Chapter 12 

Hunting Legally 

The Escape 12 

The group introduced themselves, apart from Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan, the others were two boys and one girl.

The teenager who spoke first was called Teng Lin, the other boy was called Wang Wen, and the remaining girl was called Zhou Li Min.

Nobody volunteered to say what everyone was here for, it wasn’t necessary.

“Did the rules say anything else?”

Xin Lan asked why Teng Lin was aware of the rules and knew the reason for the game, while she and Shen Shuiyan were confused and had no hints at all.

“It’s not the rules that say that, I concluded it myself.”

“Conclude? You came in more than once?” Xin Lan caught Teng Lin’s use of words and was a little surprised.

“Yeah, I cannot help but sleep in class ah, so I attended twice, today is the third time, every time I come in the scene is different, each time there are five people, you find the exit and you can go out.”

“Is the exit hard to find?” Zhou Li Min asked.

“It depends on luck.” Teng Lin shrugged his shoulders.

“Will there be any reward if we go out of here?”

“Are you out of your mind? It was meant to be a punishment, it’s good to be alive.” Teng Lin choked out, a somewhat intriguing look on his face.

“Cut the crap and hurry up and get started.” Teng Lin got up from his seat and walked towards the classroom door.

“It’s so dark outside.” Zhou Li Min couldn’t help but back away when she saw the dark corridor.

Teng Lin ignored it and went out on his own.

Xin Lan surveyed the classroom once again.

This classroom was small, with four ventilation fans, the doors and windows were closed and there was a faint smell of dust in the air.

There are few good desks and chairs, most of which are damaged, and the broom that has collected dust in the corner shows how long the classroom has been abandoned.

Zero Nine: The Spatial Dimension Map was scanned, a three-story school building, and we were on the first floor.

Xin Lan sniffed and looked at the window.

Looking out of the window, it was a dark and dreary night.

Xin Lan walked in and touched the window.

“There’s no dust.” That was what Shen Shuiyan said, and it was exactly what Xin Lan wanted to say.

How could the windows be so clean when this classroom smelled of dust and there was dust on everything else.

Xin Lan: Can you detect any exit from this building?

Zero Nine: There is one main door with a side entrance, which is on the right side of the ground floor.

“Go out and take a look.” Xin Lan said to Shen Shuiyan, the exit was not likely to be inside this classroom anyway.

The corridor outside was really dark, and unusually oddly black, as if it could swallow one up.

“What’s the point of making such a hassle, if we want to go out, why not just go out through this window directly?” Wang Wen knocked on the window, pushed it open and looked outside.

Outside there was moonlight and you could faintly see the trees underneath.

“This isn’t good, don’t the rules of the game say we have to find the exit?” Zhou Li Min was very hesitant.

“How is this not an exit, wouldn’t it be nice to get out?” Wang Wen turned on his phone’s torch and poked his head out to shine the light downstairs.

“It seems like it’s only the first floor, there’s no problem at all going down from here, are you guys going?” Wang Wen put away his phone and sniffed at the three girls behind him.

Zhou Li Min shook her head, and Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan felt sure that things were not that simple, so they also shook their heads cautiously.

“You girls are just timid, scared of this and that.” Wang Wen rolled his eyes, moved his feet and wrists, and climbed up to the window.

The three watched in silence as he jumped from the upper floor, the first floor should have landed quickly, but Xin Lan didn’t hear the expected loud noise.

Two seconds passed before there was a thud that sent a shock through the ears.

Xin Lan was alarmed and hurriedly looked out towards the window, the sound was not right, jumping from the first floor should not sound like this, nor could it take so few seconds.

But outside it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen but the elongated shadows of the trees, like dappled ghosts.

“Did he have an accident?” Zhou Li Min’s face was white and she didn’t dare to move towards the window.

Shen Shuiyan’s face was not good either, how did she feel that sound so ……… much like jumping from a building?

Shen Shuiyan pressed the torch of her mobile phone and shone it outward to the ground.

There seems to be a figure lying on the ground, which should be the Wang Wen who just jumped down.

“How could this happen?” Xin Lan stared, in theory, falling from the first floor like this should not kill him, at most he would be crippled unless he landed on the back of his head, but according to Wang Wen’s posture, he had clearly landed on his legs first.

Unless this was not the first floor.

The so-called ‘rule’ that can draw them into inter-dimensional space holds the kind of power that can elongate the dimension of space, such as a road that is lengthened, and then a tall building that is extended.

What appears to be the first floor here is actually stretched to the point where it could be the eighth or tenth floor.

That’s why the sound of the landing was heard two seconds late, and the landing was loud.

There is no doubt that the person is definitely dead.

“Let’s shut the window first.” Shen Shuiyan said, and Xin Lan straightened up and let her close the window.

“Go out and have a look.”

The first to go out, Teng Lin, was the most experienced, indicating that the exit should be just outside.

“Can I follow you guys?” Zhou Li Min asked timidly.

“Feel free.”

Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan walked in front of them and out of the classroom.

Shen Shuiyan held up her phone, the gleam of the light from the torch couldn’t reach the end.

She unconsciously pulled on the sleeve of the person beside her, and Xin Lan felt the tug and simply pulled the person’s hand in her hand, feeling Shen Shuiyan’s nervousness.


“Aren’t you afraid?” Shen Shuiyan tightened her grip on the warm, soft hand and asked rhetorically with a sniff.

Xin Lan smiled in the darkness, her eyes obscure.

Shen Shuiyan, however, took her silence as a tacit agreement and could not help but squeeze her hand as a silent comfort to each other.


Xin Lan paused, and Shen Shuiyan followed her footsteps.

“Did you hear anything?”

They were still in the long, dark corridor when Xin Lan heard the sound of water dripping from the tap.

“No.” Shen Shuiyin shook her head.


Xin Lan wasn’t under her delusion; the sound was clear in the quiet of the night.

The air seemed to freeze and Xin Lan continued on, her ears judging the source of the sound.

Zero Nine was frowning in the system space, all she could see was a long corridor that clearly had a border, but as Xin Lan walked, that border was stretched out indefinitely.

Unable to give support to the host, there was nothing she could do.

As she walked, something suddenly occurred to Xin Lan.

“The girl following us, were there no more footsteps?”

Shen Shuiyan’s body shivered at her words, and she turned the torch backwards, and there was nothing but emptiness.

“It’s gone.”

The unknown situation does make one feel bad.

When the hell did Zhou Li Min disappear?

Had she left on her own or had she met something else?

No one could give them the answer.

Suddenly, the only source of light disappeared.

“It seems to be broken.” Shen Shuiyan looked at her phone.

They were standing in a dark corridor, as if they were in a darkness without borders.

There was a wind blowing over, which sent chills all over the body.

“There’s wind, there must be an exit ahead, let’s go.” Xin Lan felt the coldness of the hand she was holding, thinking it was Shen Shuiyan who had been scared.

She dragged the person forward and finally came to the supposed end of what looked like the bathroom.

The light in the ladies’ room suddenly came on, the dim yellow light illuminating the dirty walls.

As Xin Lan prepared to incline her head, she heard Shen Shuiyan’s voice.

“Xin Lan!”

The voice came from the back, and that meant ……

Xin Lan quickly shrugged off the hand she was pulling and couldn’t help but rub against her side.

At this point she also got a good look at the person beside her, or perhaps could not be called a person.

The young girl’s face was cratered and puckered, as if something had chewed it up.

But the familiarity of her face could still be seen in her brow; it was none other than Zhou Li Min, who had met her in the classroom before and then suddenly disappeared after them.

Zhou Li Min smiled at her, looking more and more terrified by that face.

Xin Lan stared at Shen Shuiyan, who had come running from behind.

She had just clearly been holding Shen Shuiyan’s hand without letting go, when did the person beside her, change from a human being to a ghost?

Shen Shuiyan was a little out of breath and walked to Xin Lan’s side.

“Just now when the lights went out, you suddenly disappeared next to me, and I saw you appear in front of me with a person holding your hand, I called out loudly to you, but you didn’t hear me, so I had to follow after you.”

And it was a tiring chase, Shen Shuiyan almost ran the whole way, because for some reason, the person in front of her moved so fast that she could only keep running before she could see Xin Lan’s back.

Xin Lan’s mind was in a bit of disarray as she looked warily at the female ghost, surrounded by the lighted ladies’ room that she didn’t know if she could get into, the corridor was still dark, she couldn’t even see where the stairs were, and the female ghost was just a few steps away from them.

Almost the next instant, Zhou Li Min lunged at Xin Lan.

Xin Lan subconsciously raised her foot to kick out the lunging object, and the female ghost crashed into the wall with a ‘thud’ crash.

Shen Shuiyan, who witnessed it all: ………

Zhou Li Min let out a sharp whine that stung like a headache.

Her head slammed against the wall, blood dripping out and smeared across her gnawed face, and her eyes, almost all white, glared at Xin Lan.

Xin Lan met her gaze openly and clenched her knuckles.

Zhou Li Min soon pounced again, only this time she took a detour halfway and nipped at Shen Shuiyan.

Shen Shuiyan leaned back to avoid her claws and Xin Lan saw the opportunity to kick her in the stomach.

The space was limited and the ghost kept closing in. Just because Xin Lan could fight didn’t mean she wanted to be caught by the ghost, and she didn’t have any weapons at hand.

“She’s making us go into the toilet.” Shen Shuiyan could see the signs and shouted out as she was pulled from side to side by Xin Lan to dodge.

The place illuminated by the dim light seemed safe, but no one dared to venture inside.

The female ghost was thrown against the wall and was gone in an instant.

Shen Shuiyan looked up with a feeling and saw the female ghost ready to pounce down from the ceiling. Her pupils dilated and she subconsciously pushed Xin Lan to safety, while she herself was pounced on by the female ghost.