My sister, Midoriko, is staying at my house for the time being.

The next morning.


As soon as I woke up, I could feel the tremendous heat and humidity.

Even though it was past the beginning of August, the heat was only increasing.

“Wha…… Midoriko?”

“Oh, …….”

My sister was asleep next to me.

She was wearing only a pair of pants and a tank top, a very disheveled sleeping style.

This is a room that has never been used.

I had moved in here because Midoriko was going to use my room.

However, she found herself crawling into my futon.

“Wake up. Midoriko. You’re in a school club, right?”



Midoriko is squirming like a little baby.

Come to think of it, my sister had very low blood pressure.

“Come on, wake up.”


Booo, Midoriko looks at me with an expression of disappointment.

“…Ahee~? Onii-tan?”

It seems that she is sleepwalking.

This is the name she used to call me.

Before I knew it, I had become an Onii-chan, but she used to be quite attached to me.

I’m older than her, but we got along well.

“…Those people, are they here Onii-tan?”

“Come on, take a bath and get cleaned up.”

“…… Mmm♡.”

Midoriko clung to my waist and rubbed her cheeks.

“…… smells good ♡”


And then it happened.

“Okarin, it’s mor……ning …….”

Akari, the JK sister, a beautiful blonde girl, came to my room.

She was wearing an apron and was apparently preparing breakfast.

“…… Fuun?”

“Akari, this is not what it looks like. This is.”

“Oh, yes. I know it’s not Okarin’s fault. She probably got into the futon because she was sleepwalking, and I know that.”

She spoke very fast, but her expression was like that of a young woman, glaring at Midoriko.

“Ora, wake up!”

Akari tugged on Midoriko’s arm.

“….Hmmm? exoticism? Okinawan-style fermented tofu….?”

“What is this person joking about ……?”

Bikibki, Akari’s veins appeared on her forehead.

“Midoriko has low blood pressure. Take her to the bathroom.”

“Hmmm…whatever. Come on, come on!”

Guigui, Akari pulls on my sister’s hand.

“Noo. I want to be with him again. …… Even so, now that he’s gone, we’re all together again …… Munya munya…….

Midoriko staggered out of the room.

The door slammed shut, and I was left alone.

“…… What should I do?”

In the end, after some discussion, Midoriko agreed to Akari’s presence.

However, she insisted on keeping an eye on them.

Just when I thought I was going to have to face the four of them, I saw …….

“It’s no use thinking about it ……. I have to go to work.”

I got up and changed my clothes.

I was about to shave when I noticed that Midoriko was taking a bath.

“I guess the beard will have to wait.”

When I went to the living room, Akari had already prepared breakfast.

There were two plates on the table.

“Come on, Okarin♡, let’s eat some rice.”

Akari sits down next to me.

Apparently, this is just for me and Akari.

“Oh, my sister’s food is in the fridge. She’s still sleeping.”

“Hey, I’m sorry, but Midoriko–.”


” I haven’t said anything yet….”

Akari sticks out her tongue.

“Why do I have to cook for her too? I’m not obligated to do that.”

“But you are already cooking for me and Nanako.”

“Okarin is my future husband, and sister is my sister.”

Akari turns her head away like a child.

It seems that the two of them do not get along.

“Don’t say that. Please.”

“…… Muu. I understand. I’ll make it especially for you, since you asked.”

“Thank you, I owe you.”

She pursed her lips and then said, “Mmm Fufufu♡,” as if she was planning some kind of mischief.

“Okarin♡, I’ll make you something in return~ ……hmmm~♡”

Akari purses her lips and closes her eyes.


“I want you to kiss me…”

…… Should I accept this?

There’s no reason to refuse. We’ve become lovers, even if only for a time. ……

“Look hhmm♡”

And that’s when it happened.




Suddenly, a wet bath towel stuck to Akari’s face.

“Moga moga! Moga!”

“Don’t move, Akari. I’ll get it.”

I retrieve the towel.

Akari breathes a sigh of relief and glares at me.

“What are you doing!”

Midoriko, who had just finished bathing, looked at me and Akari unhappily.

“….Uwaa, disgusting. Kissing an old man in the morning.”

“I don’t mind!”

By the way, I haven’t told Midoriko about my relationship with Akari and the others.

It’s to avoid confusion when she’s found out.

“…… Onii-chan, don’t get carried away by this kid’s pranks. You’ll be mistaken for a pedophile.”

“Okarin is a lolicon! Ouch.”

I poked Akari on the forehead.

“Good morning, Midoriko.”

“Morning, …….”

Midoriko was dressed in a polo shirt and miniskirt.

She has a black ribbon and her long hair is in a ponytail.

“Arpico School” written on it and a ball case on the ground with a thud.

“Onii, you have to take me to school in the morning.”

“Haa!? What is that! Okarin is not your driver!”

When Akari tries to pounce on her, my sister giggles at her.

“……Haa? I know that. I’m just asking.”

“You can do it yourself!”

“…… I hate trains. There are so many creepy dads on the train. They stare at my breasts.”

My sister is now of a certain age.

She has become more feminine in the short time I have not seen her.

There are probably many people who look at her in a sexual way.

I can understand why she doesn’t like trains.

“All right. I’ll drive you.”

“Okarin! Don’t spoil her, she’ll get carried away!”

“……Ha? What’s wrong with being spoiled by my Onii-chan?”

“Everything! Because you two…a-are not related by blood right?”

It wasn’t explicitly stated, but Akari told her so.

I didn’t say it explicitly, but Akari just asked me.

“Yeah. That’s right. Midoriko is the daughter of my father’s second marriage.”

My father’s original wife, my mother, died quite early after giving birth to me.

Some time later, my father remarried.

Midoriko was his stepdaughter.

“……He is not related to me by blood, so what? So you think it’s going to turn out like a romance or a novel? Jerk.”


Akari tried to hit her, but I calmed her down.

“Midoriko, you were out of line. Apologize.”

“…… It’s not my fault. I mean, don’t get too attached to a girl you don’t even like in the morning. Lolicon Onii-chan.”

Midoriko says irritably, her cheeks puffed out.

“Okarin! Get mad at her! She’s been saying rude things all the time!”

“Well, ……, she’s usually like this.”

“Did you grow up …… being abused? Are you a …… m*******t?”

“Definitely not. Midoriko, don’t make a scene in the morning. Akari, I’m sorry. My sister was rude.”

Akari frowned in disapproval, but eventually sighed.

She retreats to the living room and makes breakfast and brings it to me.

“Here’s yours.”

She made toast, salad, coffee, ham and eggs.



“……! You’re so patronizing.”

“Haa? Then you don’t have to eat it at all.”

“…… Onii-chan. I don’t care how good a cook she is, you shouldn’t go out with this nagging old lady.”

“Who’s the old lady♡?”

Akari laughs with a very nice smile.

I know, she is on the verge of exploding.

“L-look, ……, get some food. I’ll drive you there.”

“…… ah, I like to eat rice in the morning.”

“You little…..”

Midoriko quickly ate her breakfast, despite Akari’s anger.

“…… Gosso. It was okay, it was good.”

“Thank you!”

Akari roughly put away the dishes.

“…… Well, Onii-chan.”

“I’ll be back. Akari, I’m going to work as well.”

“Hmm. Okay.”

I head for the door with Midoriko.

“Okarin! You forgot something!”

She came running and handed me a package.

“Here’s your lunch box, ♡ I made it with a lot of love!”

“I see. Thank you.”

I patted Akari’s head.

She smiles happily.

Geshi ……!

“…..What’s the matter, Midoriko?”

“….Don’t be so lovely dovely, die!”

Midoriko sniffed and walked out the door first.

“Thank you Akari. I’m off”

“Hmm♡, have a safe trip”

Akari smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

Chuu ♡.

Akari smiles and waves her hand.

“I’m going to do it every day from now on.”

“A-ah, ……, I’m off.”

I walked out the door …….

There was my sister, glaring at me sullenly.

“……What did you do?”

“No, well, ……”

I can’t say I was kissing her goodbye in the morning.

“Look, I’m going to go turn the car around, just wait a minute.”

I walked to the garage and started the car.

I opened the back seat, put my luggage in it and my sister sat in the passenger seat.

“You should be in the back seat, you know?”

“…… Shut up. Let me out of here.”

Well, I guess it’s up to her where she wants to sit.

I started the car and headed for the Arpico School.

“…… Onii-chan, you know. Do you eat that …… homemade food every morning?”

Midoriko asks me with a curt attitude, fiddling with her phone.


“…… such delicious food every day.”

“That’s right. It’s a big help.”

“…… What is that? She’s not your housekeeper, is she? What are you making her cook for you?”

Midoriko clicks her tongue.

“I’ve been trying to tell her that I’ll cook for her, but she won’t listen. She said cooking is her hobby.”

” ……Haa? That’s an absolute lie. She’s grabbing Onii-chan’s stomach and trying to win you over, that’s for sure.”

I can’t be sure that this is not the case with Akari.

“…… Ah , mou, she is so annoying! Really annoying! Even if I’m with Onii-chan.”

“With me?”

“…… It’s nothing.”

Midoriko turns away.

When I was in junior high school, my sister’s attitude changed drastically.

This is what adolescence is all about, I suppose.

She was also irritated by everything, come to think of it.

“…… Onii-chan, how long are you going to stay with those people?”

Midoriko asked me as we were waiting at a traffic light.

As usual, she never looks away from her phone.

“No, I don’t really think about it.”

“….Ha? That means you’re going to support them for the rest of your life. Funny. That’s my Onii-chan.”

“I’m not lying”

I answer clearly.

They are not slaves.

“Akari and Nanako are my important ……”

“…… important?”

In the past, I would have answered that they were my students.

But not now, for sure.

But I can’t let that be my face.

“……Really. They’re annoying, and so are you Onii-chan.

She took out a Chupa Chups from her skirt and roughly sucked on it.

“You are the ace and captain of the basketball team, right?”

My sister is the captain of a prestigious basketball team.

She is very good at it. She is so good that she got into the school on a sports recommendation.

“…… Shut up. Whose fault is it that you’re thinking of licking it?”

Midoriko chewed on a piece of candy.

She may be stressed out from living with people she is not used to.

Soon after, we arrived in front of the school.

“…… pick me up on the way home.”

“It’ll be 7pm, if that’s okay.”

“…..Hmm. Take care of me”

Midoriko grabbed her luggage and got out of the car.

“Bye, and good luck with your club activities.”



My sister stopped and looked around.

“……, Onii-chan.”

She walks around to the driver’s seat.

She forced me to eat the Chupa Chups she had in her mouth.

“…I’m going♡”

“y-yeah…..If you don’t want it, throw it away.”

“..Shut up. Onii-chan is an idiot idiot♡”

That’s all she said, and Midoriko ran off.

…… I still don’t know what adolescent girls are thinking. ……