Early August.

When I came back from my summer vacation, my sister Midoriko was waiting for me at my house.

The story is about the night I came back from my trip.

“Midoriko. I’m coming in.”

My sister had retreated to my room.

……When I knocked on the door of my room, it was unlocked with a click.

“Midoriko…… you know, this is my room.”

On the bed, there is a high school girl lying down.

Long, bushy hair with a slight reddish tint.

She has it in a ponytail with a black ribbon.

She has a slightly stern look in her eyes and a slender figure.

Her thighs are especially tight.

Her name is Midoriko Okaya.

She’s my little sister, more or less.

Midoriko is lying face down on the bed, playing with her phone.

“……, I’m going to use this room.”

“No, this is my room and my bed.”

“…… Shut up. I’ve already decided to use it.”

My little sister wrapped my terrycloth around her body and positioned herself like a sushi roll.

“Or rather, why are you here?”

“I’ve been doing a lot of club activities this summer. It’s closer from here than from our parents’ house.”

There’s an enamel bag by the bed.

[Arpico School] was written on the surface of the bag.

Midoriko is in a club.

“Is Arpico that close to here, ……?”

“…… Shut up. I have permission from my mom and Osamu.”

“My dad, too…..”

He didn’t say anything to me. ……

“…… This summer, I’ll be commuting to the club from Onii-chan’s house.”

“Well….that’s fine with me.”

Nyuu, She pokes her head out of the wrapped terrycloth.

…… Despite my sister, she looks well put together.

Nii….The edge of her mouth lifted.

She held a stick of Chupa Chups in her mouth and twitched it around.

“You’re not doing yourself any favors by eating so much candy, you know?”

“…… It’s none of Onii-chan’s business.”

……Midoriko hugs my pillow in front of her body and takes a deep breath.

“…Suu, haaa. Calm down.”

My little sister’s expression falters, like a cat basking in the sun.

“…… Onii-chan. Hmm.”

panpan, she taps her hand on the bed next to her.

I sit down on the bed, and Midoriko puts her head on my lap.

It’s a signal for a lap pillow, right?

“…… So, Onii-chan. Who were those women?”

Midoriko stares at me accusingly.

” I told you, I worked part-time as a tutor in college. They were my student back then.”

“…… Hmm. Why is your student living with Onii-chan?”

“Well, …… a lot happened.”

I’ll give her a brief history.

On the night Misae cheated on me, the Ina sisters came to my house.

They had some sort of problem at home, and I was the only one they could rely on.

I am protecting them.

“……, that’s just kidnapping.”

Midoriko frowned and said.

“No, I didn’t kidnap them. ……”

“…… Onii-chan. I don’t care how much sex drive you have, I don’t think you should have a JK in your house.”

“Like I said, you got it wrong. They’re simply in trouble and have nowhere to go. ……”

“Even if it is ……, isn’t it strange to leave a minor at home without the consent of the other party’s guardian?”

Fuun, Midoriko sniffs and stares at me.

“….And you are protecting them because they have big tits.”

“Definitely not.”

“…… Why? I have a big pair of breasts, why not me?”

“You idiot.”

I poke Midoriko on the forehead.

The expression on her face softens for a moment as she says, “Funyari ……,” but it quickly becomes grim again.

“…… Aren’t the parents mad?”

“I don’t know. There is no indication that they will be contacted. I’ve been trying to reach them, and I’ve gotten their home address, but I can’t contact them.”

“Why don’t you just go directly to the parents……?”

” I went there, but it was a complete wasteland.”

Apparently, Akari’s parents didn’t want to keep their daughter.

I talked to the neighbors, and they said that after Akari and Nanako left the house, they quickly packed up their belongings and left.

“…… Why did the parents abandon them?”

“I don’t know.”

“…… It’s important. Why don’t you ask them?”

“I can’t force someone to talk about something they don’t want to talk about.”

“…… No, it’s not right to just leave them at home without telling you what’s going on, of course.”

Frowning, Midoriko said.

“…… I hate them.”

My little sister doesn’t seem to like the JK sisters in any way.

“But they’re having a hard time.”

“….But that doesn’t mean they can come to Onii-chan”

Midoriko got up and pushed me away with a thud.

She lies down on her stomach and grabs me by the chest.

“…… did you do it?”

I think he means sexually.

“Idiot stop it”

“…… Hmm. Why? That …… Well, how can you leave two beautiful looking women alone and not touch them? Aren’t you arroused Onii-chan?”

I push Midoriko away from me.

My little sister lies on her back.

“I didn’t want to do that to those girls who turned to me for help.”

“…..Why [didn’t]? Why the past tense?

Jiii…..Midoriko was staring at me.

…… This girl is sharp

“…… Well, I don’t really care, but I don’t really want Onii-chan to get too close to them.”

Midoriko stood up from her fallen position, spinning around in a three-pointed inversion.

“Hey, I can see up your skirt. ……”

“….Ha? They’re spats. You can’t see them.”

“No, you aren’t wearing spats, but ……”

Kaa…..Midoriko blushed and held her skirt down with a bang.

“…….D-Don’t look!”

” Well, since you made such a bold move, I guess I can’t help but see it.”

“…… You! You’re so annoying! Idiot! Onii-chan ecchi! Pedophile!”

geshigehsi, Midoriko kicks me in the leg.

“I’m not a pedophile……”

“…it’s really funny that you’re not a pedophile after having a younger woman in your house”

Fuun, sniffling, Midoriko approaches.

“…… Onii-chan, get rid of those girls.”

“I can’t do that. …… Muggs.”

She put the Chupa Chups that she was holding in her mouth into my mouth …….

“…… They’re annoying. They’re getting in the way of me and Onii-chan private life.”

Pop, I pull out the Chupa Chups.

“I don’t care, you just have to live with them.”

“….Ha? That’s impossible. I’m really annoyed with those women. I’m so sick of them.”

Midoriko put the Chupa Chups in her mouth again.

“It’s …… dirty, you know.”

“…..I-I don’t mind it. It’s not dirty at all. It’s delicious. …… Yeah, …….”

This kid has a childish side, huh?

She has always been like that, passing me her food and then somehow collecting it.

“Anyway, …… get along with them, okay?”


Midoriko stared at the door.

She approached the door and boom! Yankee kick to the door.


I hear someone fall over on the other side of the door with a thud.

“…… Tsk!”

Midoriko opened the door roughly.

Nanako, and Akari were lying there.

“….You’ve got a lot of nerve, you guys.”

Like a yankee, she crouched down on the spot and glared at Nanako And Akari.

“Huu…..! Akarii~……”

The one hugging her sister’s body is Nanako, the JK sister with black hair.

On the other hand, Akari, the younger JK sister, wears her blonde hair in a side-tail.

“Why did you suddenly kick the door?”

“……Ha? You’re the one eavesdropping on me when I’m alone with Onii-chan talking about something important. Seriously, how is that possible?”

Midoriko and Akari stared at each other.

“Because you’ve been hiding in his room and not coming out. Isn’t it natural to be worried?”

“….Ha? What are you too Onii-chan?”

“I’m a potential bride, what about it?”

Crack! The sound of something shattering.

“…… T-tooth?”

“No, sister, it’s probably the candy she’s licking.”

Pfft. ……! Midoriko blows out the candy stick she was holding in her mouth.

It hit Nanako’s forehead with a thud.


“That’s a little rude, don’t you think?”

“…… Not as rude as you, though?”

Akari and Midoriko are staring at each other, within face distance of each other.

“…… seriously disturbing. Get out of Onii-chan’s house.”

“This is Okarin’s house, remember? When did this become your house?”

“We are siblings. His house is also my family’s house.”

“You are the one who comes into the house without telling Okarin. I don’t care what kind of family you are, you’re not being very polite. You brocon”

“……h-haa!? W-Who’s a brocon!”

Midoriko shouted angrily, turning red up to her neck.

“I can tell by looking at you. You love your brother, don’t you?”

Kusu…..Akari laughs mockingly.

“You’re about the same age as us, right? Even at that age, you still love your brother.”

“……, A-annoying! I-I-It’s none of your business!”

Midoriko slapped Akari on the cheek.

“Ouch! What’s wrong with you!”

Beshi…..Akari slaps back.

“……Get out of here!”

“You’re the one who should get out!”

As the fight began, I hurriedly locked Midoriko in a hug.

“Stop it, you idiot!”


I hug Midoriko from behind, and in an instant, she calms down.

“You bast*rd!”

“…… Akari, you can’t!”

“Let go of me, sister! I can’t kill her!”

“…… Don’t kill”

Akari is ranting and raving.

On the other hand, Midoriko is as quiet as a borrowed cat.

“Midoriko. Can you talk calmly?

“………… Yes.”

When I try to let go of Midoriko, she grabs my arm.

“…… Hold on a little longer.”

“Eh, yeah …….”

When Akari sees us, she raises her willow eyebrows and says.

” Okarin! I hate this …… person!”

“…… Onii-chan. I really hate this girl.”

I sighed and told them.

“Let’s just get along, both of you.”

Akari and Midoriko said in unison. 

“”Won’t happening.””