’t ever bring …… another dirty adult situation in front of this girl again.”

Gyu…..Akari is hugging me and shaking.

I don’t want to cast a dark shadow on this bright child.

I didn’t want her to have to talk about the adults who caused that in front of her again.


Gakun, Misae’s father fell silent.

It’s time to go.

“It’s time for you to leave us alone.”

“Damn it! You’re just a kiddddddddddddddd.! DON’T GIVE ME CRAAAAAAP!”

He tried to her again. …… That’s when it happened.

Su~tsu……Someone is standing in front of me.

He clenched his fist and …….


The person punched him in the face.

Like a ball, Misae’s father was blown away.

And then he fainted.

“W-who are…”

Akari asked the man fearfully.

A large man in black was standing in front of us.

“Hi, I’m the Terminator, just passing through.”

“You’re the Terminator ……? Well, it looks like. ……”

“Hey, Akari, that’s rude. Sorry.”

“No. Don’t worry about it.”

The self-proclaimed Terminator picked up Misae’s father, who was lying on the ground.

“I was just passing by, by chance. I happened to overhear the conversation between you and Okaya, so I came to the rescue.”

“Terminator, how do you know Okarin’s name?”

“Eh? Because I’m the terminator?”

“Haa ……?”

The man in black clears his throat.

“This person’s behavior was unbearable to watch. [Sanctions] is necessary, don’t you think?”

“…… No, but I still think he should not have raised his hand.”

When I said that, the man scowled and said, “T-true …….”

For someone who looks so rugged, he seems like a little guy.

“T-thank you, Terminator.”

“That’s all you think you have to say?”

The man choked on Akari’s words.

“I-I’m going to take him to the hospital on my own responsibility since I raised my hand. Please leave [the rest] to me.”

“Okarin, can we leave it to him? I want to go home …….”

I thought I’d follow him to the hospital.

But Akari is pulling on my arm.

Well, I had a problem with him hitting her, but he was trying to protect us from the thug.

And although his answers were questionable, I could tell from talking to him that he was not a bad person.

I’ll leave it to him.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Leave it to me! Goodbye.”

With a bow, the man who called himself the Terminator left in the limousine.