Chapter 11

Hunting Legally 

The Escape 11

The devil, this woman must be the devil.

When Zou Yun Fei saw Xin Lan’s smile, the hairs on his back stood up and he felt a sense of dread.

He would die, he really would die.

Zou Yun Fei couldn’t help but step back, displaying a bit of cowardice.

It wasn’t that he wanted to chicken out, he was naturally not defeated, but the pain in his body told him that he would end up very badly if he was beaten again.

How could this happen? How could Xin Lan be so powerful.

It was obvious that before that she was just a girl who only cried and wailed.

Xin Lan put a chair against Zou Yun Fei’s head and thought about where she could start without killing the man.

There was a cracking sound coming from behind, and without thinking, Xin Lan used the chair to slap back while her body swayed, dodging the attack from behind.

“Could be, playing sneak attack?”

Xin Lan turned sideways and saw Chu Lu, who was holding a chair.

Chu Lu put the chair down and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He had a feeling that he was about to receive a severe beating.

Zou Yun Fei’s eyes darkened, originally he wanted Chu Lu to knock Xin Lan unconscious, so that Xin Lan wouldn’t be left to do whatever she wanted, but it turned out that Xin Lan was so alert that she actually dodged before Chu Lu’s attack even landed on her body.

Xin Lan was in the thrill of the fight right now, and she was naturally happy to have someone deliver.

She dropped the chair in her hand, fearing that something might happen later.

One step closer she came, and Chu Lu backed up one step at a time.

“Don’t… sis… can I call you sis… let’s talk about it.”

Chu Lu was laughing harder than he was crying, raw and hopeless.

He couldn’t even beat Zou Yun Fei, so how could he possibly beat Xin Lan? Thinking of that perverse look on Xin Lan’s face just now, beating people to death and still smiling, Chu Lu wanted to cry without tears.

If the heavens could have given him another chance, he would not have lifted that chair.

Xin Lan threw a punch and his ponytail waved in the air.

Chu-Lu couldn’t move, and backed up repeatedly until he hit something on his back and stumbled a little.

Xin Lan seized the opportunity to kick him in the calf, hitting the soft part of Chu Lu’s body as she ached, and Chu Lu was unable to dodge it and simply took it on the chin instead.

The punch grazed Xin Lan’s cheek and Xin Lan grabbed it with her hand and gave it another vicious twist.

Chu Lu let out a miserable scream and dropped half to his knees, his right hand hanging limply down.

“It’s not broken, so don’t scream so loud.”

Xin Lan was startled by Chu Lu’s scream and huffed.

She didn’t need to get her hands dirty, these people would die sooner or later.

There were some who weren’t too guilty, but misfortune had befallen them the moment they were pulled into this game.

Xin Lan turned around and looked at Zou Yun Fei who was sitting very silently on the ground. Zhou Zhou had long been frightened by her brutality, so how could he dare to stop her, and somewhat uneasily moved to the side.

“If it’s only a teammate thing, I admit I can’t beat you, so you can go now, right?”

Zou Yun Fei was upset, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The truth of the matter was that he was being pinned down and beaten by Xin Lan, with no ability to fight back, and if this continued, he would probably be dead.

If Xin Lan wants Shen Shuiyan it will be fine, it’s not like the team can’t change again in the future anyway.

If Xin Lan didn’t get him killed here today, he had to be prepared for his revenge afterwards.

It was the first time in his life that Zou Yun Fei had been so miserable, and this humiliation had been inflicted by someone he had once despised.

But a man can give in and take out, so admitting defeat first won’t matter.

How could Xin Lan not see his reluctance to go, she sneered.

“Who said I was leaving? I beat you before because I wanted to prove that I could beat you, to prove that you were a loser, and you just admitted defeat, so that means you admit it?”

“Xin Lan, don’t go too far!”

“Am I going too far? That’s funny to you, is it the plain truth and still you won’t let it be said?”

Xin Lan mocked lightly, feeling an unparalleled pleasure.

Although it didn’t end well for her, it was still a great time to be a mouthy villain.

Now that she was the protagonist, she could be a snarky one and still live to see these people struggle and die, which was great.

She was starting to like being the protagonist.

“Zou Yun Fei, look at you, you can’t even beat a woman.”

Looking at the scum ex-boyfriend’s green and black face, Xin Lan laughed even more happily.

“We haven’t finished settling our accounts, we just finished settling the matter of changing teammates, what we had before, what you owe me, you haven’t finished paying it back, let’s forget it today, seeing as you can’t get up in this condition, in case I slip up and kill you, wouldn’t there be no more fun behind us.”

Xin Lan clapped her hands and patted the dust on herself.

The original owner’s anger at having her feelings played with and at having her death disregarded was not yet out of Xin Lan’s mind.

The next time she was angry, it would be more than just a beating, and she would take the pieces of his clue.

Zou Yun Fei clenched his fists in anger as he watched Xin Lan’s back as she left.

Xin Lan went out of the boys’ dormitory and saw Shen Shuiyan standing there under a tree not far away.

Maybe it was because the weather was too cold, Shen Shuiyan had a black scarf around her neck, which increasingly set off the whiteness of her skin.

“Why are you here?”

Xin Lan was a little surprised, Shen Shuiyan was obviously waiting for her, but she hadn’t told her that she would be coming to the boys’ dormitory tonight.

“I saw you walking in this direction and knew you should have gone to look for someone.”

Shen Shuiyin was relieved to see that Xin Lan was fine, and was surprised that she had walked out of the boys’ dormitory unharmed, but on second thought, it was not like Xin Lan to be blindly confident and thus reckless.

Although Shen Shuiyan didn’t quite believe that Xin Lan could beat Zou Yun Fei, she had a vague feeling that it could be true.

“Now you’re my teammate.”

“Actually, it’s fine for me to go and talk to him, no need for you to go to such trouble.”

Shen Shuiyan was hesitant at first. Although she was very fond of Xin Lan, she had not completely decided to side with her, she had actually thought of asking Xin Lan to join her and Zou Yun Fei directly, but thought that according to Xin Lan’s character, she must not be willing to do so.

“Even if you talk to him, he’ll still come after me, sooner or later, so it’s better to settle it quickly, and there is more than just a grudge between me and him.”

For Xin Lan, it would be better to beat up early than late, so it would be worthwhile to beat up one more time.

“Come on, let’s go back.”

“Just go back to the dormitory?”

Shen Shuiyan thought Xin Lan would still want to go to the teaching building once more.

“En, go back.”

Xin Lan was covered in sweat from all the activities she had done tonight, she just wanted to go back and take a shower now.

Shen Shuiyan nodded, she had only come to see how Xin Lan was doing, it was good that she was alright.

Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyin walked along the path towards the girls’ dormitory, but after two minutes of walking, she stopped, and so did Shen Shuiyan beside her.

“Something’s not right.” Xin Lan looked around.

“We’ve been gone for two minutes, and I did the math when I came, we shouldn’t still be in this place right now.” Shen Shuiyan said in a deep voice.

“I suspect we may have met the same situation as last time.” Xin Lan recalled that when she had walked into the forbidden range yesterday and returned, the path had been stretched out indefinitely like this.

Zero Nine: Host, indeed it is what you think, the spatial dimension has been elongated again and unidentified spatial fluctuations have been detected, you may enter an alien dimension in a moment.

“But we obviously didn’t do anything this time, this is the range of activity, so why is this happening, is it because girls aren’t allowed on the boys’ side of the dorm?”

If that was the case, then the rules were too perverse, it wasn’t being explicitly stated.

“I don’t know, we should walk to see first, if it’s really what you say, then we definitely can’t turn back, we can only go and see what’s at the end of the road.” Xin Lan said so, and Shen Shuiyan nodded, that was all that could be done.

The stone-paved path was foggy on both sides.

Xin Lan walked for a few minutes before turning back again to find the road behind her also hidden in the mist, too hazy to see.

“There’s light ahead.” Shen Shuiyan looked away, but her tone was not one of elation.

People are always inclined to light, and in darkness or in situations like this, they would be happy to see light, but Shen Shuiyan could not be happy, because the light was not like the dormitory building, and in this weird situation, who knew what the destination would be?

The pair moved forward towards the place where there was light and passed through the door of light.

As expected by the two people, the area behind the light door was not a nice place.

A plain, shabby classroom with two lights on, with desks and chairs still broken and piled up in the corner.

Xin Lan turned around and the light source that had just been there had disappeared.

When Xin Lan came in, there were already three people sitting inside the classroom, looking coldly at her and Shen Shuiyan beside her.

“The place is full, so the game can start, right?” The person who spoke was a teenager in a school uniform, and Xin Lan took a look at it, it wasn’t from the same school as the one on her school uniform.

“What game? We’re not quite sure what’s going on, can we talk about it?” Shen Shuiyan and Xin Lan looked at each other and asked the teenager who had spoken.

Beauties always have privileges, especially when it’s two beauties in front of them, and that teenager’s face eased up a lot.

“I assume you were also pulled into an inexplicable game of 400,” the teenager paused for a moment, seeing Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan nod before continuing, ” All three of us, and not in the same place.”

“Anyone who makes a mistake has to take an extra game here and find their way out to return to the original game.”

“Made a mistake? Such as?”

“Destroying public property, sleeping in class, etc.”

The teenager’s face was hard as he said it, and the other two had expressions of disbelief.

Xin Lan remembered the chair that had smashed on herself and not broken, and was broken by her own smashing on Zou Yun Fei, and glanced apologetically at Shen Shuiyan.

Shen Shuiyan was a little confused.

“I just hit Zou Yun Fei and the chair broke.”

Shen Shuiyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, the amount of information was a bit too much.

What the author has to say:

I”m replacing this today because my hand slipped the other day, so I”m updating early!

I’ll be on the list today, I want to get in line, so feel free to say what’s on your mind [crazy hint]!


hopeless 生无可恋 (shēngwúkěliàn): (Internet slang) nothing left to live for

guilty 罪大恶极 (zuìdà’èjí): guilty of terrible crimes (idiom) / reprehensible

a man can give in and take out 大丈夫能屈能伸 (dàzhàngfunéngqūnéngshēn): A leader can submit or can stand tall as required. / ready to give and take / flexible

disbelief 一言难尽 (yīyánnánjìn): hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly